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Learn OOP with Perl #19

Closed cybersiddhu closed 10 years ago

cybersiddhu commented 10 years ago


biodavidjm commented 10 years ago

In order to learn OOP in Perl, I will export my itunes music database available through a XML file to a PostgreSQL database. The task will be broken in the following units:

1) Class XML_parser: it should take any XML file, parse it, and extract all the music information contained in the xml file. It should be design in a OO way, with the idea to be extended to any xml file from any music library provider.

2) Classes for music elements. I will create classes that will be able to extract the data from the XML_parser and be sent to the database. I will create the classes Band, Album, Song, Fan and Show, with all the required methods to manipulate the data.

3) Insert the data in the database by using DBI, which will allow the insertion the data in any data management system (PostgreSQL, oracle,...)

I'll work on 1) and 2) simultaneously. I also need to create a folder with this project's code somewhere in this project.

biodavidjm commented 10 years ago

2) Classes for music elements. Tasks

cybersiddhu commented 10 years ago

Here is an example that might help https://gist.github.com/cybersiddhu/66f08564932973e55bc9 It shows

biodavidjm commented 10 years ago

The Perl Moose classes and unit test is available at the music_database project.