dialogflow / dialogflow-cordova-client

Cordova library for Dialogflow
Apache License 2.0
42 stars 23 forks source link

DEPRECATED api-ai-cordova

This Dialogflow client library and Dialogflow API V1 have been deprecated and will be shut down on October 23th, 2019. Please migrate to Dialogflow API V2.

Build Status

Plugin makes it easy to integrate your Cordova application with api.ai natural language processing service. This plugin supports Android and iOS mobile operation systems.

Project on Github https://github.com/api-ai/api-ai-cordova
Page in NPM https://www.npmjs.com/package/cordova-plugin-apiai
Github issues https://github.com/api-ai/api-ai-cordova/issues
Demo application sources https://github.com/api-ai/api-ai-cordova-sample



Add to your index.js file (typically in js folder) in function onDeviceReady following code

            clientAccessToken: "YOUR_CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN", // insert your client access key here
            lang: "en" // set lang tag from list of supported languages
        function(result) { /* success processing */ },
        function(error) { /* error processing */ }

Add to your page with mic button function to make voice requests:

function sendVoice() {
    try {     
        {}, // empty for simple requests, some optional parameters can be here
        function (response) {
            // place your result processing here
        function (error) {
            // place your error processing here
    } catch (e) {

If you want to create voice level visualization use function levelMeterCallback to set callback for processing soundLevel:

ApiAIPlugin.levelMeterCallback(function(level) {
   // add visualization code here

If you want to handle start and stop listening events, add appropriate handlers:

ApiAIPlugin.setListeningStartCallback(function () {
    console.log("listening started");

ApiAIPlugin.setListeningFinishCallback(function () {
    console.log("listening stopped");

Please note, that handlers must be added before ApiAIPlugin.requestVoice call, like here:

function sendVoice() {
    try {    

      // !!!
      ApiAIPlugin.levelMeterCallback(function(level) {


Then add call sendVoice function from your button's onclick:

<div onclick="sendVoice();">Mic</div>

If you want make text requests add the following code:

function sendText(query_text) {
    try {
                query: query_text
            function (response) {
                // place your result processing here
            function (error) {
                // place your error processing here
    } catch (e) {

Also you can use function to cancel current api.ai request:



// Initialize plugin
//  options - JSON object - `{
//                              clientAccessToken: "your_access_token",
//                              lang: "one_of_supported_languages"
//                           }`
//  success - Function (optional) - callback for initialization success: function () {}
//  error - Function (optional) - callback for initialization error: function (error) {}
ApiAIPlugin.init(options, success, error)

// Start listening, then make voice request to api.ai service
//  options - JSON object - voice request options (reserved for future use)
//  success - Function (optional) - callback for request success `function (response) {}` where response is Object 
//  error - Function (optional) - callback for request error `function (error) {}` where error is String
ApiAIPlugin.requestVoice(options, success, error)

// Make text request to api.ai service
//  options - JSON object - `{ query: "queryText" }`
//  success - Function (optional) - callback for request success `function (response) {}` where response is Object 
//  error - Function (optional) - callback for request error `function (error) {}` where error is String
ApiAIPlugin.requestText(options, success, error)

// Set callback for sound level. Need to call only once after initialization
//  callback - Function - function must be `function(level) { }`, level is float value from 0 to 1

// Cancel all pending requests

// Stop current listening process and send request to server

// Set callback for listening started event
//  callback - Function - must be simple function without arguments: function () {} 

// Set callback for listening finished callback
//  callback - Function - must be simple function without arguments: function () {}

// Set callback for getting partial recognition results (Available only on Android platform!)
// callback - Function - must be `function(str) { }` with string argument
// You can get the json array of strings with partial recognition results

Request Options

The options parameter may contains following fields:

For many samples see tests

Supported Languages

Promise-Based Wrapper

The promise-based wrapper was added for ease of use and better interoperability with other JavaScript code. Wrapper implemented using the Q library. You can use the wrapper through ApiAIPromises module. For example:

    query: "Hello"
.then(function (response) {
    // some response processing
.fail(function (error) {
    // some error processing

More samples you can find in the tests module.




Your use of this sample is subject to, and by using or downloading the sample files you agree to comply with, the Google APIs Terms of Service.

This is not an official Google product.