dheera / rosboard

ROS node that turns your robot into a web server to visualize ROS topics
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[Feature request] Add the option to change the QoS of a topic #93

Open charlielito opened 2 years ago

charlielito commented 2 years ago

When QoS doesn't match, nothing is received. For that an option to set up the QoS of the topic like in rviz2 would be very helful. For example for OccupancyGrid topics for static maps, normally the QoS is Durability: TRANSIENT_LOCAL, which currently doesn't work with rosboard.

dheera commented 2 years ago

@charlielito :Would here be any major issues if we set the policy to all topics as TRANSIENT_LOCAL by default, before such a selection exists?

Actually I wasn't even able to get TRANSIENT_LOCATION working properly even with publisher and subscriber matching:


charlielito commented 2 years ago

I don't think that would be a proper solution, since most of topics are VOLATILE. According to this link, VOLATILE publishers are not compatible with TRANSIENT_LOCAL subscriptions.

In my case, I've been working with ROS2 foxy and galactic and it does work TRANSIENT_LOCAL publisher and subscribers.

dheera commented 1 year ago

Hi folks, Sorry I haven't been active on this for a while due to a new job. Let me look into this issue and try to reproduce all the combinations of QoS to see what works.

charlielito commented 1 year ago

Hi folks, Sorry I haven't been active on this for a while due to a new job. Let me look into this issue and try to reproduce all the combinations of QoS to see what works.

This is already addressed in #104