dhruvgairola / bigData-coursera

Web Intelligence and Big Data, Gautam Shroff, IIT Delhi
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HW3- MapReduce Instructions :

Python 3 is required. You don't need to download mincemeat. If you download mincemeat from the website and use that instead, you might find syntax errors :

e.g., example.py contains print result, which you can change to print(result) e.g., mincemeat.py contains import cPickle as pickle, which you can change to import pickle

To start the server : % cd /Workspace/PythonMapReduce/src % python coursera_hw3.py

To start the client : % python mincemeat.py -p changeme localhost

Note that the output will be printed to the terminal. To print output to a file, start the server with : % python coursera_hw3.py > file.txt

Misc :

hw3/res/hw3_instr.txt are the instructions for hw3 hw3/res/hw3_qn.txt are the questions for hw3, with my answer provided hw3/res/hw3_out.txt is the output file produced by the map reduce operation