digitalcytometry / ecotyper

EcoTyper is a machine learning framework for large-scale identification of cell states and cellular ecosystems from gene expression data.
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bulk-rna-seq deconvolution microenvironment single-cell tumor


EcoTyper is a machine learning framework for large-scale identification of cell type-specific transcriptional states and their co-association patterns from bulk and single-cell (scRNA-seq) expression data.

Ecotyper can be run in an easy-to-use web interface accessible here. The software can also be run on a personal computer, server or high-performance computing cluster following the instructions described in this GitHub repository. For further details, users may refer to our book chapter (Methods in Molecular Biology, 2023).

We have already defined cell states and ecotypes across carcinomas (Luca/Steen et al., Cell 2021) and in diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) (Steen/Luca et al., Cancer Cell 2021). The current version of EcoTyper allows users to recover the cell states and ecotypes for these two tumor categories in their own data. Additionally, it allows users to discover and recover cell states and ecotypes in their system of interest, including directly from scRNA-seq data (see Tutorial 5). Below we illustrate each of these functionalities.


If EcoTyper software, data, and/or website are used in your publication, please cite the following paper(s):


The latest version of EcoTyper source code can be found on EcoTyper GitHub repository and Ecotyper website. To set up EcoTyper, please download this folder locally:

git clone
cd ecotyper


cd ecotyper-master

Basic resources

The R packages listed below are required for running EcoTyper. The version numbers indicate the package versions used for developing and testing the EcoTyper code. Other R versions might work too:

These packages, together with the other resources pre-stored in the EcoTyper folder, allow users to:

Besides these packages, the additional resources described in the next section are needed for analyses described in Tutorials 3 and 4. Moreover, Mac users might need xquartz.

Additional resources

For some use cases, such as cell state and ecotype recovery in spatial transcriptomics assays (Tutorial 3) and de novo identification of cell states and ecotypes from bulk expression data (Tutorial 4), EcoTyper relies on CIBERSORTx (Newman et al., Nature Biotechnology 2019, a digital cytometry framework for enumerating cell types in bulk data and performing in silico deconvolution of cell type specific expression profiles. In these situations, the following additional resources are needed for running EcoTyper:

EcoTyper implementation

EcoTyper is a standalone software, implemented in R (not an R package). Some of the EcoTyper functions are computationally intensive, especially for the cell state discovery step described in Tutorials 4-6. Therefore, EcoTyper is designed as a collection of modular command-line R scripts, that can be run in parallel on a multi-processor server or a high-performance cluster. Each script is designed such that its instances can typically be run on a single core.

We provide wrappers over these scripts that encapsulate the typical EcoTyper workflows (Tutorials 1-6). These wrappers can be run on a multi-core system, and allow users to discover cell states and ecotypes in their own bulk, scRNA-seq and FACS-sorted data, as well as recover previously discovered cell states and ecotypes in bulk tissue expression profiles, spatial transcriptomics assays, and single-cell RNA-seq data.

EcoTyper overview

EcoTyper performs two major types of analysis: discovery of cell states and ecotypes, starting from bulk, scRNA-seq and pre-sorted cell type specific expression profiles (e.g. FACS-sorted or deconvolved in silico); and recovery of previously defined cell states and ecotypes in new bulk, scRNA-seq and spatial transcriptomics data.

When the input is bulk data, EcoTyper performs the following major steps for discovering cell states and ecotypes:

When the input is scRNA-seq or bulk-sorted cell type-specific profiles (e.g., FACS-purified), EcoTyper performs the following major steps for discovering cell states and ecotypes:

Regardless of the input type used for deriving cell states and ecotypes, EcoTyper can perform cell state and ecotype recovery in external expression datasets. The recovery can be performed in bulk, scRNA-seq and spatial transcriptomics data.

A book chapter published in Methods in Molecular Biology describing how to use EcoTyper in detail can be found here.

Additionally, we provide below 6 tutorials illustrating these functionalities. The first three demonstrate how the recovery of cell states and ecotypes can be performed with various input types. The last three demonstrate how the recovery of cell states and ecotypes can be performed with various input types:

A schema of the tutorials is presented below:

Tutorial 1: Recovery of Cell States and Ecotypes in User-Provided Bulk Data

EcoTyper comes pre-loaded with the resources necessary for the reference-guided recovery of cell states and ecotypes previously defined in carcinoma or lymphoma, in user-provided bulk expression data. In the carcinoma EcoTyper paper, we demonstrate that prior deconvolution of bulk data using CIBERSORTx HiRes is not necessary for high-fidelity recovery of cell states in bulk-tissue expression data. We can proceed to the recovery of states based on bulk data only.

In this tutorial, we illustrate how EcoTyper can be used to recover the cell states and ecotypes that we defined across carcinomas and in diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL), in a set of the bulk samples from lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) from TCGA and bulk samples from diffuse large-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), respectively. Plese note that the recovery procedure described in this tutorial can also be applied on user-defined cell states and ecotypes, derived as described in Tutorials 4-6.

1.1. Recovery of Carcinoma Cell States and Ecotypes in Bulk Data

For this section, we used a subset of the TCGA bulk samples from lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD), available in example_data/bulk_lung_data.txt, together with the sample annotation file example_data/bulk_lung_annotation.txt.

The script used to perform recovery in bulk data is called EcoTyper_recovery_bulk.R:

Rscript EcoTyper_recovery_bulk.R -h
## usage: EcoTyper_recovery_bulk.R [-d <character>] [-m <PATH>] [-a <PATH>]
##                                 [-c <character>] [-t <integer>] [-o <PATH>]
##                                 [-h]
## Arguments:
##   -d <character>, --discovery <character>
##                         The name of the discovery dataset used to define cell
##                         states and ecotypes. Accepted values: 'Carcinoma' will
##                         recover the cell states and ecotypes defined across
##                         carcinomas, as described in the EcoTyper carcinoma
##                         paper, 'Lymphoma' will recover the cell states and
##                         ecotypes defined in diffuse large B cell lymphoma
##                         (DLBCL), as described in the EcoTyper lymphoma paper,
##                         '<MyDiscovery>' the value used in the field 'Discovery
##                         dataset name' of the config file used for running
##                         EcoTyper discovery ('EcoTyper_discovery.R') script.
##                         [default: 'Carcinoma']
##   -m <PATH>, --matrix <PATH>
##                         Path to a tab-delimited file containing the input bulk
##                         tissue expression matrix, with gene names on the first
##                         column and sample ids as column names [required].
##   -a <PATH>, --annotation <PATH>
##                         Path to a tab-delimited annotation file containing the
##                         annotation of samples in the input matrix. This file
##                         has to contain in column 'ID' the same ids used as
##                         column names in the input matrix, and any number of
##                         additional columns. The additional columns can be
##                         plotted as color bars in the output heatmaps.
##                         [default: 'NULL']
##   -c <character>, --columns <character>
##                         A comma-spearated list of column names from the
##                         annotation file to be plotted as color bar in the
##                         output heatmaps. [default: 'NULL']
##   -t <integer>, --threads <integer>
##                         Number of threads. [default: '10']
##   -o <PATH>, --output <PATH>
##                         Output directory path. [default: 'RecoveryOutput']
##   -h, --help            Print help message.

