digiholic / osrs-archipelago

RuneLite plugin for integration with the Archipelago Randomizer
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
1 stars 0 forks source link

Archipelago Randomizer

This plugin is meant to interface with Archipelago.gg to allow you to connect to a Multi-World Randomizer in OSRS. The plugin will provide you with tasks and milestones to complete that will unlock items for anyone in the randomizer session, and you or other players will unlock map chunks or gear upgrades for you.

Your goal is to complete Dragon Slayer I. This game is meant to be played on a fresh free to play Ironman account, although you may optionally use a members (limited to f2p areas) or a non-ironman account and provide gear upgrades as they are unlocked for a faster run.

This game mode can be played solo, in a group of other OSRS players, or in a group containing any of the dozens of other games supported by Archipelago. It is encouraged, although in no way required, to play with other OSRS seeds in the same randomizer in a group ironman. Note that, as short as it may seem to simply rush Dragon Slayer, OSRS f2p is still longer than every other Archipelago game by a large margin, and as such is unsuitable for real-time synchronous runs.

Setup: Generating a Randomized Game

NOTE: At this time, OSRS Archipelago is in beta, and is not available on the website. Installation will require some additional 
downloads to get the in-development beta builds. The following steps are only
necessary until such a time as the testing period is over, at which point, these instructions will be updated on how to
generate and host through the Archipelago Website.

This section will only need to be done by one player (the Host). This player will need to install Archipelago. OSRS does not have any additional requirements beyond the Generator and the Server (if you plan on self-hosting), but any other games in the Multiworld might have installation requirements. Please see the installation instructions for other games on the Archipelago Website.

To Generate a game, open the Archipelago directory (default location C:\ProgramData\Archipelago) and create a directory named worlds if it does not already exist. Download the most recent OSRS APWorld file from the beta branch of Archipelago, and place it in the worlds directory. This will allow you to generate randomized games including OSRS.

To generate a Randomized game, gather the Settings YAMLs from the players who will be participating (see "Creating a Settings YAML" below) into the Players directory in your Archipelago directory. From there, run ArchipelagoGenerate.exe from the Archipelago directory. It will read the YAML settings from the Players directory and generate an output zip in the output folder.

NOTE: For more information about settings like hint costs, release/collect settings, see the Archipelago Multiworld Setup Guide

The output folder will be a .zip file containing your server file, spoiler logs (if enabled), and any patches or mod files needed by other games that might be in your Archipelago (OSRS does not generate any artifacts and requires only the .archipelago server file)

If you want to host the server locally, simply extract the archive and run the .archipelago file to launch ArchipelagoServer.exe. If you are playing solo, you can connect to it by using the address localhost in the plugin (See "Connecting to a game" below)

Even before OSRS is officially supported, the Archipelago website can host a generated game. Simply go to the Host an External Game page and uplaod your .zip file to create a room with your randomized game.

Once the server is started, see the next section for how to connect to a running Multiworld server!

Setup: Connecting to a Multiworld Server

First, it goes without saying, but install this plugin through the Runelite plugin hub. Open the Config settings for this plugin, and you will see the following options:

If you want to automatically track your unlocked chunks, installing the Region Locker plugin is recommended. This plugin will only adjust the chunks that are unlocked, all other options in the Region Locker plugin are maintained.

Note: This plugin will overwrite your unlocked chunk settings on the Region Locker plugin. Back up your chunks if you wish to retain them after finishing your Randomizer run!

On the side panel of Runelite, you will see the Archipelago Panel. Until you are connected, you should see only a "Connect" button. Clicking this button will attempt a connection to the server whose information you have entered in the config panel. Once connected and logged in, you should see new panels listing your current Tasks, and below it your unlocked Items.

Note: Do not connect to the server on an account that has not been created for the Randomizer, or that character's stats and Quest Completion might unlock checks in the Multiworld and send them to other players. This cannot be undone. After the first login, it is best to let the auto-reconnect feature handle connecting to the server upon login of the correct character.

Once connected, Quests, Total Level, Combat Level, and Total XP tasks will be checked against your current character status, but skill challenges must be completed while connected for the checks to count. This means that playing without being connected to the server, such as through mobile, can only provide progress towards these tasks.

Generating a Settings YAML

The Settings YAML will include your player name and any special settings for your game. There are many advanced options for working with the YAML file, such as weighted randomization and changing the seed generation biases towards longer or shorter games. For a full rundown on these options, see Advanced YAML Guide on the Archipelago website. This document will only cover the OSRS-specific options.

