dhowe / RiTranslate

A translation API for RiTa
2 stars 3 forks source link

RiTranslate: open-source translation for computational writing

npm version

A set of new translation features for the RiTa toolkit, allowing users to do programmatic, real-time translation from within RiTa-based works.


With Processing

  1. If needed, download and install Processing.
  2. Download and unzip RiTranslate.zip to the "libraries" folder inside your Processing sketchbook (detailed instructions here).
  3. Restart Processing, then create a test sketch as follows:
    import rita.translate.*;

void setup() {

GoogleTranslate googleTranslate = new GoogleTranslate();

// language code reference: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_language_codes.asp String translation = googleTranslate.translate("cat", "en", "zh-Hant");

fill(0); textAlign(CENTER); text(translation, width/2, height/2); }

### With Eclipse and Maven

1. Download and install [Eclipse](https://eclipse.org/downloads/)
2. Import RiTranslate, in Eclipse File > Import.. > Git > Projects from Git > Clone URI > URI : https://github.com/dhowe/RiTranslate.git 
3. Note: depending on your language, you may need to set your Eclipse editor to use the UTF8 character set: Window > Preferences > General > Workspace :: Text file encoding
4. To run the tests, navigate to src/test/java/GoogleTranslateTest.java in the package-explorer, then right-click and select  Run As > JUnit Test



Sponsored in part by a [Teaching Development Grant](http://www.cityu.edu.hk/edge/grant/tdg/) from the City University of Hong Kong.