The script takes the following arguments:

data = read.delim("example_data/bulk_lung_data.txt", nrow = 5)
##      Gene TCGA.37.A5EN.01A.21R.A26W.07 TCGA.37.4133.01A.01R.1100.07
## 1    A1BG                   18.6400165                 18.196602709
## 2    A1CF                    0.0338368                  0.002095014
## 3     A2M                   54.1463351                 35.714991125
## 4   A2ML1                    4.9953315                  2.383752067
## 5 A3GALT2                    0.0438606                  0.000000000
##   TCGA.77.7465.01A.11R.2045.07 TCGA.34.5240.01A.01R.1443.07
## 1                  24.83635354                 23.579201761
## 2                   0.02301987                  0.004186634
## 3                  80.63633736                 86.804257397
## 4                   4.08688641                  3.015307103
## 5                   0.00000000                  0.000000000
data = read.delim("example_data/bulk_lung_annotation.txt")
##                             ID Tissue Histology                Type OS_Time
## 1 TCGA.37.A5EN.01A.21R.A26W.07  Tumor      LUSC Primary Solid Tumor     660
## 2 TCGA.37.4133.01A.01R.1100.07  Tumor      LUSC Primary Solid Tumor     238
## 3 TCGA.77.7465.01A.11R.2045.07  Tumor      LUSC Primary Solid Tumor     990
## 4 TCGA.34.5240.01A.01R.1443.07  Tumor      LUSC Primary Solid Tumor    1541
## 5 TCGA.05.4249.01A.01R.1107.07  Tumor      LUAD Primary Solid Tumor    1523
## 6 TCGA.62.8398.01A.11R.2326.07  Tumor      LUAD Primary Solid Tumor     444
##   OS_Status
## 1         0
## 2         0
## 3         0
## 4         0
## 5         0
## 6         1

The command line for recovering the carcinoma cell states and ecotypes in the example bulk data is:

Rscript EcoTyper_recovery_bulk.R -d Carcinoma -m example_data/bulk_lung_data.txt -a example_data/bulk_lung_annotation.txt -c Tissue -o RecoveryOutput

The output of this script for each cell type includes:

data = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/bulk_lung_data/Fibroblasts/state_abundances.txt")
##     TCGA.37.A5EN.01A.21R.A26W.07 TCGA.37.4133.01A.01R.1100.07
## S01                 5.610752e-02                 9.612807e-15
## S02                 1.280373e-02                 6.386058e-03
## S03                 1.035601e-14                 6.169635e-05
## S04                 1.451949e-02                 1.694938e-02
## S05                 1.793168e-01                 1.726694e-02
## S06                 2.209002e-01                 2.355229e-02
##     TCGA.77.7465.01A.11R.2045.07 TCGA.34.5240.01A.01R.1443.07
## S01                  0.040894068                  0.007263805
## S02                  0.005972317                  0.004142070
## S03                  0.012142088                  0.028884848
## S04                  0.063365960                  0.019739555
## S05                  0.013198449                  0.001226978
## S06                  0.126574543                  0.051897896
##     TCGA.05.4249.01A.01R.1107.07
## S01                   0.02797270
## S02                   0.05575916
## S03                   0.03578894
## S04                   0.25177782
## S05                   0.16956906
## S06                   0.03006488
data = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/bulk_lung_data/Fibroblasts/state_assignment.txt")
head(data[,c("ID", "State")])
##                             ID State
## 1 TCGA.L3.A524.01A.11R.A262.07   S01
## 2 TCGA.05.4397.01A.01R.1206.07   S01
## 3 TCGA.68.7757.01B.11R.2296.07   S01
## 4 TCGA.44.8120.01A.11R.2241.07   S02
## 5 TCGA.44.6776.11A.01R.1858.07   S02
## 6 TCGA.77.7138.11A.01R.2045.07   S02
data = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/bulk_lung_data/Fibroblasts/heatmap_data.txt")
## [1] 806 164
##         TCGA.05.4397.01A.01R.1206.07 TCGA.68.7757.01B.11R.2296.07
## TNNI1                     0.26382679                    0.9831063
## TTN                       0.10859319                    0.2166813
## STAC3                     2.69798126                    2.3112648
## SMPX                      1.94973904                    0.0000000
## APOBEC2                   0.07185907                    0.5085421
## MYLK2                     0.80441445                    0.4992384
##         TCGA.L3.A524.01A.11R.A262.07 TCGA.22.1016.01A.01R.0692.07
## TNNI1                      3.3657514                   1.60817315
## TTN                        0.5318695                   0.61421222
## STAC3                      3.3572611                   3.42221177
## SMPX                       1.6910667                   0.05425691
## APOBEC2                    0.8058942                   1.06371266
## MYLK2                      0.8130539                   0.34702012
##         TCGA.22.4593.11A.01R.1820.07
## TNNI1                     0.61589081
## TTN                       0.20658476
## STAC3                     2.74978570
## SMPX                      0.05640682
## APOBEC2                   0.89013275
## MYLK2                     0.08401378
data = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/bulk_lung_data/Fibroblasts/heatmap_top_ann.txt")
## [1] 164   8
##                                                        ID State InitialState
## TCGA.05.4397.01A.01R.1206.07 TCGA.05.4397.01A.01R.1206.07   S01         IS02
## TCGA.68.7757.01B.11R.2296.07 TCGA.68.7757.01B.11R.2296.07   S01         IS02
## TCGA.L3.A524.01A.11R.A262.07 TCGA.L3.A524.01A.11R.A262.07   S01         IS02
## TCGA.22.1016.01A.01R.0692.07 TCGA.22.1016.01A.01R.0692.07   S02         IS11
## TCGA.22.4593.11A.01R.1820.07 TCGA.22.4593.11A.01R.1820.07   S02         IS11
## TCGA.22.5478.11A.11R.1635.07 TCGA.22.5478.11A.11R.1635.07   S02         IS11
##                              Tissue Histology
## TCGA.05.4397.01A.01R.1206.07  Tumor      LUAD
## TCGA.68.7757.01B.11R.2296.07  Tumor      LUSC
## TCGA.L3.A524.01A.11R.A262.07  Tumor      LUSC
## TCGA.22.1016.01A.01R.0692.07  Tumor      LUSC
## TCGA.22.4593.11A.01R.1820.07 Normal      LUSC
## TCGA.22.5478.11A.11R.1635.07 Normal      LUSC

The output for ecotypes includes:

