digitalbrain79 / NNPACK-darknet

NNPACK for Darknet
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
32 stars 13 forks source link



BSD (2 clause) License Build Status

NNPACK is an acceleration package for neural network computations. NNPACK aims to provide high-performance implementations of convnet layers for multi-core CPUs.

NNPACK is not intended to be directly used by machine learning researchers; instead it provides low-level performance primitives to be leveraged by higher-level frameworks, such as Caffe, Torch, MXNet, Theano, Tensorflow, and Mocha.jl.


Host system

Cross-compilation options:




NNPACK can be build on OS X and Linux.

Install ninja build system

sudo apt-get install ninja-build || brew install ninja

Install PeachPy assembler and confu configuration system

[sudo] pip install --upgrade git+
[sudo] pip install --upgrade git+

Then clone NNPACK, install dependencies, configure, and build

git clone
confu setup
python ./

Cross-compilation for Android

Cross-compilation for Emscripten/WebAssembly

Cross-compilation for Emscripten/Asm.js

Cross-compilation for Portable Native Client

Cross-compilation for Native Client


NNPACK contains extensive test suite for transformation and neural network layers.

After configuration type ninja smoketest to run a set of quick tests, or ninja test to additionally NNPACK layers with parameters from AlexNet, VGG-A, and Overfeat-Fast networks (this will take a while).


Binary packages need to distribute two files: include/nnpack.h and lib/libnnpack.a (also lib/ or lib/libnnpack.dylib if NNPACK was configured with shared library support).


Deep Learning Frameworks

Languages and Environments



HPC Garage logo Georgia Tech College of Computing logo

The library is developed by Marat Dukhan of Georgia Tech with extensive advice from Nicolas Vasilache and Soumith Chintala of Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research. Andrew Tulloch of Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research contributed Caffe integration. We thank Andrew Lavin for fruitful discussions on Winograd transform-based implementations. NNPACK is a research project at Richard Vuduc's HPC Garage lab in the Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Computing, School of Computational Science and Engineering.

This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) Award Number 1339745. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of NSF.