dice-group / gerbil

GERBIL - General Entity annotatoR Benchmark
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
218 stars 57 forks source link
benchmarking benchmarking-framework entity-annotation entity-linking named-entity-recognition


General Entity Annotator Benchmark

Java CI with Maven Project Stats Codacy Badge

General Information

This project is a benchmarking platform for entity annotation and disambiguation tools. It also has been extended for Question Answering (see QuestionAnswering branch).

For further information, please take a look into the wiki or visit the project home page.

How to cite

If you are using GERBIL for your research, we would be happy to be cited.

For the Knowledge Extraction GERBIL, please cite the journal paper "GERBIL–Benchmarking Named Entity Recognition and Linking Consistently"

For the Question Answering GERBIL, please cite the journal paper "Benchmarking Question Answering Systems"

Other papers, like the WWW paper can be found at: http://aksw.org/Projects/GERBIL.html