digital-engineering / airbnb-scraper

Airbnb Scraper: Advanced Airbnb Search using Scrapy
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Airbnb Scraper: Advanced Airbnb Search using Scrapy

Disclaimer: No longer maintained

This project is not currently maintained, due to difficulty in using scrapy to make requests to the Airbnb API. Project is on hold until further notice. Currently exploring a simpler approach here:

Use Airbnb's unofficial API to efficiently search for rental properties. Regex matching, ranged search, open matched properties in a browser, save to CSV, xlsx, or ElasticSearch (alpha).



Installation (nix)

# Create venv
python3.10 -m venv env

# Enable venv
. env/bin/activate

# Install required packages
pip install -Ur requirements.txt

# Create
cp deepbnb/ deepbnb/

# @NOTE: Don't forget to set AIRBNB_API_KEY in To find your API key, 
# search Airbnb using Chrome, open dev tools, and look for to the url parameter  
# named "key" in async requests to /api/v2/explore_tabs under the Network tab.


Edit deepbnb/ for settings. I've created some custom settings which are documented below. The rest are documented in

Example Usage

Minimal scraper usage:

scrapy crawl airbnb -a query="Colorado Springs, CO" -o colorado_springs.csv

Advanced examples:

Madrid, fixed dates
scrapy crawl airbnb \
    -a query="Madrid, Spain" \
    -a checkin=2023-10-01 \
    -a checkout=2023-11-30 \
    -a max_price=1900 \
    -a min_price=1800 \
    -a neighborhoods="Acacias,Almagro,Arganzuela,Argüelles,Centro,Cortes,Embajadores,Imperial,Jerónimos,La Latina,Malasaña,Moncloa,Palacio,Recoletos,Retiro,Salamanca,Sol" \
    -s MUST_HAVE="(atico|attic|balcon|terra|patio|outdoor|roof|view)" \
    -s CANNOT_HAVE="studio" \
    -s WEB_BROWSER="/usr/bin/chromium" \
    -o madrid.xlsx
New York ranged date search
scrapy crawl airbnb \
    -a query="New York, NY" \
    -a checkin="2023-01-22+7-0" \
    -a checkout="2023-02-22+14-3" \
    -a max_price=1800 \
    -s CANNOT_HAVE="guest suite" \
    -s MUST_HAVE="(walking distance|short walk|no car needed|walk everywhere|metro close|public transport)" \
    -o newyork.csv

Ranged date queries

If you have flexible checkin / checkout dates, use the ranged search feature to search a range of checkin / checkout dates.

Search checkin date range +5 days -2 days

scrapy crawl airbnb \
    -a query="Minneapolis, MN" \
    -a checkin="2023-10-15+5-2" \
    -a checkout="2023-11-15" \
    -o minneapolis.csv

This search would look for rentals in Minneapolis using Oct 15 2023 as base check-in date, and also searching for rentals available for check-in 2 days before, up to 5 days after. In other words, check-ins from Oct 13 to Oct 20. This is specified by the string +5-2 appended to the checkin date 2023-10-15+5-2. The string must always follow the pattern+[days_after]-[days_before] unless [days_after] and [days_before] are equal, in which case you can use +-[days]. The numbers may be any integer 0 or greater (large numbers untested).

Search checkin date +5 days -2 days, checkout date + or - 3 days

scrapy crawl airbnb \
    -a query="Florence, Italy" \
    -a checkin="2023-10-15+5-2" \
    -a checkout="2023-11-15+-3" \
    -o firenze.csv

Scraping Description

After running the crawl command, the scraper will start. It will first run the search query, then determine the quantity of result pages, and finally iterate through each of those, scraping each of the property listings on each page.

Scraped items (listings) will be passed to the default item pipeline, where, optionally, the description, name, and reviews.description fields will be filtered using either or both of the CANNOT_HAVE and MUST_HAVE regexes. Filtered items will be dropped. Accepted items can be optionally opened in a given web browser, so that you can easily view your search results.

Finally, the output can be saved to an xlsx format file for additional filtering, sorting, and inspection.


You can find the values for these by first doing a search manually on the Airbnb site.


These settings can be edited in the file, or appended to the command line using the -s flag as in the example above.


Enable deepbnb.pipelines.ElasticBnbPipeline in
