dictyBase / Migration

Entrypoint for dictybase overhaul project
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GO display 2: separate IEAs from manual annotations on Gene Summary page #8

Closed pfey03 closed 5 years ago

pfey03 commented 10 years ago

When there are a lot of GO annotations, especially for conserved genes, there are too many annotations bunched together and in no sense making order. Often there are IEAs for exactly the same terms that we have already as IDA or such. http://dictybase.org/gene/p2xA SGD separates them, and even finer as they also mark 'high throughput', which we don't have. They show only manual annotations on the gene summary, and all annotations including IEAs on the GO page/tab http://www.yeastgenome.org/cgi-bin/locus.fpl?locus=S000000011 http://www.yeastgenome.org/cgi-bin/locus.fpl?locus=S000000011/go

We don't have such deep annotations in Dicty, so we wouldn't have any annotations for some if we don't show IEAs on Summary page. But I like their one annotation per line and bullet point organization. Much easier to see the annotations. I can probably come up with a mock-up at some point, but comments from others appreciated.

pfey03 commented 10 years ago

Zfin shows just one term on summary and without Evidence code, but says in a link how many annotations there are and on GO page with evidence code. They have manual annotations on summary if available, how they choose, maybe alphabetical I don't know. http://zfin.org/action/marker/view/ZDB-GENE-090313-229 http://zfin.org/action/marker/view/ZDB-GENE-041014-276

Flybase doesn't seem to show IEAs on their gene page. They distinguish between Experimental Evidence and Predictions and Assertions. http://flybase.org/reports/FBgn0004389.html http://flybase.org/reports/FBgn0264695.html

erichartline commented 5 years ago

I believe this can be closed now since we have decided to only show most recent annotations on the gene summary page. Feel free to reopen if I'm misinterpreting.

pfey03 commented 5 years ago

we should have an algorithm that shows EXP if available, Manual next and Automatic last up to 5 most recent in that order. Need to see if there is an issue about it, there should be

pfey03 commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/dictyBase/Migration/issues/111 also closed already. Is algorithm to sort EXP>Man>Auto in place?

erichartline commented 5 years ago

Yes - that logic is already on testdb

pfey03 commented 5 years ago

OK then I close this one again, thanks!