dhoxie / POS-2

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PoS^2 is a point-of-sale system for car garages.

Kayla Lambert
Daylyn Hoxie
Spencer Curley
Luke Mattfeld

Project Structure

How to Build & Run

This project uses Maven to keep track of dependencies and for building. Make sure you have this installed, as well as JDK 11+ before starting. To run the tests and compile a runnable .jar file, run from the possq directory:

mvn clean package

Then, to run the compiled jar, run:

java -jar ./target/possq-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Guidelines for reporting issues

Guidelines for branch creation

New branches should be created with the following name format:


Where <group_tag> is as defined below, <issue_num> is the issue number associated with this branch, and <name> is the concise, descriptive title for the branch.

Groups: Group tag Description
doc documentation
test testing
new new feature
fix bug or issue fix
wip work in progress
junk experimentation

Example: For issue 42 "Add testing to data classes", an appropriate branch name would be
