The following installation instructions are based on Docs 2.9.2: Installing CKAN with Docker Compose and ckanext-dcat. The installation will run five Docker containers: CKAN, PostgreSQL, Redis, Solr and CKAN Datapusher.
Note: A HTTPS configuration is not integrated in this setup.
The docker people used a cloud based VM with 16 GB storage. They mounted a 100 GB btrfs-formatted external storage volume and symlinked /var/lib/docker to the external volume.
Install Docker and Docker Compose on your system.
Get the DICE CKAN source files:
git clone
cd dice-ckan
git checkout dice-ckan-2.9.2
Create the configuration file .env:
cp contrib/docker/.env.dice.template contrib/docker/.env
Build and start Docker:
cd contrib/docker
docker-compose up -d --build
Note: On first runs, the postgres container could need longer to initialize the database cluster than the ckan container will wait for. This time span depends heavily on available system resources. If the CKAN logs show problems connecting to the database, restart the ckan container a few times:
docker-compose restart ckan
docker ps | grep ckan
docker-compose logs -f ckan
There should be 5 containers (CKAN, PostgreSQL, Redis, Solr, CKAN Datapusher) running and 4 volumes (docker_ckan_config, docker_ckan_home, docker_ckan_storage, docker_pg_data) avilable. (See the original docs for details.)
Access your running instance at CKAN_SITE_URL (e.g. localhost:5000 or
Execute the built-in setup script:
docker exec ckan /usr/local/bin/ckan -c /etc/ckan/production.ini datastore set-permissions | docker exec -i db psql -U ckan
(Note: this is a fixed command, as from CKAN 2.9 onwards, the paster command has been replaced with the ckan command)
Add datastore datapusher to ckan.plugins and enable the datapusher option ckan.datapusher.formats:
docker exec -u 0 -it ckan bash # as root
apt-get update ; apt-get install nano
nano /etc/ckan/production.ini
ckan.plugins = [...] datastore datapusher
ckan.datapusher.formats = [...]
Check if the datastore API returns content, e.g. at localhost:5000 or
You will be asked if you want to create a new user and for the related password to set.
E-Mail values can be
docker exec -it ckan /usr/local/bin/ckan -c /etc/ckan/production.ini user setpass default
docker exec -it ckan /usr/local/bin/ckan -c /etc/ckan/production.ini user add dice
Not integrated now. Can be added later, see docs.
Install unzip:
docker exec -u 0 -it ckan bash # as root
apt-get install unzip
Install the extension:
docker exec -it ckan bash
source $CKAN_VENV/bin/activate && cd $CKAN_VENV/src/
cd ckanext-dcat-1.1.1/
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install
Add the extension to CKAN plugins:
docker exec -it ckan nano /etc/ckan/production.ini
ckan.plugins = [...] dcat dcat_json_interface structured_data
Check if the catalog is available, e.g. at localhost:5000/catalog.ttl or
Install the extension:
docker exec -it ckan bash
source $CKAN_VENV/bin/activate && cd $CKAN_VENV/src/
wget -O
cd dice-ckanext-master/
python install
Add the extension to CKAN plugins:
docker exec -it ckan nano /etc/ckan/production.ini
ckan.plugins = [...] dice
Check if the field Publisher URI is displayed on creating a new dataset, e.g. at localhost:5000/dataset/new or
Edit the configuration file (docs) via:
docker exec -it ckan nano /etc/ckan/production.ini
## Authorization Settings
ckan.auth.user_delete_groups = false
ckan.auth.user_delete_organizations = false
ckan.auth.create_user_via_web = false
ckan.auth.public_user_details = false
## Front-End Settings
ckan.site_title = DICE datasets
ckan.favicon = /base/images/dice-favicon.png
licenses_group_url =
## Internationalisation Settings
ckan.locale_order = en de es fr it pl nl ru pt_BR ja cs_CZ ca el sv sr fi sr@latin no sk bg ko_KR hu sa sl lv
## Storage Settings
ckan.max_resource_size = 0
The main installation is complete. Additional configuration can be set afterwards in the Web interface. There are some prepared default settings.
This repository was forked from ckan/ckan.
To be able to keep the repositories in sync, to provide this readme file and not to end up in merge conflicts, the additional branch dice was created and set as default branch.
When this repository was created, the latest CKAN version was release 2.9.2 (commit 1b6d917). That version was used to create branch dice-ckan-2.9.2. You can compare the changes.