This is a basic OSRS YAML template:

# Q. What is this file?
# A. This file contains options which allow you to configure your multiworld experience while allowing
#    others to play how they want as well.
# Q. How do I use it?
# A. The options in this file are weighted. This means the higher number you assign to a value, the
#    more chances you have for that option to be chosen. For example, an option like this:
#    map_shuffle:
#      on: 5
#      off: 15
#    Means you have 5 chances for map shuffle to occur, and 15 chances for map shuffle to be turned
#    off.
# Q. I've never seen a file like this before. What characters am I allowed to use?
# A. This is a .yaml file. You are allowed to use most characters.
#    To test if your yaml is valid or not, you can use this website:
#        http://www.yamllint.com/
#    You can also verify your Archipelago settings are valid at this site:
#        https://archipelago.gg/check

# Your name in-game. Spaces will be replaced with underscores and there is a 16-character limit.
#     {player} will be replaced with the player's slot number.
#     {PLAYER} will be replaced with the player's slot number, if that slot number is greater than 1.
#     {number} will be replaced with the counter value of the name.
#     {NUMBER} will be replaced with the counter value of the name, if the counter value is greater than 1.
name: Player{number}

# Used to describe your yaml. Useful if you have multiple files.
description: Default Old School Runescape Template

game: Old School Runescape
  version: 0.4.2 # Version of Archipelago required for this yaml to work as expected.

Old School Runescape:
    # A system that can move progression earlier, to try and prevent the player from getting stuck and bored early.
    # A lower setting means more getting stuck. A higher setting means less getting stuck.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0
    disabled: 0 # equivalent to 0
    normal: 50 # equivalent to 50
    extreme: 0 # equivalent to 99

    # Set rules for reachability of your items/locations.
    # Locations: ensure everything can be reached and acquired.
    # Items: ensure all logically relevant items can be acquired.
    # Minimal: ensure what is needed to reach your goal can be acquired.
    locations: 0
    items: 50
    minimal: 0

    # Forces these items to be in their native world.

    # Forces these items to be outside their native world.

    # Start with these items.

    # Start with these item's locations prefilled into the !hint command.

    # Start with these locations and their item prefilled into the !hint command

    # Prevent these locations from having an important item

    # Prevent these locations from having an unimportant item

    # Share part of your item pool with other players.

    # Which chunks are available at the start. The player may need to move through locked chunks to reach the starting
    # area, but any areas that require quests, skills, or coins are not available as starting location.
    # Any Bank rolls a random region that contains a bank.
    # Chunksanity can start you in any chunk. Hope you like woodcutting!
    lumbridge: 50
    al_kharid: 0
    varrock_east: 0
    varrock_west: 0
    edgeville: 0
    falador: 0
    draynor: 0
    wilderness: 0
    any_bank: 0
    chunksanity: 0

    # Whether to allow skill tasks without having reasonable access to the usual skill training path.
    # For example, if enabled, you could be forced to train smithing without an anvil purely by smelting bars,
    # or training fishing to high levels entirely on shrimp.
    false: 50
    true: 0

    # Whether skill tasks should always be generated in order of easiest to hardest.
    # If enabled, you would not be assigned "Mine Gold" without also being assigned
    # "Mine Silver", "Mine Coal", and "Mine Iron". Enabling this will result in a generally shorter seed, but with
    # a lower variety of tasks.
    false: 50
    true: 0