assign = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/bulk_lung_data/Ecotypes/ecotype_abundance.txt")
## [1]  10 250
##     TCGA.37.A5EN.01A.21R.A26W.07 TCGA.37.4133.01A.01R.1100.07
## CE1                 2.443907e-03                  0.037977593
## CE2                 1.621595e-01                  0.243041032
## CE3                 1.386670e-14                  0.074717081
## CE4                 7.257657e-02                  0.006520339
## CE5                 1.618937e-01                  0.054195790
## CE6                 1.908700e-02                  0.035478573
##     TCGA.77.7465.01A.11R.2045.07 TCGA.34.5240.01A.01R.1443.07
## CE1                  0.076640619                  0.189985630
## CE2                  0.167842144                  0.219429034
## CE3                  0.004333314                  0.041762329
## CE4                  0.058892710                  0.063478179
## CE5                  0.148527987                  0.088747961
## CE6                  0.017818807                  0.009232854
##     TCGA.05.4249.01A.01R.1107.07
## CE1                   0.11162555
## CE2                   0.03073282
## CE3                   0.08510031
## CE4                   0.04811969
## CE5                   0.08697437
## CE6                   0.07069911
discrete_assignments = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/bulk_lung_data/Ecotypes/ecotype_abundance.txt")
## [1]  10 250
##     TCGA.37.A5EN.01A.21R.A26W.07 TCGA.37.4133.01A.01R.1100.07
## CE1                 2.443907e-03                  0.037977593
## CE2                 1.621595e-01                  0.243041032
## CE3                 1.386670e-14                  0.074717081
## CE4                 7.257657e-02                  0.006520339
## CE5                 1.618937e-01                  0.054195790
## CE6                 1.908700e-02                  0.035478573
##     TCGA.77.7465.01A.11R.2045.07 TCGA.34.5240.01A.01R.1443.07
## CE1                  0.076640619                  0.189985630
## CE2                  0.167842144                  0.219429034
## CE3                  0.004333314                  0.041762329
## CE4                  0.058892710                  0.063478179
## CE5                  0.148527987                  0.088747961
## CE6                  0.017818807                  0.009232854
##     TCGA.05.4249.01A.01R.1107.07
## CE1                   0.11162555
## CE2                   0.03073282
## CE3                   0.08510031
## CE4                   0.04811969
## CE5                   0.08697437
## CE6                   0.07069911

1.2. Recovery of Lymphoma Cell States and Ecotypes in Bulk Data

For this section, we used a subset of the bulk samples from diffuse large-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), available in example_data/bulk_lymphoma_data.txt, together with the sample annotation file example_data/bulk_lymphoma_annotation.txt.

The script used to perform recovery in bulk data is called EcoTyper_recovery_bulk.R:

Rscript EcoTyper_recovery_bulk.R -h
## usage: EcoTyper_recovery_bulk.R [-d <character>] [-m <PATH>] [-a <PATH>]
##                                 [-c <character>] [-t <integer>] [-o <PATH>]
##                                 [-h]
## Arguments:
##   -d <character>, --discovery <character>
##                         The name of the discovery dataset used to define cell
##                         states and ecotypes. Accepted values: 'Carcinoma' will
##                         recover the cell states and ecotypes defined across
##                         carcinomas, as described in the EcoTyper carcinoma
##                         paper, 'Lymphoma' will recover the cell states and
##                         ecotypes defined in diffuse large B cell lymphoma
##                         (DLBCL), as described in the EcoTyper lymphoma paper,
##                         '<MyDiscovery>' the value used in the field 'Discovery
##                         dataset name' of the config file used for running
##                         EcoTyper discovery ('EcoTyper_discovery.R') script.
##                         [default: 'Carcinoma']
##   -m <PATH>, --matrix <PATH>
##                         Path to a tab-delimited file containing the input bulk
##                         tissue expression matrix, with gene names on the first
##                         column and sample ids as column names [required].
##   -a <PATH>, --annotation <PATH>
##                         Path to a tab-delimited annotation file containing the
##                         annotation of samples in the input matrix. This file
##                         has to contain in column 'ID' the same ids used as
##                         column names in the input matrix, and any number of
##                         additional columns. The additional columns can be
##                         plotted as color bars in the output heatmaps.
##                         [default: 'NULL']
##   -c <character>, --columns <character>
##                         A comma-spearated list of column names from the
##                         annotation file to be plotted as color bar in the
##                         output heatmaps. [default: 'NULL']
##   -t <integer>, --threads <integer>
##                         Number of threads. [default: '10']
##   -o <PATH>, --output <PATH>
##                         Output directory path. [default: 'RecoveryOutput']
##   -h, --help            Print help message.

The script takes the following arguments:

data = read.delim("example_data/bulk_lymphoma_data.txt", nrow = 5)
##      GENES MS2010072001 MS2010072003 MS2010072004 MS2010072017
## 1     A1BG    319.59498   273.512399    263.81912    432.18048
## 2 A1BG_AS1     19.68925   100.372538     90.50134     19.58759
## 3     A1CF     49.99656     6.447184     51.09232     36.02929
## 4      A2M   3578.38986  3463.803236   2754.17141   1080.29716
## 5  A2M_AS1   2976.90082   102.167762   1044.81788     38.24889
data = read.delim("example_data/bulk_lymphoma_annotation.txt")
##                                                    ID          COO
## 1                                        MS2010072838 Unclassified
## 2 LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_B03_830732          GCB
## 3 LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_C11_830764          ABC
## 4                                        MS2010072042          ABC
## 5                                        MS2010072816          ABC
## 6                                        MS2010072921          ABC
##   schmitz_labels
## 1             N1
## 2            EZB
## 3          Other
## 4            BN2
## 5            BN2
## 6          Other

The command line for recovering the lymphoma cell states and ecotypes in the example bulk data is:

Rscript EcoTyper_recovery_bulk.R -d Lymphoma -m example_data/bulk_lymphoma_data.txt -a example_data/bulk_lymphoma_annotation.txt -c schmitz_labels,COO -o RecoveryOutput

The output of this script for each cell type includes:

data = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/bulk_lymphoma_data/B.cells/state_abundances.txt")
##     MS2010072001 MS2010072003 MS2010072004 MS2010072017 MS2010072019
## S01 2.373248e-03 3.595618e-01 3.806641e-05 3.697861e-01 5.385940e-01
## S02 4.782425e-01 5.127354e-02 4.068437e-01 8.661441e-16 1.260096e-15
## S03 5.000272e-01 2.657648e-01 3.208192e-01 3.871464e-02 1.262404e-01
## S04 1.409287e-15 2.861731e-01 1.020793e-01 2.570570e-07 6.271926e-03
## S05 1.935706e-02 7.028482e-05 1.046191e-01 8.195354e-02 1.693508e-05
data = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/bulk_lymphoma_data/B.cells/state_assignment.txt")
head(data[,c("ID", "State")])
##             ID State
## 1 MS2010072003   S01
## 2 MS2010072019   S01
## 3 MS2010072024   S01
## 4 MS2010072030   S01
## 5 MS2010072037   S01
## 6 MS2010072040   S01
data = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/bulk_lymphoma_data/B.cells/heatmap_data.txt")
## [1] 951  64
##          LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_B03_830732
## MARCKSL1                                           11.859007
## AFF2                                                6.712095
## RUNDC2C                                             0.000000
## ANUBL1                                              0.000000
## RASL11A                                             9.304902
## SPRED2                                              8.377341
##          LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_C01_830810
## MARCKSL1                                           11.977873
## AFF2                                                3.293527
## RUNDC2C                                             0.000000
## ANUBL1                                              0.000000
## RASL11A                                            10.723609
## SPRED2                                              6.620119
##          LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_C06_830812
## MARCKSL1                                           11.951445
## AFF2                                                8.421034
## RUNDC2C                                             0.000000
## ANUBL1                                              0.000000
## RASL11A                                             7.561106
## SPRED2                                              8.430200
##          LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_C07_830734
## MARCKSL1                                           12.689936
## AFF2                                                6.228481
## RUNDC2C                                             0.000000
## ANUBL1                                              0.000000
## RASL11A                                            10.351692
## SPRED2                                              7.449911
##          LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_D07_830762
## MARCKSL1                                           13.056685
## AFF2                                                7.484197
## RUNDC2C                                             0.000000
## ANUBL1                                              0.000000
## RASL11A                                             6.406415
## SPRED2                                              7.083581
data = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/bulk_lymphoma_data/B.cells/heatmap_top_ann.txt")
## [1] 64  5
##                                                                                                      ID
## LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_B03_830732 LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_B03_830732
## LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_C01_830810 LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_C01_830810
## LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_C06_830812 LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_C06_830812
## LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_C07_830734 LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_C07_830734
## LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_D07_830762 LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_D07_830762
## MS2010072003                                                                               MS2010072003
##                                                     State InitialState COO
## LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_B03_830732   S01         IS06 GCB
## LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_C01_830810   S01         IS06 GCB
## LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_C06_830812   S01         IS06 GCB
## LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_C07_830734   S01         IS06 GCB
## LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_D07_830762   S01         IS06 GCB
## MS2010072003                                          S01         IS06 GCB
##                                                     schmitz_labels
## LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_B03_830732            EZB
## LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_C01_830810            EZB
## LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_C06_830812            EZB
## LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_C07_830734            EZB
## LONGS_p_DLBCL_AffyExpr_01_HG_U133_Plus_2_D07_830762          Other
## MS2010072003                                                    N1

