digitalbazaar / did-io

Decentralized identifier management library for browser and node.js
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Selective DID Resolver Client (@digitalbazaar/did-io)

NPM Version

A DID (Decentralized Identifier) resolution library for Javascript.

Table of Contents


See also (related specs):

Version Compatibility

did-io v1.0 is a major breaking release, see the 1.0 CHANGELOG entry and Upgrading from v0.8.x to v1.0.0 checklist for details.

did-io v1.0 is compatible with the following libraries:


Requires Node.js 14+

To install locally (for development):

git clone
cd did-io
npm install

To install as a dependency in another project, add this to your package.json:

"@digitalbazaar/did-io": "^X.x.x"


Supported DID method drivers

Using the CachedResolver to get() DID documents and keys

import {CachedResolver} from '@digitalbazaar/did-io';

// You can pass cache options to the constructor (see Cache Management below)
const resolver = new CachedResolver({max: 100}); // defaults to 100

On its own, the resolver does not know how to fetch or resolve any DID methods. Support for each one has to be enabled explicitly. It uses a Chai-like plugin architecture, where each driver is loaded via .use(driver).

import * as didKey from '@digitalbazaar/did-method-key';
import * as didVeresOne from 'did-veres-one';

const didKeyDriver = didKey.driver();
// Dev / testnet / live modes
const didVeresOneDriver = didVeresOne.driver({mode: 'dev'});

// Enable resolver to use the did:key and did:v1 methods for cached fetching.

After enabling individual DID methods, you can get() individual DIDs. CachedResolver will use the appropriate driver, based on the did: prefix, or throw an 'unsupported did method' error if no driver was installed for that method.

await resolver.get({did}); // -> did document
await resolver.get({url: keyId}); // -> public key node

Key Convenience Methods

You can use the provided convenience methods (methodFor() with .generate(), and didMethodDriver.publicMethodFor() with .get()) to get a hold of key pair instances (previously, this was done via a manual process of determining key id and using didDocument.keys[keyId]).

When retrieving documents with .get():

const didDocument = await resolver.get({did});
const publicKeyData = resolver.publicMethodFor({didDocument, purpose: 'authentication'});
// Then you can use the resulting plain JS object to get a key pair instance.
// via a configured CryptoLD instance, when you're working with multiple key types
// (see `crypto-ld` library for setup and usage):
const authPublicKey = await cryptoLd.from(publicKeyData);
// or, directly (if you already know the key type)
const authPublicKey = await Ed25519VerificationKey2020.from(publicKeyData);

When retrieving individual key objects with a .get(), you don't even need to use publicMethodFor():

const keyData = await resolver.get({url: keyId});
const publicKey = await cryptoLd.from(keyData);

Generating and registering DIDs and DID documents

did-io and CachedResolver are currently only for get() operations on multiple DID methods. To generate and register new DIDs or DID documents, use each individual driver's .generate() method. (The generation and registration process for each DID method is so different, that it didn't make sense to unify them on the CachedResolver level.)

Each driver's .generate() returns a tuple of didDocument, a Map of public/private key pairs (by key id), and a convenience methodFor function that allows lookup of key (verification method) by its intended purpose.

const {didDocument, keyPairs, methodFor} = await didMethodDriver.generate();
// -> plain JS object, representing a DID document.
// -> a javascript Map of public/private LDKeyPair instances (from crypto-ld),
//   by key id
methodFor({purpose: 'keyAgreement'});
// for example, an X25519KeyAgreementKey2020 key pair instance, that can
// be used for encryption/decryption using `@digitalbazaar/minimal-cipher`.
methodFor({purpose: 'assertionMethod'});
// for example, an Ed25519VerificationKey2020 key pair instance for
// signing and verifying Verifiable Claims (VCs).

Using CachedResolver as a documentLoader

One of the most common uses of DIDs and their public keys is for cryptographic operations such as signing and verifying signatures of Verifiable Credentials and other documents, and for encrypting and decrypting objects.

For these and other Linked Data Security operations, a documentLoader function is often required. For example, NPM's package.json and package-lock.json mechanisms allow application developers to securely lock down a library's dependencies (by specifying exact content hashes or approximate versions). In the same manner, documentLoaders allow developers to secure their Linked Data Security load operations, such as when loading JSON-LD contexts, fetching DID Documents of supported DID methods, retrieving public keys, and so on.

You can use an initialized CachedResolver instance when constructing a documentLoader for your use case (to handle DID and DID key resolution for installed methods). For example:

const resolver = new CachedResolver();

const documentLoader = async url => {
  // Handle other static document and contexts here...

  // Use CachedResolver to fetch did: links.
  if(url && url.startsWith('did:')) {
    // this will handle both DIDs and key IDs for the 2 installed drivers
    const document = await resolver.get({url});
    return {
      static: true

Cache management

CachedResolver uses lru-memoize to memoize get() promises (as opposed to just the results of the operations), which helps in high-concurrency use cases. (And that library in turn uses lru-cache under the hood.)

The CachedResolver constructor passes any options given to it through to the lru-cache constructor, so see that repo for the full list of cache management options. Commonly used ones include:


See the contribute file!

PRs accepted.

If editing the Readme, please conform to the standard-readme specification.

Commercial Support

Commercial support for this library is available upon request from Digital Bazaar:


New BSD License (3-clause) © Digital Bazaar