die-offene-gesellschaft / platform

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Die offene Gesellschaft

This is the Ruby on Rails app powering the website of 'Die offene Gesellschaft'.

Getting started


Install Ruby in correct version.

rvm install ruby-2.3.1
rvm use ruby-2.3.1

Install gems.

bundle install


Create a new MySQL dump.

ssh offenge@offenege.kochab.uberspace.de
timestamp=`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S`
mysqldump offenege > offenege-"$timestamp".sql
cp "offenege-$timestamp".sql latest.sql

Copy the dump to your local machine.

rsync -vP offenge@offenege.kochab.uberspace.de:~/latest.sql ./

Drop local database and read in dump.

rails db:drop
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
mysql -u offenege -p offenege < latest.sql

Paperclip attachments

Copy all Paperclip attachements to your local machine.

rsync -rvP offenge@offenege.kochab.uberspace.de:~/offene-gesellschaft/public/system ./public/


Start the server components.

foreman start

Open a Rails console and create an initial admin.

rails c
Admin.new(email: 'mail@example.com', password: '12345678').save!


  1. Create Issue
  2. Assign yourself
  3. Create feature branch with name pattern like 123-my-new-awesome-feature
  4. Create pull request for feature branch in master
  5. Let merge request be reviewed and accepted if applicable
  6. Results will be deployed to staging dogtest.hamal.uberspace.de
  7. Add a version tag with the pattern v1.2 to deploy to production offenege.kochab.uberspace.de



Connect to one of the both environments

with ssh and the provided key.

USER=dogtest # or 'offenege' for production
SERVER=hamal # or 'kochab' for production
ssh -i /path/to/provided/key $USER@$USER.$SERVER.uberspace.de

Useful tasks

Re-run deploy hook


Restart services

svc -du ~/service/offene-gesellschaft
svc -du ~/service/offene-gesellschaft-worker

Migrate database

cd ~/offene-gesellschaft
rails db:migrate

Apply fixtures

cd ~/offene-gesellschaft
rails db:seed_fu FILTER=fixture-pattern-to-match

Monitor logs

tail -f ~/offene-gesellschaft/log/production.log

Set environment variables

cat >> ~/.bash_profile <<EOF
export KEY="value"