digidem / mapeo-offline-map

Fallback offline map data and styles for Mapeo
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Fallback offline map data and styles for Mapeo

This repo will download and build GeoJSON files for a basic offline map for Mapeo which is used when no internet connection is available and no custom offline map is installed. It is bundled with the app, so the data needs to be as small as possible. Currently the map is loaded via geojson files, so they will all be in memory, so files should be less than 5Mb uncompressed to avoid high memory usage. In the future we may switch to building a tileset with basic global data, but this might also increase filesize, although it will reduce memory usage (since the whole dataset does not need to be loaded into memory when displaying a map with a tileset).

Table of Contents


Make sure to have GDAL installed in your system. To build all the map data files

npm run build


npm start




PRs accepted.

Uses Makefile to download and process data from https://naturalearthdata.com. Map style layers are defined in layers.json. To preview the map style run npm start. It should automatically reload if you change layers.json.

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