What's Geekometer?
Geekometer is an add-on to help the user practice questions on Geeksforgeeks more efficiently. Geeksforgeeks, having an excellent question corpus for coding interview preparation, has a huge bunch of question links which might make it difficult for some users to track the topics they have done and prioritize topics. Geekometer helps to keep this track wherein a user can mark topics as "Done", "Prioritize" - based on different color schemes and "Prioritize and mark done"!
How to install?
1. Open your google chrome
2. go to setting and select extensions
3. select get more extensions
4. search for geekometer
5. Install it
How to use Geekometer?
Its fairly simple!
First look at the original geeksforgeeks interface - No organised questions! Now go to a question link. Done with the question? Mark is as "Done"!. Want to rank it or prioritize for solving later? Set the "Priority level" - use and color from available three color scheme!
Get it on Chrome Web Store
<img alt= "Get it on Chrome Web Store" src="https://developer.chrome.com/webstore/images/ChromeWebStore_BadgeWBorder_v2_340x96.png"