dhrrgn / codeigniter-uhoh

A port of the Kohana v3 Error Handler for CodeIgniter.
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CodeIgniter UhOh!

This project is archived and unmaintained

Version: 1.5

UhOh is an extension on CI_Extensions that provides awesome error messages with full backtraces and a view of the line with the error.

It catches all errors including:

It also outputs full backtraces for all CodeIgniter system errors. No more "Where is it trying to load that view?", it will show you the line that called it and the surrounding lines.


Author ("porter"): "Dan Horrigan":http://dhorrigan.com

UhOh! is based on Kohana v3's error handling. The file contains some code from the Kohana project. "Kohana License":http://kohanaframework.org/license


  1. Copy the hooks/uhoh.php file into your hooks directory
  2. Copy the contents of the config/hooks.php file into your hooks config.
  3. Enable hooks in your config file.
  4. Copy the libraries/MY_Exceptions.php file to your application/libraries folder.*
  5. Copy errors/error_php_custom.php to your application/errors folder.
  6. Copy errors/error_general.php to your application/errors folder.

_If your are using CodeIgniter 2.0 you must copy the MYExceptions.php file to application/core, instead of libraries.

Thats it...to see what it looks like, just intentionally cause an error in your app.

Production Mode

You probably don't want to show the detiailed errors on your production server. In MY_Exceptions.php on line 6, simply change IN_PRODUCTION to TRUE to disable UhOh!








Initial Release