The output for ecotypes includes:

assign = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/bulk_lymphoma_data/Ecotypes/ecotype_abundance.txt")
## [1]  9 75
##     MS2010072001 MS2010072003 MS2010072004 MS2010072017 MS2010072019
## LE1   0.04957052   0.08169883   0.08724611 7.549536e-02  0.039440174
## LE2   0.01006307   0.12841183   0.09457992 2.747772e-02  0.002943328
## LE3   0.05278894   0.03158038   0.07019048 2.622030e-01  0.246744970
## LE4   0.30161978   0.03494590   0.08382893 4.458162e-15  0.009809012
## LE5   0.17506202   0.19692135   0.14271831 1.226647e-01  0.137689497
## LE6   0.09394966   0.09523241   0.13293934 2.158494e-01  0.155547222
discrete_assignments = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/bulk_lymphoma_data/Ecotypes/ecotype_abundance.txt")
## [1]  9 75
##     MS2010072001 MS2010072003 MS2010072004 MS2010072017 MS2010072019
## LE1   0.04957052   0.08169883   0.08724611 7.549536e-02  0.039440174
## LE2   0.01006307   0.12841183   0.09457992 2.747772e-02  0.002943328
## LE3   0.05278894   0.03158038   0.07019048 2.622030e-01  0.246744970
## LE4   0.30161978   0.03494590   0.08382893 4.458162e-15  0.009809012
## LE5   0.17506202   0.19692135   0.14271831 1.226647e-01  0.137689497
## LE6   0.09394966   0.09523241   0.13293934 2.158494e-01  0.155547222

Tutorial 2: Recovery of Cell States and Ecotypes in User-Provided scRNA-seq Data

EcoTyper comes pre-loaded with the resources necessary for the reference-guided recovery of cell states and ecotypes previously defined in carcinoma and lymphoma, in user-provided scRNA-seq data.

In this tutorial, we illustrate how EcoTyper can be used to recover the cell states and ecotypes, that we defined across carcinomas and in diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL), in a downsampled version of a scRNA-seq dataset from colorectal cancer specimens, and a downsampled version of a scRNA-seq dataset from lymphoma specimens, respectively. Plese note that the recovery procedure described in this tutorial can also be applied on user-defined cell states and ecotypes, derived as described in Tutorials 4-6.

2.1. Recovery of Carcinoma Cell States and Ecotypes in scRNA-seq Data

In this section we illustrate how carcinoma cell states can be recovered in a scRNA-seq dataset from colorectal cancer specimens. The expression data used in this tutorial can be found in example_data/scRNA_CRC_data.txt, and its corresponding sample annotation in example_data/scRNA_CRC_annotation.txt.

The script used to perform recovery in scRNA-seq data is EcoTyper_recovery_scRNA.R:

Rscript EcoTyper_recovery_scRNA.R -h
## usage: EcoTyper_recovery_scRNA.R [-d <character>] [-m <PATH>] [-a <PATH>]
##                                  [-c <character>] [-z <bool>] [-s <integer>]
##                                  [-t <integer>] [-o <PATH>] [-h]
## Arguments:
##   -d <character>, --discovery <character>
##                         The name of the discovery dataset used to define cell
##                         states and ecotypes. Accepted values: 'Carcinoma' will
##                         recover the cell states and ecotypes defined across
##                         carcinomas, as described in the EcoTyper carcinoma
##                         paper, 'Lymphoma' will recover the cell states and
##                         ecotypes defined in diffuse large B cell lymphoma
##                         (DLBCL), as described in the EcoTyper lymphoma paper,
##                         '<MyDiscovery>' the value used in the field 'Discovery
##                         dataset name' of the config file used for running
##                         EcoTyper discovery ('EcoTyper_discovery.R') script.
##                         [default: 'Carcinoma']
##   -m <PATH>, --matrix <PATH>
##                         Path to a tab-delimited file containing the input
##                         scRNA-seq expression matrix, with gene names on the
##                         first column and cell ids as column names [required].
##   -a <PATH>, --annotation <PATH>
##                         Path to a tab-delimited annotation file containing the
##                         annotation of cells in the input matrix. This file
##                         should contain at least two columns, 'ID' with the
##                         same values as the columns of the expression matrix,
##                         and 'CellType' (case sensitive) which contains the
##                         cell type for each cell. These values are limited to
##                         the set of cell types analyzed in the discovery
##                         dataset. If the argument '-d' is set to 'Carcinoma',
##                         then the accepted values for column 'CellType' are:
##                         'B.cells', 'CD4.T.cells', 'CD8.T.cells',
##                         'Dendritic.cells', 'Endothelial.cells',
##                         'Epithelial.cells', 'Fibroblasts', 'Mast.cells',
##                         'Monocytes.and.Macrophages', 'NK.cells', 'PCs' and
##                         'PMNs'. If the argument '-d' is set to 'Lymphoma',
##                         then the accepted values for column 'CellType' are:
##                         'B.cells', 'Plasma.cells', 'T.cells.CD8',
##                         'T.cells.CD4', 'T.cells.follicular.helper', 'Tregs',
##                         'NK.cells', 'Monocytes.and.Macrophages',
##                         'Dendritic.cells', 'Mast.cells', 'Neutrophils',
##                         'Fibroblasts', 'Endothelial.cells'. All other values
##                         will be ignored for these two cases. Additionally,
##                         this file can contain any number of columns, that can
##                         be used for plotting color bars in the output heatmaps
##                         (see argument '-c'). [required]
##   -c <character>, --columns <character>
##                         A comma-spearated list of column names from the
##                         annotation file to be plotted as color bar in the
##                         output heatmaps. [default: 'NULL']
##   -z <bool>, --z-score <bool>
##                         A flag indicating whether the significance
##                         quantification procedure should be run. Note that this
##                         procedure might be slow, as the NMF model is applied
##                         30 times on the same dataset. [default: 'FALSE']
##   -s <integer>, --subsample <integer>
##                         An integer specifying the number of cells each cell
##                         type will be downsampled to. For values <50, no
##                         downsampling will be performed. [default: '-1' (no
##                         downsampling)]
##   -t <integer>, --threads <integer>
##                         Number of threads. [default: '10']
##   -o <PATH>, --output <PATH>
##                         Output directory path. [default: 'RecoveryOutput']
##   -h, --help            Print help message.

