digital-botanical-gardens-initiative / earth_metabolome_ontology

The Earth Metabolome Initiative Ontology. The Earth Metabolome Initiative (EMI, ) is a global effort to profile the metabolic content of all currently known species on our planet.
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Earth Metabolome Ontology

The latest and official version of the Earth Metabolome Initiative (EMI) ontology is available in emi.ttl that can replace the enpkg vocabulary, for example.

Any ontology issue, change or suggestion should be reported based on the emi.ttl file. The ontology documentation, other ontology files in the docs folder and ontop_config, and the emi_no_import.ttl file are generated based on the emi.ttl file. The emi_no_import.ttl is the same as emi.ttl without imported ontologies.

To open and edit the ontology, it can be done with a text editor or an ontology editor such as Protege.

For more details, see the EMI ontology documentation. The ontology documentation is fully generated with the WIDOCO tool. The WIDOCO-generated files are in the docs folder.

Natural Product taxonomy

The npc_taxonomy.ttl file is an SKOS-based OWL ontology for the structural classification of natural products derived from the NPClassifier tool. This OWL ontology was generated with the script in scripts.

For more details, see Natural Product Classifier vocabulary.

Example of a knowledge graph using the EMI ontology

A knowledge graph was generated based on the EMI ontology with the pf1600 dataset and structure metadata dataset sqlite. It contains more than 32 million triples and is accessible and downloadable via the SPARQL endpoint:

Tutorial to generate RDF triples based on the EMI ontology


  1. Introduction
  2. Allowing for insertion in mysql
  3. Inserting the sample data into a MySQL database
  4. Generating the EMI-based RDF graph
  5. Importing the generated RDF-based files in a triple store
  6. Interacting with the EMI virtual knowledge graph (VKG)


In this tutorial, we will use a toy dataset and it requires mainly MySQL (version 8) and Ontop (version 5.1 or later).

show databases;
use emi_db;
show tables;

Alternatively, you can use the MYSQL Workbench to work with the emi_db database


NOTE: We observe that the structure_metadata (sqlite) is missing. Alternatively, you can consider to download an example from

Allowing for insertion in mysql

mysql -u root -p
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "local_infile";
SET GLOBAL local_infile = 1;
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "local_infile";

Loading local data is now enabled. To check it, you can run:

mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "local_infile";
| Variable_name | Value |
| local_infile  | ON    |
1 row in set (0,01 sec)

Inserting the sample data into a MySQL database

IMPORTANT: This tutorial was only tested with the Python 3.9 version, but it might work in any other 3.x version.

Generating the EMI-based RDF graph


For GraphDB 10.6, see Loading data using importrdf.

For Stardog, see Adding data documentation section.

For Virtuoso, see Loading RDF data.

Interacting with the EMI virtual knowledge graph (VKG)

Ontop allow us to build vitual knowledge graphs. With its plugin for Protege, we can query the VKG for more information see the section Setting up the VKG using Ontop-Protégé.

NOTE: We recommend to download and use the Ontop+Protege 5.1.1. To build the VKG, you will also need all configuration files used to materialize the VKG in subsection Generating the EMI-based RDF graph, notably ./ontop_config/emi-v0_2/emi-v0_2.obda, ./ontop_config/emi-v0_2/emi-v0_2.ttl and ./ontop_config/emi-v0_2/

A full tutorial about Ontop-Protégé is available at (