digikar99 / unboxables

A simple wrapper around CFFI to enable contiguously allocated arrays of structures in Common Lisp.
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See cffi-object for something more production quality. At the moment, unboxables is a proof of concept, and is rather primitive as compared to cffi-object.

A simple wrapper around CFFI to enable contiguously allocated arrays of structures in Common Lisp.

Basic Example

CL-USER> (ql:quickload "unboxables")
To load "unboxables":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "unboxables"
[package unboxables]...
CL-USER> (defpackage #:unboxables-demo
           (:use :cl :unboxables))
EXCL> (in-package #:unboxables-demo)

First, we define a point as an unboxable primitive of two single-float:

UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (define-unboxable-primitive point
                   (x 0.0f0 :type single-float)
                   (y 0.0f0 :type single-float))

This defines a point type, a make-point constructor as well as the relevant accessor functions.

UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (make-point)
    at #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X7FAAD0000B20) (8 bytes)>
UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (make-point)
    at #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X7FAAD00039D0) (8 bytes)>
UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (make-point 2.0 3.0)
    at #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X7FAAD00039F0) (8 bytes)>
UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (point-x (make-point 2.0 3.0))
UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (point-y (make-point 2.0 3.0))

However, after defining the point type above using define-primitive-type, we can also define a packed array of points. For example, the following defines a 10x10 packed array of point:

UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (make-unboxable '(point 10 10))
    at #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X7FAAD0000F00) (800 bytes)>

Individual points in the array can be accessed using unboxable-row-major-aref:

UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (unboxable-row-major-aref (make-unboxable '(point 10 10)) 2)
    at #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X7FAAD0001240) (8 bytes)>
UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (let ((parray (make-unboxable '(point 10 10))))
                   (setf (unboxable-row-major-aref parray 1)
                         (make-point 2.0f0 3.0f0))
                   (list (point-x (unboxable-row-major-aref parray 1))
                         (point-y (unboxable-row-major-aref parray 1))))
(2.0 3.0)


The above simple example deals with boxed values, creating a unboxable wrapper on every array access. This can be avoided through the use of alternative accessors that end in *. These accessors operate on pointers. The following should illustrate the difference in terms of how they are used:

UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (make-point 1.0 2.0)
    at #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X7FAAD0003A30) (8 bytes)>
UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (point-x *)
UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (unboxable-pointer (make-point 1.0 2.0))
UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (point-x* *)

The real difference only becomes significant at scale - and given the efficiency of SBCL, it may not even be that significant.

Contrast the following code written in usual Common Lisp:

(defstruct spoint
  (x 0.0f0 :type single-float)
  (y 0.0f0 :type single-float))

(defun make-spoint-array (dimensions)
  (let* ((total-size (reduce #'* dimensions :initial-value 1))
         (a (make-array dimensions :element-type 'spoint)))
    (dotimes (idx total-size)
      (setf (row-major-aref a idx) (make-spoint)))

(defun spoint-add-all-x (point-array)
  (declare (type (simple-array spoint 2) point-array)
           (optimize speed))
  (let ((x-total 0.0f0)
        (array-size (array-total-size point-array)))
    (declare (type single-float x-total))
    (dotimes (idx array-size)
      (incf x-total (spoint-x (row-major-aref point-array idx))))

with the following written with the help of unboxables:

(define-unboxable-primitive point
  (x 0.0f0 :type single-float)
  (y 0.0f0 :type single-float))

(defun make-point-array (dimensions)
  (make-unboxable (cons 'point dimensions)))

(defun point-add-all-x (point-array)
  (declare (type unboxable point-array)
           (optimize speed))
  (let ((x-total 0.0f0)
        (ptr  (unboxable-row-major-aref* point-array 0))
        (size (unboxable-element-size point-array))
        (array-size (unboxable-array-size point-array)))
    (declare (type single-float x-total))
    (dotimes (idx array-size)
      (incf x-total (point-x* ptr))
      (cffi:incf-pointer ptr size))

In terms of performance, because of the packed nature of unboxables, the point-add-all-x can be faster than spoint-add-all-x:

UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (let ((a (make-spoint-array '(1000 1000))))
                   (time (loop repeat 100 do (spoint-add-all-x a))))
Evaluation took:
  0.336 seconds of real time
  0.337198 seconds of total run time (0.337198 user, 0.000000 system)
  100.30% CPU
  744,522,780 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (let ((a (make-point-array '(1000 1000))))
                   (time (loop repeat 100 do (point-add-all-x a))))
Evaluation took:
  0.183 seconds of real time
  0.184546 seconds of total run time (0.184546 user, 0.000000 system)
  101.09% CPU
  407,471,880 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed

Indeed for smaller arrays, the difference is rather insignificant:

UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (let ((a (make-spoint-array '(100 100))))
                   (time (loop repeat 10000 do (spoint-add-all-x a))))
Evaluation took:
  0.219 seconds of real time
  0.223600 seconds of total run time (0.223600 user, 0.000000 system)
  102.28% CPU
  493,700,648 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed
UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (let ((a (make-point-array '(100 100))))
                   (time (loop repeat 10000 do (point-add-all-x a))))
Evaluation took:
  0.187 seconds of real time
  0.184300 seconds of total run time (0.184300 user, 0.000000 system)
  98.40% CPU
  406,934,716 processor cycles
  0 bytes consed

Nested structures

Perhaps the best part is that this allows structures to be nested without overhead:

UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (define-unboxable-primitive triplet
                   (a (make-point) :type point)
                   (b (make-point) :type point)
                   (c (make-point) :type point))
UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (make-unboxable '(triplet 100 100))
    at #.(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X7FAADA164010) (240000 bytes)>


UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (define-unboxable-primitive point-and-array
                   (a (make-point) :type point)
                   (b (make-unboxable '(point 10)) :type (point 10)))


Same elements of an array need not be EQ to each other.

UNBOXABLES-DEMO> (let ((parray (make-unboxable '(point 10 10))))
                   (eq (unboxable-row-major-aref parray 1)
                       (unboxable-row-major-aref parray 1)))

In addition, because we are often dealing with raw pointers, one may run into segmentation faults requiring lisp image restarts.

Limitations and Future Plans


While we use CFFI and foreign-alloc and foreign-free, we perform the free-ing through trivial-garbage:finalize aka tg:finalize. Thus, no memory leaks should occur as long as this works correctly.

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