dieterich-lab / medex

Intuitive Graphical User Interface for Medical Data Exploration
MIT License
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MedEx - Medical Data Explorer

This project provides a dashboard tool to allow a quick exploratory data analysis of datasets. It was developed to allow a quick insight into our medical research-data-warehouse without the need of knowing how to use SQL or programming languages. However, it is not limited to clinical data, but can be used to do exploratory data analysis on many kind of datasets.

Production Setup


The recommended way to run MedEx in production is via Docker. To do so you will need first a docker image. You may build that elsewhere and copy it over e.g. via a Docker Registry to your production server.


Building the Docker image:

Running the docker image:

Building the Image

  1. Get a copy of the MedEx repository.

  2. Compile the frontend:

    npm install --save-dev
    npm run build
  3. Build the MedEx image:

    docker build .
  4. Tag the image:

    docker tag <ID from above command> medex:latest

Running the Docker Image

  1. Create your docker-compose.yml in based on the one in the folder ./examples. Make sure that file has restrictive permissions because it contains sensitive information - most importantly the database password. If you plan to run multiple instances on the same server, make sure that the public ports for both the applications and the databases don't collide.

    In the default configuration the database will be destroyed and imported again everytime the database container is created. For large datasets that may be undesirable. The easiest way to change that is to create bind mount in the database container's definition. A docker volume may work too.

  2. Create a folder 'import' in the same directory your docker-compose.yml file resides. Place here your data:

    • entities.csv:
      • A CSV file defining the types of data (entities) may have.
      • The header line must at least contain the following fields: key,type
      • The type may be 'String' for categorical data or 'Double' for numerical data. The type 'Date' is also allowed but not fully implemented.
    • dataset.csv:
      • A CSV file, which contains the actual data.
      • The header line must include at least these: patient_id,key,value
      • The 'key' field must contain values defined in 'entities.csv'.
      • The allowed values depend on the entities type. 'Date' values must be in format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
      • The following optional fields may be included: case_id, measurement, date (YYYY-MM-DD), time (HH:MM:SS).
  3. Bring up the containers:

    docker-compose up -d

On the initial run the database will be loaded. Dependending on the size of the data that may take some time. Use "docker log container-ID" to observe that. After the successful load a marker file will be created. If the input data is changed on the next start of the container a new import will be done.


MedEx 1.0 and newer used Alembic to track the version of database schema. When upgrading from older versions it is recommended to recreate the database from scratch.

Some development versions MedEx recommended the use of Docker Swarm via "docker stack". This approach is not considered reasonable anymore because of the incomplete support of the Docker Compose File format. Most notable the shared memory configuration is only possible with obscure workarounds. For details see:

As a consequence the recommended method to run MedEx is now using "docker compose".

Development Setup



  1. Create a Python venv with your preferred method and activate it:

    • E.g. using your IDE's mechanism (PyCharm)
    • or manually:

      python3 -m venv /where/ever/my/venv . /where/ever/my/venv/bin/activate

  2. Install pipenv in this venv:

    pip install pipenv

  3. Go to your MeDex working copy.

  4. Install both the run-time and the development dependencies:

    pipenv install -e . pipenv install --dev npm install --save-dev

  5. Compile the TypeScript files - needs to be repeated after any changes in src_ts:

    npm run build

  6. Bring up a database. You may use the configuration under ./examples for that:

    ( cd examples/docker_database_only && docker-compose up -d )

  7. Bring up application itself:


Test it out at http://localhost:5000. The "web" folder is mounted into the container and your code changes apply automatically.

Hint for PyCharm users: To use the PyCharm's debugger easily you may prefer to create "Run Configuration" in PyCharm instead of using ''. To do that, you need to copy the environment variables from that script to the run configuration.

File System Layout

Data Import

Data is imported from the 'import' directory during the start of the application, when it seems necessary (e.g. first run or after change of the input files).

For details see:

Running the Tests

The Python unit tests are just pytest tests located in the 'tests' folder. They use sqlite to simulate database when needed. As a result they can't cover code using Postgres features. To run the tests manually, you may to have to point PYTHONPATH to your Medex Git clone:

export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
pytest tests

The Python integration tests are als pytest tests but are located in 'integrations_tests' and will use docker to run a Postgres Database on port 5477. Either the old docker-compose binary or a modern docker with the plugin for compose subcommand must be installed.

The TypeScript tests are located in the same folders as the source (*.test.mts). To execute them, the TypeScript compiler (tsc) must be executable. So you may have to add node_modules/.bin to your path. To execute the tests run:

npm run test

Revision History


Aljoscha Kindermann, Ekaterina Stepanova, Hauke Hund, Nicolas Geis, Brandon Malone, Christoph Dieterich (2019) MedEx - Data Analytics for Medical Domain Experts in Real-Time