diezo / Ensta

🔥 Fast & Reliable Python Package For Instagram API - 2024
MIT License
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api-wrapper ensta instabot instagram instagram-account instagram-api instagram-api-python instagram-automation instagram-bot instagram-client instagram-crawler instagram-downloader instagram-photos instagram-private-api instagram-scraper instagram-sdk instagram-stories instapy instsgram-feed reels

Ensta - Simple Instagram API

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Ensta is a simple, reliable and up-to-date python package for Instagram API.

Both authenticated and anonymous requests are supported.

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Read the pre-requisites here.

pip install ensta


Fetching profile info by username:

from ensta import Mobile

mobile = Mobile(username, password)

profile = mobile.profile("leomessi")



These features use the Mobile API.

Using Proxies
When to use a proxy: - You're being rate limited. - Ensta is not working because your Home IP is flagged. - You're deploying Ensta to the cloud. (Instagram blocks requests from IPs of cloud providers, so a proxy must be used) ```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile( username, password, proxy={ "http": "socks5://username:password@host:port", "https": "socks5://username:password@host:port" } ) ``` Ensta uses the same proxy settings as the **requests** module.
Username-Password Login
Username is recommended to sign in. However, email can also be used. ```python from ensta import Mobile # Recommended mobile = Mobile(username, password) # This also works mobile = Mobile(email, password) ```
Change Profile Picture
```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) mobile.change_profile_picture("image.jpg") ```
Fetch Profile Information
```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) profile = mobile.profile("leomessi") print(profile.full_name) print(profile.biography) print(profile.follower_count) ```
Follow/Unfollow Account
```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) mobile.follow("leomessi") mobile.unfollow("leomessi") ```
Change Biography
```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) mobile.change_biography("New bio here.") ```
Switch to Private/Public Account
```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) mobile.switch_to_private_account() mobile.switch_to_public_account() ```
Username to UserID / UserID to Username
```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) mobile.username_to_userid("leomessi") mobile.userid_to_username("12345678") ```
Like/Unlike Post
```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) mobile.like(media_id) mobile.unlike(media_id) ```
Fetch Followers/Followings
```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) followers = mobile.followers("leomessi") followings = mobile.followings("leomessi") for user in followers.list: print(user.full_name) for user in followings.list: print(user.full_name) # Fetching next chunk followers = mobile.followers( "leomessi", next_cursor=followers.next_cursor ) ```
Add Comment to Post
```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) mobile.comment("Hello", media_id) ```
Upload Photo
```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) mobile.upload_photo( upload_id=upload_id, caption="Hello" ) ```
Upload Sidecar (Multiple Photos)
```python from ensta import Mobile from ensta.structures import SidecarChild mobile = Mobile(username, password) mobile.upload_sidecar( children=[ SidecarChild(uploda_id), SidecarChild(uploda_id), SidecarChild(uploda_id) ], caption="Hello" ) ```
Fetch Private Information (Yours)
```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) account = mobile.private_info() print(account.email) print(account.account_type) print(account.phone_number) ```
Update Display Name
```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) mobile.update_display_name("Lionel Messi") ```
Block/Unblock User
```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) mobile.block(123456789) # Use UserID mobile.unblock(123456789) # Use UserID ```
Upload Story (Photo) ```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) upload_id = mobile.get_upload_id("image.jpg") mobile.upload_story(upload_id) ```
Upload Story (Photo) + Link Sticker ```python from ensta import Mobile from ensta.structures import StoryLink mobile = Mobile(username, password) upload_id = mobile.get_upload_id("image.jpg") mobile.upload_story(upload_id, entities=[ StoryLink(title="Google", url="https://google.com") ]) ```
Send Message (Text) ```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) # Or use email direct = mobile.direct() direct.send_text("Hello", thread_id) ```
Send Message (Picture) ```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) # Or use email direct = mobile.direct() media_id = direct.fb_upload_image("image.jpg") direct.send_photo(media_id, thread_id) ```
Add Biography Link ```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) # Or use email link_id = mobile.add_bio_link( url="https://github.com/diezo", title="Diezo's GitHub" ) ```
Add Multiple Biography Links ```python from ensta import Mobile from ensta.structures import BioLink mobile = Mobile(username, password) # Or use email link_ids = mobile.add_bio_links([ BioLink(url="https://example.com", title="Link 1"), BioLink(url="https://example.com", title="Link 2"), BioLink(url="https://example.com", title="Link 3") ]) ```
Remove Biography Link ```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) # Or use email mobile.remove_bio_link(link_id) ```
Remove Multiple Biography Links ```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) # Or use email mobile.remove_bio_links([ link_id_1, link_id_2, link_id_3 ]) ```
Clear All Biography Links ```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) # Or use email mobile.clear_bio_links() ```

Deprecated Features (Web API)

Features still using the Web API:

Upload Reel
```python from ensta import Web host = Web(username, password) video_id = host.upload_video_for_reel("Video.mp4", thumbnail="Thumbnail.jpg") host.pub_reel( video_id, caption="Enjoying the winter! ⛄" ) ```
Fetch Web Profile Data
```python from ensta import Web host = Web(username, password) profile = host.profile("leomessi") print(profile.full_name) print(profile.biography) print(profile.follower_count) ```
Fetch Someone's Feed
```python from ensta import Web host = Web(username, password) posts = host.posts("leomessi", 100) # Want full list? Set count to '0' for post in posts: print(post.caption_text) print(post.like_count) ```
Fetch Post's Likers
```python from ensta import Web host = Web(username, password) post_id = host.get_post_id("https://www.instagram.com/p/Czr2yLmroCQ/") likers = host.likers(post_id) for user in likers.users: print(user.username) print(user.profile_picture_url) ```

They'll be migrated to the Mobile API soon.

Supported Classes

[!IMPORTANT] The Web Class is deprecated and it's features are being migrated to the Mobile Class. It'll be removed from Ensta upon completion.

Mobile Class (Authenticated) Requires login, and has the most features. ```python from ensta import Mobile mobile = Mobile(username, password) profile = mobile.profile("leomessi") print(profile.full_name) print(profile.biography) print(profile.profile_pic_url) ```

Guest Class (Non-Authenticated) Doesn't require login, but has limited features. ```python from ensta import Guest guest = Guest() profile = guest.profile("leomessi") print(profile.biography) ```

Web Class (Authenticated) (Deprecated) ```python from ensta import Web host = Web(username, password) profile = host.profile("leomessi") print(profile.biography) ```

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This is a third party library and not associated with Instagram. We're strictly against spam. You are liable for all the actions you take.