digisfera / lr-http-server

An HTTP server with livereload included
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An HTTP server with livereload included. If a file inside the folder being served is changed, added or deleted, the browser will automatically reload.


npm install -g lr-http-server


lr-http-server [-p <port>] [-d <dir>] [-l livereloadport] [-w < watchPaths || false >] [-b]

port (default 8080): Port to listen on

dir (default .): Folder to serve

url (default empty): Path to open the specific page. e.g. /#/main

livereloadport (default 35729): Port for the livereload server. If false the livereload is disabled.

watchPaths: Comma-separated list of glob patterns for the files to watch. e.g. **/*.js,**/*.css,**/*.html,**/*.xml

b: disable browser open


Default usage

> lr-http-server

HTTP server listening on port 8080
Serving <path>
Livereload listening on port 35729
Watching files:

All options

> lr-http-server -p 80 -d src/ -u /#/main -l 30000 -w **/*.css,*.html 

HTTP server listening on port 80
Serving <path>/src
Open page in browser <path>/src/#/main
Livereload listening on port 30000
Watching files: