diegozanon / serverless-notifications

Serverless Service for Serverless Notifications (AWS IoT)
MIT License
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aws-iot notifications serverless

Serverless Notifications

Serverless Service for Serverless Notifications (AWS IoT)


Blog post: Serverless Notifications on AWS (Nov 5th 2016)

Note: at the time it was not an issue, but currently it is necessary to use the ATS IoT endpoint (use iot.describeEndpoint({ endpointType: 'iot:Data-ATS' }). The code was fixed in this repository, but not in the blog post.

Demo: https://serverless-notifications.zanon.dev


  1. With the Serverless Framework v1.x, run serverless install --url https://github.com/diegozanon/serverless-notifications

  2. Inside the create-role folder, run npm install and node index to create an IoT role. I've named the role as serverless-notifications-iot. If you want to rename, modify this file and the handler.js file.

  3. Deploy the Lambda function with serverless deploy

  4. Edit the index.html file that is placed inside the frontend folder to use your Lambda endpoint

  5. To modify the IoT client, follow these steps:
    5.1 Browse the iot folder
    5.2 Edit the index.js file
    5.3 Install dependencies with npm install
    5.4 Run node make-bundle
    5.5 Replace the bundle.js inside the frontend folder by this new bundle.js file

  6. Deploy the frontend to S3