Open paris-dp opened 2 months ago
Discussed with Gwen on 24.09: gap analysis to be conducted
Paris, Gwen, Alex and I chatted about this during our content / UX meeting today (7th Oct).
Gwen and I will work on a high level audit of the service pages. We'll:
Maddie and Gwen to move this forwards and start by creating a spreadsheet.
Adding this comment based on the sprint review we just did in providers team.
Gwen has said Colm can't find the URL scrapes so Adam is picking this up.
In the meantime, Maddie to begin with an audit of:
We observed a user in research yesterday getting lost in the guidance, navigating to it from the step by step pages and not being able to find her way back to the service. We want to look at how we might improve this experience for users, whilst also reviewing existing content across all pages for consistency and duplication.
We've received the URL scrapes from Adam, in this spreadsheet:
Gwen and I will discuss how we go about tackling the audit
This has become more of a BFL-focussed piece of work as priority, until we can find the time to do a bigger audit of the guidance pages.
We've agreed that Gwen will include a link to the service from the top of the BFL guidance page on in the first instance. Gwen has access to Whitehall publisher (which I don't!), and already has a ticket in her team's sprint for this.
Link to service has been added to BFL guidance page by Gwen -
Also in the process of putting together a proposal for an away day with UX folks (possibly in the new year now) to look at the guidance pages holistically:
Guidance away day proposal shared with Charlie for comments
Started an area on Mural here:
Contains feedback we have received on new landing page and user insights around guidance
Context: The journey in to the service requires improvement. We need to understand what information is presented to users at present, and where user needs are not being met.
Discussed in Design time on 05/09/24. Agreed that a content review/gap analysis was required.
Artefact which may be useful: