dictyBase / Migration

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Importing dsc data #55

Open cybersiddhu opened 8 years ago

cybersiddhu commented 8 years ago


cybersiddhu commented 8 years ago
DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_execute(): DBI Exception: DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "stock_pub_c1"
DETAIL:  Key (stock_id, pub_id)=(59487, 9181) already exists. [for Statement "INSERT INTO stock_pub ( pub_id, stock_id) VALUES ( ?, ? ) RETURNING stock_pub_id" with ParamValues: 1='9181', 2='59487'] at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.20.3/Modware/Import/Stock/StrainImporter.pm line 240


cybersiddhu commented 8 years ago

[05-20-2016 09:44:53] INFO > StrainImporter.pm:23 - Importing data from /dsc/strain_strain.tsv [05-20-2016 09:45:08] INFO > StrainImporter.pm:70 - Imported 6125 strain entries. Missed 0 entries [05-20-2016 09:45:08] INFO > StrainImporter.pm:81 - Importing data from /dsc/strain_props.tsv [05-20-2016 09:45:35] INFO > StrainImporter.pm:122 - Imported 15266 strain property entries. Missed 0 entries

cybersiddhu commented 8 years ago

The import process seems to be failing because of embedded HTML in the data. It's causing the csv parser to throw up. Those HTML has to be taken care of and has to be converted to other markup like mediawiki.

cybersiddhu commented 8 years ago

Get a list of failing entries for the parental strains with no DBS ids. strain_no_parent.txt @pfey03

cybersiddhu commented 5 years ago
cybersiddhu commented 5 years ago