dheera / rosboard

ROS node that turns your robot into a web server to visualize ROS topics
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ROS node that runs a web server on your robot. Run the node, point your web browser at http://your-robot-ip:8888/ and you get nice visualizations.

ROS1/ROS2 compatible. This package will work in either ROS version.

Mobile friendly. Designed so you can walk around next to your robot with a phone while viewing ROS topics.

Light weight. Doesn't depending on much. Consumes extremely little resources when it's not actually being used.

Easily extensible. Easily code a visualization for a custom type by only adding only one .js file here and referncing it inside the top of index.js.

You can run it on your desktop too and play a ROS bag.

Also be sure to check out my terminal visualization tool, ROSshow.



sudo pip3 install tornado
sudo pip3 install simplejpeg  # recommended, but ROSboard can fall back to cv2 or PIL instead

If you intend to use this with melodic or earlier, you also need rospkg to allow python3 ROS1 nodes to work.

sudo pip3 install rospkg      # required for melodic and earlier distros

Running it the easy way (without installing it into a workspace)

source /opt/ros/YOUR_ROS1_OR_ROS2_DISTRO/setup.bash

Point your web browser at http://localhost:8888 (or replace localhost with your robot's IP) and you're good to go.

Installing it as a ROS package

This ROS package should work in either ROS1 or ROS2. Simply drop it into your catkin_ws/src/ or colcon_ws/src/ and it should just work.

For ROS 1, run it with rosrun rosboard rosboard_node or put it in your launch file.

For ROS 2, run it with ros2 run rosboard rosboard_node or put it in your launch file.


How do I write a visualizer for a custom type?

Just add a new viewer class that inherits from Viewer, following the examples of the default viewers. Then add it to the imports at the top of index.js and you're done.

How does this work in both ROS1 and ROS2?

I make use of rospy2, a shim library I wrote that behaves like ROS1's rospy but speaks ROS2 to the system, communicating with rclpy in the background. This allows using the same ros node code for both ROS1 and ROS2, and only needs slight differences in the package metadata files (package.xml and CMakeLists.txt, hence the configure scripts). It does mean that everything is written in ROS1 style, but it ensures compatibility with both ROS1 and ROS2 without having to maintain multiple branches or repos.

Why don't you use rosbridge-suite or Robot Web Tools?

They are a great project, I initially used it, but moved away from it in favor of a custom Tornado-based websocket bridge, for a few reasons:


This project makes use of a number of open-source libraries which the author is extremely grateful of.