The script takes the following arguments:

data = read.delim("example_data/scRNA_CRC_data.txt", nrow = 5)
## 1    A1BG                        0                        0
## 2    A1CF                        0                        0
## 3     A2M                        0                        0
## 4   A2ML1                        0                        0
## 5 A3GALT2                        0                        0
## 1                        0                        0
## 2                        0                        0
## 3                        0                        0
## 4                        0                        0
## 5                        0                        0
data = read.delim("example_data/scRNA_CRC_annotation.txt")
##                      Index Patient Class  Sample        Cell_type Cell_subtype
## 1 SMC01-T_AAAGATGCATGGATGG   SMC01 Tumor SMC01-T Epithelial cells         CMS2
## 2 SMC01-T_AAAGTAGCAAGGACAC   SMC01 Tumor SMC01-T Epithelial cells         CMS2
## 3 SMC01-T_AAATGCCAGGATCGCA   SMC01 Tumor SMC01-T Epithelial cells         CMS2
## 4 SMC01-T_AACTCTTCACAACGCC   SMC01 Tumor SMC01-T Epithelial cells         CMS2
## 5 SMC01-T_AACTTTCGTTCGGGCT   SMC01 Tumor SMC01-T Epithelial cells         CMS2
## 6 SMC01-T_AAGGTTCTCCAATGGT   SMC01 Tumor SMC01-T Epithelial cells         CMS2
##           CellType                       ID Tissue
## 1 Epithelial.cells SMC01.T_AAAGATGCATGGATGG  Tumor
## 2 Epithelial.cells SMC01.T_AAAGTAGCAAGGACAC  Tumor
## 3 Epithelial.cells SMC01.T_AAATGCCAGGATCGCA  Tumor
## 4 Epithelial.cells SMC01.T_AACTCTTCACAACGCC  Tumor
## 5 Epithelial.cells SMC01.T_AACTTTCGTTCGGGCT  Tumor
## 6 Epithelial.cells SMC01.T_AAGGTTCTCCAATGGT  Tumor

The command line for recovering the carcinoma cell states in the example scRNA-seq data is:

Rscript EcoTyper_recovery_scRNA.R -d Carcinoma -m example_data/scRNA_CRC_data.txt -a example_data/scRNA_CRC_annotation.txt -o RecoveryOutput

The outputs of this script include the following files, for each cell type provided:

data = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/scRNA_CRC_data/Fibroblasts/state_assignment.txt")
head(data[,c("ID", "State")])
##                         ID State
data = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/scRNA_CRC_data/Fibroblasts/heatmap_data.txt")
## [1] 806 857
## TNNI1                          0                        0
## TTN                            0                        0
## STAC3                          0                        0
## SMPX                           0                        0
## APOBEC2                        0                        0
## MYLK2                          0                        0
## TNNI1                          0                        0
## TTN                            0                        0
## STAC3                          0                        0
## SMPX                           0                        0
## APOBEC2                        0                        0
## MYLK2                          0                        0
## TNNI1                          0
## TTN                            0
## STAC3                          0
## SMPX                           0
## APOBEC2                        0
## MYLK2                          0
data = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/scRNA_CRC_data/Fibroblasts/heatmap_top_ann.txt")
## [1] 857  11
##                                                ID State InitialState
##                                             Index Patient
#data = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/scRNA_CRC_data/Epithelial.cells/recovery_z_scores.txt")
#head(data[,c("State", "Z")])

The output for ecotypes includes:

assign = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/scRNA_CRC_data/Ecotypes/ecotype_abundance.txt")
## [1] 10 33
##        SMC01.N     SMC01.T    SMC02.N    SMC02.T    SMC03.N
## CE1 0.03013608 0.151493627 0.10825504 0.21601181 0.02930968
## CE2 0.00000000 0.009612861 0.00000000 0.02671883 0.00000000
## CE3 0.05199290 0.077968658 0.21188075 0.07300246 0.00000000
## CE4 0.01693878 0.043794663 0.03124202 0.00000000 0.00000000
## CE5 0.06285928 0.022531963 0.01115162 0.06406829 0.03197420
## CE6 0.16508230 0.059542004 0.24436913 0.01855854 0.43445664
discrete_assignments = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/scRNA_CRC_data/Ecotypes/ecotype_abundance.txt")
## [1] 10 33
##        SMC01.N     SMC01.T    SMC02.N    SMC02.T    SMC03.N
## CE1 0.03013608 0.151493627 0.10825504 0.21601181 0.02930968
## CE2 0.00000000 0.009612861 0.00000000 0.02671883 0.00000000
## CE3 0.05199290 0.077968658 0.21188075 0.07300246 0.00000000
## CE4 0.01693878 0.043794663 0.03124202 0.00000000 0.00000000
## CE5 0.06285928 0.022531963 0.01115162 0.06406829 0.03197420
## CE6 0.16508230 0.059542004 0.24436913 0.01855854 0.43445664

2.2. Recovery of Lymphoma Cell States and Ecotypes in scRNA-seq Data

In this section we illustrate how lymphoma cell states can be recovered in the scRNA-seq dataset from lymphoma specimens. The expression data used in this tutorial can be found in example_data/scRNA_lymphoma_data.txt, and sample annotation in example_data/scRNA_lymphoma_annotation.txt.

The script used to perform recovery in scRNA-seq data is called EcoTyper_recovery_scRNA.R:

Rscript EcoTyper_recovery_scRNA.R -h
## usage: EcoTyper_recovery_scRNA.R [-d <character>] [-m <PATH>] [-a <PATH>]
##                                  [-c <character>] [-z <bool>] [-s <integer>]
##                                  [-t <integer>] [-o <PATH>] [-h]
## Arguments:
##   -d <character>, --discovery <character>
##                         The name of the discovery dataset used to define cell
##                         states and ecotypes. Accepted values: 'Carcinoma' will
##                         recover the cell states and ecotypes defined across
##                         carcinomas, as described in the EcoTyper carcinoma
##                         paper, 'Lymphoma' will recover the cell states and
##                         ecotypes defined in diffuse large B cell lymphoma
##                         (DLBCL), as described in the EcoTyper lymphoma paper,
##                         '<MyDiscovery>' the value used in the field 'Discovery
##                         dataset name' of the config file used for running
##                         EcoTyper discovery ('EcoTyper_discovery.R') script.
##                         [default: 'Carcinoma']
##   -m <PATH>, --matrix <PATH>
##                         Path to a tab-delimited file containing the input
##                         scRNA-seq expression matrix, with gene names on the
##                         first column and cell ids as column names [required].
##   -a <PATH>, --annotation <PATH>
##                         Path to a tab-delimited annotation file containing the
##                         annotation of cells in the input matrix. This file
##                         should contain at least two columns, 'ID' with the
##                         same values as the columns of the expression matrix,
##                         and 'CellType' (case sensitive) which contains the
##                         cell type for each cell. These values are limited to
##                         the set of cell types analyzed in the discovery
##                         dataset. If the argument '-d' is set to 'Carcinoma',
##                         then the accepted values for column 'CellType' are:
##                         'B.cells', 'CD4.T.cells', 'CD8.T.cells',
##                         'Dendritic.cells', 'Endothelial.cells',
##                         'Epithelial.cells', 'Fibroblasts', 'Mast.cells',
##                         'Monocytes.and.Macrophages', 'NK.cells', 'PCs' and
##                         'PMNs'. If the argument '-d' is set to 'Lymphoma',
##                         then the accepted values for column 'CellType' are:
##                         'B.cells', 'Plasma.cells', 'T.cells.CD8',
##                         'T.cells.CD4', 'T.cells.follicular.helper', 'Tregs',
##                         'NK.cells', 'Monocytes.and.Macrophages',
##                         'Dendritic.cells', 'Mast.cells', 'Neutrophils',
##                         'Fibroblasts', 'Endothelial.cells'. All other values
##                         will be ignored for these two cases. Additionally,
##                         this file can contain any number of columns, that can
##                         be used for plotting color bars in the output heatmaps
##                         (see argument '-c'). [required]
##   -c <character>, --columns <character>
##                         A comma-spearated list of column names from the
##                         annotation file to be plotted as color bar in the
##                         output heatmaps. [default: 'NULL']
##   -z <bool>, --z-score <bool>
##                         A flag indicating whether the significance
##                         quantification procedure should be run. Note that this
##                         procedure might be slow, as the NMF model is applied
##                         30 times on the same dataset. [default: 'FALSE']
##   -s <integer>, --subsample <integer>
##                         An integer specifying the number of cells each cell
##                         type will be downsampled to. For values <50, no
##                         downsampling will be performed. [default: '-1' (no
##                         downsampling)]
##   -t <integer>, --threads <integer>
##                         Number of threads. [default: '10']
##   -o <PATH>, --output <PATH>
##                         Output directory path. [default: 'RecoveryOutput']
##   -h, --help            Print help message.

The script takes the following arguments:

data = read.delim("example_data/scRNA_lymphoma_data.txt", nrow = 5)
##    Genes   Cell_1   Cell_2   Cell_3   Cell_4
## 1   A1BG   0.0000 124.3626   0.0000 81.47967
## 2    A2M   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000  0.00000
## 3 A4GALT   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000  0.00000
## 4   AAAS   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000  0.00000
## 5   AACS 256.5418   0.0000 280.9778  0.00000
data = read.delim("example_data/scRNA_lymphoma_annotation.txt")
##       ID CellType Tissue
## 1 Cell_1  B.cells  Tumor
## 2 Cell_2  B.cells  Tumor
## 3 Cell_3  B.cells  Tumor
## 4 Cell_4  B.cells  Tumor
## 5 Cell_5  B.cells  Tumor
## 6 Cell_6  B.cells  Tumor

The command line for recovering the lymphoma cell states in the example scRNA-seq data is:

Rscript EcoTyper_recovery_scRNA.R -d Lymphoma -m example_data/scRNA_lymphoma_data.txt -a example_data/scRNA_lymphoma_annotation.txt -o RecoveryOutput -c Tissue

The outputs of this script include the following files, for each cell type provided:

data = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/scRNA_lymphoma_data/B.cells/state_assignment.txt")
head(data[,c("ID", "State")])
##       ID State
## 1 Cell_2   S01
## 2 Cell_3   S01
## 3 Cell_4   S01
## 4 Cell_6   S01
## 5 Cell_8   S01
## 6 Cell_9   S01
data = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/scRNA_lymphoma_data/B.cells/heatmap_data.txt")
## [1] 951 728
##          Cell_101  Cell_103 Cell_108 Cell_113  Cell_118
## MARCKSL1 0.000000 11.352804 8.755127  8.13621 10.228436
## AFF2     0.000000  0.000000 0.000000  8.13621  0.000000
## RUNDC2C  0.000000  0.000000 0.000000  0.00000  0.000000
## ANUBL1   0.000000  0.000000 0.000000  0.00000  0.000000
## RASL11A  7.922461  9.546828 6.446493  0.00000  0.000000
## SPRED2   0.000000  0.000000 0.000000  0.00000  7.236829
data = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/scRNA_lymphoma_data/B.cells/heatmap_top_ann.txt")
## [1] 728   5
##                ID State InitialState CellType Tissue
## Cell_101 Cell_101   S01         IS06  B.cells  Tumor
## Cell_103 Cell_103   S01         IS06  B.cells  Tumor
## Cell_108 Cell_108   S01         IS06  B.cells  Tumor
## Cell_113 Cell_113   S01         IS06  B.cells  Tumor
## Cell_118 Cell_118   S01         IS06  B.cells Normal
## Cell_120 Cell_120   S01         IS06  B.cells Normal
#data = read.delim("RecoveryOutput/scRNA_lymphoma_data/B.cells/recovery_z_scores.txt")
#head(data[,c("State", "Z")])

Since in this case the annotation file did not contain a column called Sample, ecotype recovery was not performed.

Tutorial 3: Recovery of Cell States and Ecotypes in Spatial Transcriptomics data

EcoTyper comes pre-loaded with the resources necessary for the reference-guided recovery of cell states and ecotypes previously defined in carcinoma and lymphoma, in user-provided expression data. The recovery procedure described in this tutorial can also be applied on user-defined cell states and ecotypes, derived as described in Tutorials 4-6.

Here we illustrate how one can perform cell state and ecotype recovery in Visium Spatial Gene Expression arrays from 10x Genomics. For this tutorial we recover cell states and ecotypes defined across carcinomas in whole transcriptome spatial transcriptomics data from breast cancer.

3.1. Checklist before performing cell states and ecotypes recovery in Visium data

In order for EcoTyper to perform cell states and ecotypes recovery in Visium data, the following resources need to be available:

The script that does cell type and ecotype discovery is:

Rscript EcoTyper_recovery_visium.R -h
## usage: EcoTyper_recovery_visium.R [-c <PATH>] [-h]
## Arguments:
##   -c <PATH>, --config <PATH>
##                         Path to the config files [required].
##   -h, --help            Print help message.

3.2. The configuration file

This script takes as input file a configuration file in YAML format. The configuration file for this tutorial is available in config_recovery_visium.yml:

default :
  Input :
    Discovery dataset name : "Carcinoma"
    Recovery dataset name : "VisiumBreast"
    Input Visium directory : "example_data/VisiumBreast"
    #Path to a file containing the precomputed cell fractions for the visium array
    Recovery cell type fractions : "NULL"
    Background cell type : "Epithelial.cells"
    CIBERSORTx username : "<Please use your username from the CIBERSORTx website>"
    CIBERSORTx token : "<Please obtain a token from the CIBERSORTx website>"

  Output :
    Output folder : "VisiumOutput"

  Pipeline settings :
    Number of threads : 10
    CIBERSORTx fractions Singularity path : NULL

The configuration file has three sections, Input, Pipeline settings, and Output. We next will describe the expected content in each of these sections, and instruct the user how to set the appropriate settings in their applications.

Input section

The Input section contains settings regarding the input data.

Discovery dataset name

Discovery dataset name : "Carcinoma"

Discovery dataset name should contain the name of the discovery dataset used for defining cell states. By default, the only accepted values are Carcinoma and Lymphoma (case sensitive), which will recover the cell states that we defined across carcinomas and in lymphoma, respectively. If the user defined cell states in their own data (Tutorials 4-6), the name of the discovery dataset is the value provided in the Discovery dataset name field of the configuration file used for running discovery. For this tutorial, we set the name of the discovery dataset to Carcinoma.

Recovery dataset name

Recovery dataset name : "VisiumBreast"

Recovery dataset name is the identifier used by EcoTyper to internally save and retrieve the information about the cell states/ecotypes abundances. Any value that contains alphanumeric characters and ’_’ is accepted for this field.

