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All code in this repository is licensed under LGPL3, if not explicitly stated otherwise.
Note: There is currently a lot of heavy experimenting going on in this repository, so it is not stable. Some of the information is not updated. Once the repository contents starts to stabilize, I will try to update the information texts.
This repository contains a collection of Dragonfly Python-scripts, that can be used with Dragon NaturallySpeaking Professional.
Natlink is an extension to Dragon NaturallySpeaking to allow scripting beyond the Visual Basic Scripts that the speech recognition program normally supports.
I recommend avoiding 64-bit on any of the packages you install, including Python. Also avoid 64-bit Java, on any applications you want to use when running Dragon naturally speaking. I have experienced problems with Dragon NaturallySpeaking when it comes to 64-bit. Particularly with Eclipse. The problems was caused by the Java virtual machine, that was in 64-bit. The most annoying problem I had, double typing of the first character or loss of the first character, was fixed by installing the Java virtual machine 32-bit version instead.
NOTE: If you have multiple Python versions, make sure you install all packages into the correct python version.
.This site, Unimacro, has a lot of information on the installation and configuration of Natlink. The site is mostly focused on Unimacro and Vocola 2.
You can get Natlink here: Natlink repository
Once Natlink is installed, two configuration utilities will show up in the start menu. One is a command line tool, the other is a GUI tool.
On my windows XP 32-bit machine, when I was following the instructions from the Unimacro site, when I started the "Configure Natlink Via GUI" program, I got several warning messages. However, restarting Dragon NaturallySpeaking (or perhaps just reloading Natlink), then running the configuration program again, solved that issue. I have seen the GUI configuration tool freeze completely on Windows 7 64-bit, but the command line tool worked fine.
Python library site: Dragonfly
I used the dragonfly-0.6.5.win32.exe
Dragonfly’s installer will install the library in your Python’s local site-packages directory under the dragonfly subdirectory.
NOTE: If you have multiple Python versions, make sure you install all packages into the correct python version.