digitalcytometry / ecotyper

EcoTyper is a machine learning framework for large-scale identification of cell states and cellular ecosystems from gene expression data.
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CIBERSORTx integration fails #49

Closed NoahHenrikKleinschmidt closed 1 year ago

NoahHenrikKleinschmidt commented 2 years ago

Hello there once more :-)

As I am aiming to become a regular customer, I have yet again a new issue 😄. Technically it's a CIBERSORTx issue not an EcoTyper issue, but perhaps the forum here can help solve it quicker.

I have finally received my token for CIBERSORTx 🥳, but alas the pipeline fails due to Segmentation Faults from the singularity image 🥺.

Here is some background:

I wish to perform EcoType discovery from bulk-RNASeq data using EcoTyper and CIBERSORTx.

On our cluster we only have Singularity. Hence, I converted the docker images to SIF using

 singularity build cibersortx_fractions.sif  docker://cibersortx/fractions

Next, I specified the appropriate path to the cibersortx_fractions.sif in the EcoTyper config file and submitted the job. I am using just the default Carcinoma setting for CIBERSORTx. However, it appears that some temporary files cannot be written, which causes the JobQueue() to fail repeatedly until the entire CIBERSORTx step crashes.

The repeated "error" is:

Warning message:
In fread(X_file, header = F, sep = "\t") :
  File '/src/outdir//temp.Fractions.coreSVR.X.tsv' has size 0. Returning a NULL data.table.
Warning message:
In fread(Y_file, header = F, sep = "\t") :
  File '/src/outdir//temp.Fractions.coreSVR.Y.tsv' has size 0. Returning a NULL data.table.
Error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
In addition: Warning message:
In mclapply(1:length(nus), res, Y[, j], mc.cores = length(nus)) :
  all scheduled cores encountered errors in user code
Execution halted

which ultimately leads a segmentation fault error as:

sh: line 10: 62182 Segmentation fault      singularity exec -c -B /data/users/noahkleinschmidt/EcoTyper/scratchdir/:/tmp -B /data/users/noahkleinschmidt/EcoTyper/ecotyper/CIBERSORTx/fractions/discovery/TCGA_bulk_discovery/LM22/B_mode/:/src/data -B /data/users/noahkleinschmidt/EcoTyper/ecotyper/CIBERSORTx/fractions/discovery/TCGA_bulk_discovery/LM22/B_mode/:/src/outdir /data/users/noahkleinschmidt/EcoTyper/cibersortx/cibersortx_fractions.sif /src/CIBERSORTxFractions --username --token 75d719fbb04eb7eae1705c75515c4db9 --mixture /src/data/mixture.txt --sigmatrix /src/data/sigmatrix.txt --sourceGEPs /src/data/sourceGEPs.txt --rmbatchBmode TRUE --verbose TRUE
Execution halted
Execution halted
Error in RunJobQueue() : 
  EcoTyper failed. Please check the error message above!
Execution halted

The full logs are available via

You may notice from the command behind the segmentation fault, this is already not 100% the original command. Here are some things I have tried to fix this:

Something I have not yet tried is altering the EcoTyper CIBERSORTx cmd_line to directly call the CIBERSORTxFractions executable within /src/ in my sandbox instead of via singularity. I will try this and post an update.

I have seen that virtually the same issue was already described before but without solution. Thanks a lot already for any inputs 🌻

diyang1354 commented 2 years ago

May I ask a question irrelevant to this issue?How long did it take to receive the token? I've been waiting for a month...

NoahHenrikKleinschmidt commented 2 years ago

It was around the same time for me 😅. I emailed the developers a couple of times, but things just take time, I assume. I'm sure they have not forgotten about you, though 🌻

BALuca commented 1 year ago

Hi Noah,

Apologize for this long overdue response. Unfortunately, it might be hard for us to work out why CIBERSORTx fails on your system. It can be either due to singularity configuration issues, or due to the input data. I have just run Tutorial 4 on our cluster, that also only allows for singularity, and it worked perfectly. I was wondering if you are able to run it on your system, rather than your input data. Also, if helpful, I can send you the .sif files that I have been using - they are basically the docker images from the CIBERSORTx website converted to .sif.

Best, The EcoTyper team

NoahHenrikKleinschmidt commented 1 year ago


Thanks for the reply anyway. I haven't tried the tutorial on our cluster, I guess I should do that - but I'm busy with other stuff at the moment so it might take a while for me to get round to. Thanks for the .sif file offer. I'll first try with our files but if that should fail I'll let you know 👍

Cheers, Noah ☀️

WangKang-Leo commented 1 year ago

Hi Noah,

Apologize for this long overdue response. Unfortunately, it might be hard for us to work out why CIBERSORTx fails on your system. It can be either due to singularity configuration issues, or due to the input data. I have just run Tutorial 4 on our cluster, that also only allows for singularity, and it worked perfectly. I was wondering if you are able to run it on your system, rather than your input data. Also, if helpful, I can send you the .sif files that I have been using - they are basically the docker images from the CIBERSORTx website converted to .sif.

Best, The EcoTyper team

Very appreciated if you can send me ( two .sif files, I am going to run Tutorial4 in our cluster.

123Whhhh commented 9 months ago

Hello Noah,

I also met the same problem as you. Could you please share these two.sif files with me? This is my email

Thank you! wh

jpark27 commented 7 months ago

Dear @BALuca and Ecotyper team,

Hi, all! Thank you so much for sharing great tool with community. I come across with same error with @NoahHenrikKleinschmidt using self-built singularity image.

I wonder whether sharing Ecotyper team's sif images (Cibersortx fractions & HiRes) possible?

best wishes, J