Input Visium directory

Input Visium directory : "example_data/VisiumBreast"

There are 4 input files needed for recovery on the visium data:

## [1] "barcodes.tsv.gz"           "features.tsv.gz"          
## [3] "matrix.mtx.gz"             "tissue_positions_list.csv"

The filtered feature-barcode matrices barcodes.tsv.gz, features.tsv.gz and matrix.mtx.gz, in the format provided by 10x Genomics, and the tissue_positions_list.csv file produced by the run summary images pipeline, containing the spatial position of barcodes.

Recovery cell type fractions

Recovery cell type fractions : "NULL"

Recovery cell type fractions should contain the path to a file containing the cell type fraction estimations for each spot on the visium array. This field is ignored when the discovery dataset is Carcinoma or Lymphoma or when the discovery has been performed as described in Tutorial 4, using Carcinoma_Fractions or Lymphoma_Fractions. It is only used when users provided their own cell type fractions for deriving cell states and ecotypes in Tutorial 4. In this case, the user needs to provide a path to a tab-delimited file for this field. The file should contain in the first column the same sample names used as column names in the input expression matrix, and in the next columns, the cell type fractions for the same cell populations used for discovering cell states and ecotypes. These fractions should sum up to 1 for each row. An example of such a file is provided in:

data = read.delim("example_data/visium_fractions_example.txt", nrow = 5)
## [1]  5 13
##              Mixture Fibroblasts Endothelial.cells Epithelial.cells    B.cells
## 1 AAACAAGTATCTCCCA.1   0.3747796       0.016948078        0.2164860 0.04116797
## 2 AAACACCAATAACTGC.1   0.1231510       0.028426736        0.6737582 0.02209104
## 3 AAACAGAGCGACTCCT.1   0.2383718       0.085296697        0.3124031 0.03159104
## 4 AAACAGGGTCTATATT.1   0.1178922       0.053757339        0.1128586 0.11847960
## 5 AAACAGTGTTCCTGGG.1   0.3699561       0.005238928        0.5008316 0.01311040
##   CD4.T.cells CD8.T.cells Dendritic.cells  Mast.cells Monocytes.and.Macrophages
## 1  0.10447645 0.033647446     0.016196773 0.021842932                0.06183330
## 2  0.04376232 0.025219723     0.006647209 0.008375436                0.03087553
## 3  0.04581258 0.028235504     0.025698640 0.020992271                0.04386487
## 4  0.11018235 0.154411312     0.004780762 0.013200087                0.09278191
## 5  0.02826441 0.007037966     0.005238555 0.006979820                0.02851720
##      NK.cells        PCs        PMNs
## 1 0.030228865 0.06911276 0.013279833
## 2 0.006960189 0.02580987 0.004922716
## 3 0.020617429 0.13918007 0.007936014
## 4 0.000000000 0.21863726 0.003018626
## 5 0.007854087 0.02484208 0.002128834

Since in this tutorial we use the Carcinoma dataset as the discovery dataset, this field is not required. However, if it needs to be provided, it can be set as follows:

Recovery cell type fractions : "example_data/visium_fractions_example.txt"

Background cell type

Background cell type : "Epithelial.cells"

The cell of origin population for the cancer type being analyzed, amongst the cell types used for discovery. This field is used for plotting a gray background in the resulting output plot, with the intensity of gray depicting the abundance of the cell of origin population in each spot. It is not used when the discovery dataset is Carcinoma or Lymphoma or when the discovery has been performed as described in Tutorials 4-6, using Carcinoma_Fractions or Lymphoma_Fractions. In these cases, the malignant cells are automatically considered to be originating from Epithelial.cells or B.cells, respectively. Otherwise, this field can be set to one of the column names in the file provided in Recovery cell type fractions field, corresponding to the appropriate cell type of origin. If this field is not provided, or if the value provided is not found in the column names of the fractions file, the background will be uniformly set to gray.

CIBERSORTx username and token

CIBERSORTx username : "<Please use your username from the CIBERSORTx website>"
CIBERSORTx token : "<Please obtain a token from the CIBERSORTx website>"

The fields CIBERSORTx username and CIBERSORTx token should contain the username on the CIBERSORTx website and the token necessary to run the CIBERSORTx source code. The token can be obtained from the CIBERSORTx website.

The output section

The Output section contains a single field, Output folder, which specifies the path where the final output will be saved. This folder will be created if it does not exist.

Output folder : "VisiumOutput"

Number of threads

The last section, Pipeline settings, contains only one argument, the number of threads used for performing recovery:

Number of threads : 10

CIBERSORTx fractions Singularity path

CIBERSORTx fractions Singularity path : NULL

The path to the Singularity container (a .SIF file) for the CIBERSORTx fractions module. If this path is provided, cell fraction estimation at step 2 will be performed using Sngularity. Otherwise it will be performed using Docker.

3.3. The command line

After editing the configuration file (config_recovery_visium.yml), the command line for recovering the cell states and ecotypes in Visium Spatial Gene Expression data looks as illustrated below. Please note that this script might take up to two hours to run on 10 threads. Also, since CIBERSORTx is run on each spot, the memory requirements might exceed the memory available on a typical laptop. We recommend that this tutorial is run on a server with >32GB of RAM.

Rscript EcoTyper_recovery_visium.R -c config_recovery_visium.yml

3.4. The output format

EcoTyper generates for each cell type the following outputs:

data = read.delim("VisiumOutput/VisiumBreast/state_abundances.txt")
## [1] 3813   76
##                   ID  X   Y       Sample Malignant B.cells_S01 B.cells_S02
## 1 AAACAAGTATCTCCCA.1 50 102 VisiumBreast 0.2164860           0           0
## 2 AAACACCAATAACTGC.1 59  19 VisiumBreast 0.6737582           0           0
## 3 AAACAGAGCGACTCCT.1 14  94 VisiumBreast 0.3124031           0           0
## 4 AAACAGGGTCTATATT.1 47  13 VisiumBreast 0.1128586           1           0
## 5 AAACAGTGTTCCTGGG.1 73  43 VisiumBreast 0.5008316           0           0
## 6 AAACATTTCCCGGATT.1 61  97 VisiumBreast 0.7553180           0           0
##   B.cells_S03 B.cells_S04 B.cells_S05
## 1           0   0.0000000   0.8690817
## 2           0   0.0000000   0.0000000
## 3           0   0.0000000   0.0000000
## 4           0   0.0000000   0.0000000
## 5           0   0.2767688   0.0000000
## 6           0   0.3345834   0.0000000
data = read.delim("VisiumOutput/VisiumBreast/ecotype_abundances.txt")
## [1] 3813   15
##                                ID  X   Y       Sample Malignant        CE1
## VisiumBreast.1 AAACAAGTATCTCCCA.1 50 102 VisiumBreast 0.1142685 0.93179887
## VisiumBreast.2 AAACACCAATAACTGC.1 59  19 VisiumBreast 0.7334114 0.23355315
## VisiumBreast.3 AAACAGAGCGACTCCT.1 14  94 VisiumBreast 0.2441395 0.00000000
## VisiumBreast.4 AAACAGGGTCTATATT.1 47  13 VisiumBreast 0.0000000 0.09941146
## VisiumBreast.5 AAACAGTGTTCCTGGG.1 73  43 VisiumBreast 0.4992702 0.64507665
## VisiumBreast.6 AAACATTTCCCGGATT.1 61  97 VisiumBreast 0.8438427 0.02056875
##                      CE2       CE3       CE4 CE5
## VisiumBreast.1 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.7497744   0
## VisiumBreast.2 0.2357562 0.0000000 0.0000000   0
## VisiumBreast.3 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000   0
## VisiumBreast.4 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000   0
## VisiumBreast.5 0.0000000 0.1836142 0.0000000   0
## VisiumBreast.6 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000   0

Tutorial 4. De novo Discovery of Cell States and Ecotypes in Bulk Data

In this tutorial we illustrate how one can perform de novo identification of cell states and ecotypes, starting from a bulk-tissue expression matrix. For illustration purposes, we use as discovery dataset a downsampled version of the TCGA samples from lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) and lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC), available in example_data/bulk_lung_data.txt, together with the sample annotation file example_data/bulk_lung_annotation.txt.

