dieterich-lab / scimodom

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Handle other data formats #77

Closed eboileau closed 1 month ago

eboileau commented 3 months ago


Allow to attach BAM files to a dataset. We need to determine how is the data accessed e.g. via the Browse view (The dialog could eventually hold a list of related BAM files associated with a dataset, with option to download them as a bundle).

A clear and concise description of todo items.

eboileau commented 2 months ago

UploadView.vue has a TabView with 2 tabs, one for bedRmod, the other for "other files". The latter is not yet implemented. If we are using the same template, this should be quick.

We first need to select the EUFID. See Browse view, we should use EUFID + Title to allow users to identify a dataset. If we use the PrimeVue Dropdown, the data needs to be formatted for display.

I don't think we need more information than that, but we may need some "filename formatter", and a smart way to identify files on the server. This could be stored in a table e.g. with id, and dataset_id (FK Dataset), where the id could be assigned for each file using utils.gen_short_uuid, etc.

eboileau commented 2 months ago

Formats include bam and bam.bai or .bai.

eboileau commented 2 months ago

For the dataset selection dropdown, we can use something like

dataset_display: item.dataset_title + '    [' + item.dataset_id + ']'

and pass optionLabel="dataset_display" to the PrimeVue component.



eboileau commented 2 months ago

Ideally, we could group dataset by their project affiliation, but let's keep that for later...