diegoami / Diplado

Diplado - Yet Another DIplomacy 4.3+ Clone (Mount and Blade - Warband)
6 stars 3 forks source link

DIPLADO (DIPLomacy desperADO)

Yet another clone of the Diplomacy Mod for Mount and Blade - Warband.


Forked from 1.174 Updates. Note that the base version has not been released from the author yet (Somebody).

There might be serious issues in this mod, so use at your own risk.


As described here, make a copy of Modules\Native and name it Diplado or as you wish.

Then download one of the latest release from https://github.com/diegoami/Diplado/releases/ and extract it into said directory.

minimal just contains fixes. master releases contain changes which do not break compatibility with future releases of 4.3+ Steam for 1.174, while develop releases contain features that might end up have incompatible saves with future releases of the base version develop, however, contains more features and life improvements. I advise you choose a develop release.



Some fixes:

Some additions:

Features removed

Also on the development branch

master releases' save files are backwardly compatible, but develop releases may contain more interesting features.


Many to keep track of


  1. Install a release from https://github.com/diegoami/Diplado/releases/ as described above.
  2. Set up Python 2.7
    • Edit source/build_module_lav.bat to point to the location of your Python 2
    • Execute source/build_module_lav.bat
    • Copy the full content of the directory into the Mod's module directorzy


A stabler (and more boring) mod, with fewer features, can be found here.