📗 Table of Contents
👥 Authors
📝 Credit
📝 License
The [Space-travelers project]() is a Mission planning application that allows users to plan missions and rockets. Users can display a list of missions and rockets, reserve and cancel reservation. The project uses reducers and actions, Redux in React components and makes API calls to external APIs.
The following technologies has been used in developping this project.
client: React, Redux, React-Redux, Redux Toolkit, HTML, CSS and Javascript.
key features are the following main projects:
Project-feature1: Create a new React application
Project-feature2: Initialize project with components (React only)
Project-feature3: use reducers and actions and Use Redux in React components.
Project-feature4: Fetch data from an external API
Project-feature5: Create a full website
Project-feature6: Test react application
Project-feature7: Application deploy
You can access the Space-travelers at this link below.
coming soon
Clone this repository to your desired folder:
git clone https://github.com/diarisdiakite/space-travelers/
In order to run the projects on this project you need: Have some knowledge of React, Redux, Javascript, HTML and CSS Be familiar with git commands Basics understanding of Linters, webpack, and NPM.
Install the project with: npm
git clone https://github.com/diarisdiakite/space-travelers/
To run the Space-travelers application, execute the following command: Open the project in code editor and run the project using npm start.
To run tests, run the following command: Open the project in code editor and run the tests using npm test.
You can deploy the Space-travelers application using: google cloud, Microsoft Azure, Netlify by giving credit on usign our template or contricute via pull requests (read more in the contributing section).
👤 Didy
GitHub: @diarisd
Twitter: @diarisdiakite
LinkedIn: @diariatou-diakite
👤 Bruno
GitHub: @kambereBr
Twitter: @kambereBr
LinkedIn: bruno kambere
Upcoming features will include:
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Please check the issues page.
If you like the [Space-travelers]() you can support our work. Visit other links Didy personal page and Bruno personal page.
We would like to thank the Microverse community to inspire and encourage everyday programmers and aspiring programmers.
Here are the most common questions about this project.
Can we use the application as an organization
Yes! Make sure you give us credit of the application.
Where can we reach out to you ?
You can reach out to us team by email diarisdiakite@gmail.com and brunokambere@gmail.com.
this application was build by Didy and Bruno, proudly developed in Microverse program.
This project is MIT licensed.