dieterich-lab / scimodom

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Setup service for new DB #33

Closed eboileau closed 8 months ago

eboileau commented 9 months ago


After #32, go back to FE, and setup axios to point to the local scimodom DB (with base tables, at least one template project and dataset). Most likely we need to make changes to the code of the app, to reflect the latest data model. I think we should try to make the views as independent as possible of the data model, and rely on the service layer for that. Then we can try to seriously address #20 (see also #24, #25, #26).

A clear and concise description of todo items.

eboileau commented 9 months ago

It's been a while... I first need to upgrade npm and then local packages:

Package                      Current   Wanted   Latest  Location                                  Depended by
@rushstack/eslint-patch        1.2.0    1.5.1    1.5.1  node_modules/@rushstack/eslint-patch      client
@vitejs/plugin-vue             4.1.0    4.4.0    4.4.0  node_modules/@vitejs/plugin-vue           client
@vue/eslint-config-prettier    7.1.0    7.1.0    8.0.0  node_modules/@vue/eslint-config-prettier  client
@vue/test-utils                2.3.2    2.4.1    2.4.1  node_modules/@vue/test-utils              client
autoprefixer                 10.4.14  10.4.16  10.4.16  node_modules/autoprefixer                 client
axios                          1.4.0    1.5.1    1.5.1  node_modules/axios                        client
eslint                        8.37.0   8.51.0   8.51.0  node_modules/eslint                       client
eslint-plugin-vue             9.10.0   9.17.0   9.17.0  node_modules/eslint-plugin-vue            client
jsdom                         21.1.1   21.1.2   22.1.0  node_modules/jsdom                        client
pinia                         2.0.33    2.1.7    2.1.7  node_modules/pinia                        client
postcss                       8.4.24   8.4.31   8.4.31  node_modules/postcss                      client
prettier                       2.8.7    2.8.8    3.0.3  node_modules/prettier                     client
primevue                      3.29.2   3.37.0   3.37.0  node_modules/primevue                     client
tailwindcss                    3.3.1    3.3.3    3.3.3  node_modules/tailwindcss                  client
vite                           4.3.9    4.5.0    4.5.0  node_modules/vite                         client
vitest                        0.29.8   0.29.8   0.34.6  node_modules/vitest                       client
vue                           3.2.47    3.3.4    3.3.4  node_modules/vue                          client
vue-router                     4.1.6    4.2.5    4.2.5  node_modules/vue-router                   client

PrimeVue has some important changes for #11.

eboileau commented 9 months ago

No, first point to scimodom, then update packages.

eboileau commented 8 months ago

Updating packages broke components display/rendering, we need to address #11 now.