dhhiep / fshare_tool

Fshare Tool is an utility for get direct link download/play upstream video (via VLC).
MIT License
19 stars 1 forks source link

Fshare Tool

Fshare Tool is a utility designed to help you with the following tasks:

  1. Download files directly from Fshare or non-Fshare pages.
  2. Play upstream movies (via VLC) without needing to sign in.
  3. Play or download files directly from Fshare folders.
  4. View download activities (history) and get direct links, and play videos.
  5. Support resume playback of previously played videos.

Get Fshare API Keys

To obtain Fshare API keys, follow these steps:

  1. Go to https://www.fshare.vn/api-doc
  2. Click Lấy App Key and provide your information. FSHARE_APP_KEY and FSHARE_USER_AGENT will be sent to your email address.

Setup Server

Via Docker

touch ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf # create config file if file config does not existed
docker run -d --name fshare_tool \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  -p 7777:3000 \
  -v ~/fshare_tool_dbs:/var/workspace/db/sqlite_dbs \
  -v ./log:/var/workspace/log \
  -v ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf:/var/workspace/.config/rclone/rclone.conf \
  -e VLC_RC_HOST=host.docker.internal \
  -e VLC_RC_PORT=7654 \


  1. Because windows does not recognize symbol "\" so we need using one line for command docker run:

    docker run -d --name fshare_tool --restart unless-stopped -p 7777:3000 -v ~/fshare_tool_dbs:/var/workspace/db/sqlite_dbs -v ./log:/var/workspace/log -v ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf:/var/workspace/.config/rclone/rclone.conf -e VLC_RC_HOST=host.docker.internal -e VLC_RC_PORT=7654 -e FSHARE_USER_EMAIL=REPLACE_YOUR_KEY@gmail.com -e FSHARE_PASSWORD=REPLACE_YOUR_KEY -e FSHARE_APP_KEY=REPLACE_YOUR_KEY -e FSHARE_USER_AGENT=REPLACE_YOUR_KEY hoanghiepitvnn/fshare_tool:latest
  2. For support NAS Synology run on docker you switch to tag :nas instead of :latest

    docker run -d --name fshare_tool \
    --restart unless-stopped \
    -p 7777:3000 \
    -v ~/fshare_tool_dbs:/var/workspace/db/sqlite_dbs \
    -v ./log:/var/workspace/log \
    -v ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf:/var/workspace/.config/rclone/rclone.conf \
    -e VLC_RC_HOST=host.docker.internal \
    -e VLC_RC_PORT=7654 \

Check server is ready or not, please run command below

curl 'http://localhost:7777/api/v1/health-check'

=> {"message":"Welcome to Fshare Tool"}%

Setup Chrome Extension

  1. Go to chrome://extensions/
  2. Enable Developer mode (at right top corner).
  3. Click Load unpacked browse to [fshare_tool cloned]/browser_extensions/chrome.
  4. Click to Fshare Tool Extension Icon to open popup configuration section 1 (image config-popup).
  5. Input your server address at section 2 (image config-popup).

Enable VLC Telnet Remote Control

  1. Open VLC Preferences
  2. At Tab Interface click Show All
  3. Choose Interface > Main Interfaces and check on:
    1. Remote Control Interface
    2. Lua Interpreter
    3. Telnet
  4. At Interface > Main Interfaces > Lua, set field Lua CLI > TCP command input is :7654 (your port)
  5. Restart VLC vlc_lua_interface_config


I. Fshare Folder

  1. Goto Fshare Folder page (For example: https://www.fshare.vn/folder/26CZMYLU8CN2).
  2. Waiting for processed section display. fshare-folder-processed-list
  3. Actions:
    1. Click on folder: Expand folder.
    2. Double click on line item is:
      1. Expand if line item is folder.
      2. Play in VLC if line item is video (For example: MP4, AVI, MKV).
      3. Add to VLC (playing) if line item is subtitle (For example: SRT, SSA, SUB).
      4. Download if line item is other (For example: ISO, RAR, ZIP).
    3. Right click on line item fshare-folder-context-menu
    4. Click buttons in column Actions fshare-folder-column-actions

II. Fshare File

  1. Goto Fshare File page. For example: https://www.fshare.vn/file/T3Q59LYOCEMQGVR.
  2. Waiting for popup display. fshare-file-popup
  3. Actions:
    1. Download.
    2. Play in VLC.
    3. Copy Direct Link: Direct Link will copy to clipboard.

III. Non-Fshare page

  1. Goto site contain fshare link (For example: https://maclife.vn/bo-cai-macos-monterey-12-cac-phien-ban.html).
  2. Hover on fshare url non-fshare-page-hover-fshare-url

IV. Activities (History)

  1. Open Fshare Tool Extension - Configuration popup. Click on Activities fshare-config-activities
  2. Activities page activities-page

IV. Playbacks

  1. Open Fshare Tool Extension - Configuration popup. Click on Playbacks fshare-config-playbacks
  2. Playbacks page playbacks-page


Fshare Tool is licensed under the MIT license.

See LICENSE for the full license text.