digital-wellbeing / platform-study-rr

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Relationships Between Health and Logged Video Game Play Across Platforms

🟢️ The output from this repo can be viewed at 🟢️

This repo documents the data and analysis code for our project on the relationship between video game play and wellbeing. It has four main components:

To reproduce the project in its entirety, run quarto render --profile internal (for lab members), or quarto render --profile external (for non-lab members). More details are provided below.

Data files are saved as .csv.gz for space efficiency. These can either be unzipped and opened in a spreadsheet program, or read directly into R using readr::read_csv() or Python using pandas.read_csv().


The first script generates a series of 8 simulated data tables, overviewed in codebook.xlsx. Generating the simulated data is only possible by internal users, but the code is available in 0_generateSyntheticData.qmd. The remaining scripts can be run by external users.

These data tables are generated in the following scripts:

We then analyze these data in the following scripts:

Hygiene files
