digital-land / submit

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Submit and update planning and housing data for England

Project is a web application for validating and submitting planning and housing data for England.


Below is a list of dependencies needed to develop, run and deploy the application.


API Keys/Secrets



Running the application

The application picks up one of the configs in config directory, depeding on NODE_ENV environment variable (set to 'production' by default).

You can start the appliction in one fo the following ways (see "scripts" section of package.json) for more examples.

Mac users only

If you are a Mac user, please note that port 5000 is used by AirPlay Receiver. In order to use the application, you will need to switch off AirPlay Receiver or update your local config to use a different port.

To switch off AirPlay Receiver, follow these steps:

  1. Open System Preferences on your Mac.
  2. Search for "AirDrop & Handoff".
  3. In the "AirPlay Receiver" toggle, select "Off".

Once you have switched off AirPlay Receiver, you should be able to use the application without any issues.