dieterich-lab / scimodom

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Production Setup

The recommended way to run the application in production is a container setup. See Container Setup for details.

Development Setup


The application consists of the following components:

All components can be run locally.

Database setup

Set up a MariaDB database. One way to do this is to run a MariaDB container image. See the Development Setup section in Container Setup on how to do this. A local MariaDB database is also possible with similar setup steps. The following steps are required:

Server setup

Create a Python3 virtual environment with your preferred method and activate it, e.g.:

python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/scimodom
. ~/.virtualenvs/scimodom/bin/activate

Get the source code and install :

git clone
cd scimodom
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
pip --verbose install 2>&1 | tee install.log

Note: The package depends on mysqlclient. You may have to install MySQL development headers and libraries before. You also need a working installation of Bedtools, e.g. pre-compiled binaries.

Set up your environment configuration in server/.env like this:

DATABASE_URI=mysql+mysqldb://scimodom:*some password*@
SECRET_KEY=*some secret*

Important: If the host name localhost is used in the DATABASE_URI the database driver will assume that the database is contacted using a named socket. That will not work if a container is used!

Now the database schema can be initialized by executing this command under the server directory:

alembic upgrade head

The API backend can be started with:

# under client/server
flask run

Most Python IDEs can run this process in the integrated debugger.


For development:

pip --verbose install -e '.[dev,tests,docs]' 2>&1 | tee install.log

Pre-commit and static type checker

Under the server directory:

# first time, you might have to
pre-commit install
# the first time pre-commit runs on a file it will automatically download, install, and run the hook
# runs on all file at commit or run manually
pre-commit run --all-files
# to run individual hooks use pre-commit run <hook_id>

# run static type checker
mypy -p scimodom


To execute the Python tests run under the server directory:

pytest tests

Client setup

To bring up the frontend, go to the client directory and execute:

npm install
npm run dev

Now the application is available here:

To test the bundled frontend, run under the client directory:

npm run build

This will populate the folder client/dist with the bundled static HTML/JavaScript code as it should be deployed in production. The server can now also serve this code. The complete application is now also available under the Flask development server URL:

Development Hints

Database schema updates

The database schema is tracked using Alembic. Changes to the database must be coded at two locations:

Any change to the schema is generally tracked with:

# under client/server
alembic revision --autogenerate [-m "message"]
alembic upgrade head


GNU Affero General Public Licence (AGPL) version 3.