    # The highest combat level of monster to possibly be assigned as a task.
    # If set to 0, no combat tasks will be generated.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 1520
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The maximum number of Combat Tasks to possibly be assigned.
    # If set to 0, no combat tasks will be generated.
    # This only determines the maximum possible, fewer than the maximum could be assigned.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 20
    20: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # How much to favor generating combat tasks over other types of task.
    # Weights of all Task Types will be compared against each other, a task with 50 weight
    # is twice as likely to appear as one with 25.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The highest Prayer requirement of any task generated.
    # If set to 0, no Prayer tasks will be generated.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The maximum number of Prayer Tasks to possibly be assigned.
    # If set to 0, no Prayer tasks will be generated.
    # This only determines the maximum possible, fewer than the maximum could be assigned.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 3
    3: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # How much to favor generating Prayer tasks over other types of task.
    # Weights of all Task Types will be compared against each other, a task with 50 weight
    # is twice as likely to appear as one with 25.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The highest Magic requirement of any task generated.
    # If set to 0, no Magic tasks will be generated.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The maximum number of Magic Tasks to possibly be assigned.
    # If set to 0, no Magic tasks will be generated.
    # This only determines the maximum possible, fewer than the maximum could be assigned.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 4
    4: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # How much to favor generating Magic tasks over other types of task.
    # Weights of all Task Types will be compared against each other, a task with 50 weight
    # is twice as likely to appear as one with 25.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The highest Runecraft requirement of any task generated.
    # If set to 0, no Runecraft tasks will be generated.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The maximum number of Runecraft Tasks to possibly be assigned.
    # If set to 0, no Runecraft tasks will be generated.
    # This only determines the maximum possible, fewer than the maximum could be assigned.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 3
    3: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # How much to favor generating Runecraft tasks over other types of task.
    # Weights of all Task Types will be compared against each other, a task with 50 weight
    # is twice as likely to appear as one with 25.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The highest Crafting requirement of any task generated.
    # If set to 0, no Crafting tasks will be generated.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The maximum number of Crafting Tasks to possibly be assigned.
    # If set to 0, no Crafting tasks will be generated.
    # This only determines the maximum possible, fewer than the maximum could be assigned.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 5
    5: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # How much to favor generating Crafting tasks over other types of task.
    # Weights of all Task Types will be compared against each other, a task with 50 weight
    # is twice as likely to appear as one with 25.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The highest Mining requirement of any task generated.
    # If set to 0, no Mining tasks will be generated.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The maximum number of Mining Tasks to possibly be assigned.
    # If set to 0, no Mining tasks will be generated.
    # This only determines the maximum possible, fewer than the maximum could be assigned.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 5
    5: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # How much to favor generating Mining tasks over other types of task.
    # Weights of all Task Types will be compared against each other, a task with 50 weight
    # is twice as likely to appear as one with 25.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The highest Smithing requirement of any task generated.
    # If set to 0, no Smithing tasks will be generated.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The maximum number of Smithing Tasks to possibly be assigned.
    # If set to 0, no Smithing tasks will be generated.
    # This only determines the maximum possible, fewer than the maximum could be assigned.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 4
    4: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # How much to favor generating Smithing tasks over other types of task.
    # Weights of all Task Types will be compared against each other, a task with 50 weight
    # is twice as likely to appear as one with 25.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The highest Fishing requirement of any task generated.
    # If set to 0, no Fishing tasks will be generated.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The maximum number of Fishing Tasks to possibly be assigned.
    # If set to 0, no Fishing tasks will be generated.
    # This only determines the maximum possible, fewer than the maximum could be assigned.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 5
    5: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # How much to favor generating Fishing tasks over other types of task.
    # Weights of all Task Types will be compared against each other, a task with 50 weight
    # is twice as likely to appear as one with 25.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The highest Cooking requirement of any task generated.
    # If set to 0, no Cooking tasks will be generated.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The maximum number of Cooking Tasks to possibly be assigned.
    # If set to 0, no Cooking tasks will be generated.
    # This only determines the maximum possible, fewer than the maximum could be assigned.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 5
    5: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # How much to favor generating Cooking tasks over other types of task.
    # Weights of all Task Types will be compared against each other, a task with 50 weight
    # is twice as likely to appear as one with 25.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The highest Firemaking requirement of any task generated.
    # If set to 0, no Firemaking tasks will be generated.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The maximum number of Firemaking Tasks to possibly be assigned.
    # If set to 0, no Firemaking tasks will be generated.
    # This only determines the maximum possible, fewer than the maximum could be assigned.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 2
    2: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # How much to favor generating Firemaking tasks over other types of task.
    # Weights of all Task Types will be compared against each other, a task with 50 weight
    # is twice as likely to appear as one with 25.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The highest Woodcutting requirement of any task generated.
    # If set to 0, no Woodcutting tasks will be generated.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # The maximum number of Woodcutting Tasks to possibly be assigned.
    # If set to 0, no Woodcutting tasks will be generated.
    # This only determines the maximum possible, fewer than the maximum could be assigned.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 3
    3: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # How much to favor generating Woodcutting tasks over other types of task.
    # Weights of all Task Types will be compared against each other, a task with 50 weight
    # is twice as likely to appear as one with 25.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # How many guaranteed general progression tasks to be assigned (total level, total XP, etc.).
    # General progression tasks will be used to fill out any holes caused by having fewer possible tasks than needed, so
    # there is no maximum.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 30
    10: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

    # How much to favor generating General tasks over other types of task.
    # Weights of all Task Types will be compared against each other, a task with 50 weight
    # is twice as likely to appear as one with 25.
    # You can define additional values between the minimum and maximum values.
    # Minimum value is 0
    # Maximum value is 99
    50: 50
    random: 0
    random-low: 0
    random-high: 0

Provide your slot name under name. OSRS has the following Options:

Edit the options to your liking by providing any weighted value for each option. When the seed is rolled, it will pick a random option out of these choices with a given weight. The example above will start you in Lumbridge with Brutal Grinds disabled. As an example, if you were to change falador and draynor to 1 as well, you would have a 1/3 chance of starting in any of those chunks. Save the file with the extension .yaml and provide it to your Host player (see "Generating A Randomized Game" above)

Support, Bug Reporting, and Group Finding

Support for the OSRS randomizer can be found on the Archipelago Discord, under #future-game-design, in the Old School Runescape thread.

As this plugin and Randomizer are in beta, feedback is appreciated. It is possible a seed might be unbeatable, in such cases, please hang on to your server files (particularly the spoiler log), it would be a great help to diagnose any logic issues that might be present.