dianezhou96 / lululedger

SFIT Lululemon fundraising order platform
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Lululedger is a platform for SFIT Lululemon fundraising orders.

Getting Started

config.ts must be placed in src/server/ with the following:

export const API_URI="your_api_uri"
export const API_TOKEN="bearer your_API_token"

TODO: Add a config.ts.example (there are some additional parameters now).

Run npm start to compile source and start server.


It's preferred to run both watch and watch_server above for typical development


Deploy code

  1. On GitHub: Create a new release.
  2. Ssh into your server.
  3. Get the code for the latest release tag, then run npm run build_prod.
  4. Restart the server.

Update data


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.