digimakergo / dmdemo

A demo site & web application of digimaker
3 stars 2 forks source link

(Note. This demo project is still ongoing so documentation/code might not work.)

A demo project of digimaker CMF, including a minimal website, web app and editorial backend setup.

You can just clone this project and do some configuration and it can be your initialized project.

For full documentation and references, please visit https://digimaker.org/doc

Run the demo


Run server

 //clone it.
 git clone https://github.com/digimakergo/dmdemo.git

 cd dmdemo

 //Import database
 //Remember to change configs/dm.yaml's database connection.
 //Replace {host}, {username} {database} with your real host, username and database
 mysql -h {host} -u {username} -p {database} < data/dmdemo.sql

 //run this under mysql root 
 SET GLOBAL sql_mode=(SELECT REPLACE(@@sql_mode,'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY',''));

 //install dmcli, optional
 go install github.com/digimakergo/digimaker/dmcli@latest

 //change database connection information on configs/dm.yaml/database 

 //start server
 go run cmd/main.go

View frontend: http://localhost:9200

Admin webapp

The admin client is under web/admin

   cd web/admin
   # you may use npm install --legacy-peer-deps if npm version is > 7
   npm install
   npm start

View admin: http://localhost:3000

Login: admin user admin/Digimaker or editor user: editor/Digimaker

Run frontend web app[Optional]

   cd web/app
   npm install
   npm start
   (if 3000 is used, choose Yes when prompt up to change port, to use port 3001)

View frontend web app: http://localhost:3001 (or 3000 if admin app is not running)

Login: member member/digimaker or admin/Digimaker

Code overview

Website, Templating

First you need to define a template override rule under configs/template_override.yaml (and template_override-dmdemo.yaml), then you can do the templating in that template file.


Rest API

In pkg/controller/statistics.go, it provides an example of registering rest api and output how many article it has.

Web App

See web/app for examples.

Create new project from dmdemo

create a new project folder eg. project-a

cd ..
mkdir project-a
cp -a dmdemo/configs project-a/
cp -a dmdemo/cmd project-a
cp -a dmdemo/entity project-a  
cp -a dmdemo/go.* project-a/

Update entities

If you have changes on config/contenttype.json, you can run below to update entity

cd project-a
dmcli entity

Update module name

Run project-a

go run cmd/main.go

Build & Deploy

Deploy to linux:

#build for linux
env GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build ./cmd/main.go

#run on production, see dmdemo.service to deploy as a linux service
#need to deploy all(except .go files) into production.

See dmdemo.service file to deploy as service in production.

Note: in production, you will still need folder configs, web/templates(configurable), var(configurable) under running folder.

Additional - Project structure

A project structure example which follows some recommendation from Go standard project layout: https://github.com/golang-standards/project-layout

Project A
│     └─main.go
│     │─dm.yaml
│     │─contenttype.yaml
│     │-policies.yaml
│     └ template_override.yaml
│  └templates

Note: all the .go related folders can be in any structure as long as they can be imported. The only required structure for Digimaker is the config files structure.