4.1. Overview of the EcoTyper workflow for discovering cell states

EcoTyper derives cell states and ecotypes in a sequence of steps:

  1. Cell type fraction estimation: EcoTyper relies on cell abundance estimations of the major cell lineages expected to be present in the tissue analyzed, for each sample in the discovery dataset.
    One way of estimating cell type abundances in bulk tissue specimens is by using CIBERSORTx Fractions module. CIBERSORTx Fractions leverages sets of barcode genes, termed signature matrix, to estimate cell fractions. Complete tutorials about how signature matrices can be derived are available on the CIBERSORTx website. In the EcoTyper carcinoma and lymphoma papers, we serially apply two signature matrices, to get a comprehensive representation of cell types typically found in these malignancies. We make these strategies automatically available in EcoTyper. If, however, the tissue/system being analyzed is expected to have different cell populations, then the user needs to estimate the appropriate fractions themselves (see details below).

  2. Cell type expression purification: To impute cell type-specific gene expression profiles from bulk tissue transcriptomes, EcoTyper employs CIBERSORTx HiRes module. CIBERSORTx HiRes takes as input the bulk expression matrix of the discovery dataset and the fractions of the cell populations obtained at step 1. It produces cell-type specific expression profiles, at single-sample resolution, for each cell population.

  3. Cell state discovery: EcoTyper leverages nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) to identify transcriptionally-defined cell states from expression profiles purified by CIBERSORTx HiRes (step 2). Given c cell types, let V_i be a g×n cell type-specific expression matrix for cell type i consisting of g rows (the number of genes) and n columns (the number of samples). The primary objective of NMF is to factorize V_i into two non-negative matrices: a g×k matrix, W, and a k×n matrix, H, where k is a user-specified rank (i.e., number of clusters). The basis matrix, W, encodes a representative expression level for each gene in each cell state. The mixture coefficients matrix H, scaled to sum to 1 across cell states, encodes the representation (relative abundance) of each cell state in each sample.
    EcoTyper applies NMF on the top 1000 genes with highest relative dispersion across samples. If less than 1000 genes are available, all genes are selected. If less than 50 genes are imputed for a given cell type, that cell type is not used for cell state identification. Prior to NMF, each gene is scaled to mean 0 and unit variance. To satisfy the non-negativity requirement of NMF, cell type-specific expression matrices are individually processed using posneg transformation. This function converts an input expression matrix V_i into two matrices, one containing only positive values and the other containing only negative values with the sign inverted. These two matrices are subsequently concatenated to produce V_i^\*.
    For each cell type, EcoTyper applies NMF across a range of ranks (number of cell states), by default 2-20 states. For each rank, the NMF algorithm is applied multiple times (we recommend at least 50) with different starting seeds, for robustness.

  4. Choosing the number of cell states: Cluster (state) number selection is an important consideration in NMF applications. We found that previous approaches that rely on minimizing error measures (e.g., RMSE, KL divergence) or optimizing information-theoretic metrics either failed to converge or were dependent on the number of genes imputed. In contrast, the cophenetic coefficient quantifies the classification stability for a given rank (i.e., the number of clusters) and ranges from 0 to 1, with 1 being maximally stable. While the rank at which the cophenetic coefficient starts decreasing is typically selected, this approach is challenging to apply in situations where the cophenetic coefficient exhibits a multi-modal shape across ranks, as we found for some cell types. Therefore, we developed a heuristic approach more suitable for such settings. In each case, the rank was automatically chosen based on the cophenetic coefficient evaluated in the range 2–20 clusters (by default). Specifically, we determined the first occurrence in the interval 2–20 for which the cophenetic coefficient dropped below 0.95 (by default), having been above this level for at least two consecutive ranks. We then selected the rank immediately adjacent to this crossing point which was closest to 0.95 (by default).

  5. Extracting cell state information: The NMF output resulting from step 4 is parsed and cell state information is extracted for the downstream analyses.

  6. Cell state QC filter: Although posneg transformation is required to satisfy the non-negativity constraint of NMF following standardization, it can lead to the identification of spurious cell states driven by features with more negative values than positive ones. To combat this, we devised an adaptive false positive index (AFI), a novel index defined as the ratio between the sum of weights from the W matrix corresponding to the negative and positive features. EcoTyper automatically filters the states with AFI >= 1.

  7. Advanced cell state QC filter: When the discovery dataset is comprised of multiple tumor types, we recommend using this advanced filter. This filter identifies poor-quality cell states using a dropout score, which flags states whose marker genes exhibit anomalously low variance and high expression across the discovery cohort, generally an artefact of CIBEROSRTx HiRes. To calculate the dropout score for each marker gene (i.e., genes with maximal log2 fold change in each state relative to other states within a given cell type), EcoTyper determines the maximum fraction of samples for which the gene has the same value. It also calculates the average log2 expression of the gene across samples. It averages each quantity, scaled to unit variance across states, within each state, converts them to z-scores, and removes states with a mean Z >1.96 (P \< 0.05).

  8. Ecotype (cellular community) discovery: Ecotypes or cellular communities are derived by identifying patterns of co-occurrence of cell states across samples. First, EcoTyper leverages the Jaccard index to quantify the degree of overlap between each pair of cell states across samples in the discovery cohort. Toward this end, it discretizes each cell state q into a binary vector a of length l, where l denotes the number of samples in the discovery cohort. Collectively, these vectors comprise binary matrix A, with same number of rows as cell states across cell types and l columns (samples). Given sample s, if state q is the most abundant state among all states in cell type i, EcoTyper sets A\_(q,s) to 1; otherwise A\_(q,s) ← 0. It then computes all pairwise Jaccard indices on the rows (states) in matrix A, yielding matrix J. Using the hypergeometric test, it evaluates the null hypothesis that any given pair of cell states q and k have no overlap. In cases where the hypergeometric p-value is >0.01, the Jaccard index for J\_(q,k) is set to 0 (i.e., no overlap). To identify communities while accommodating outliers, the updated Jaccard matrix J^' is hierarchically clustered using average linkage with Euclidean distance (hclust in the R stats package). The optimal number of clusters is then determined via silhouette width maximization. Clusters with less than 3 cell states are eliminated from further analysis.

4.2. Checklist before performing cell states and ecotypes discovery

In order for EcoTyper to perform cell states and ecotypes discovery, the following resources need to be available:

4.3. Cell states and ecotypes discovery

The script that does cell type and ecotype discovery is:

Rscript EcoTyper_discovery_bulk.R -h
## usage: EcoTyper_discovery_bulk.R [-c <PATH>] [-h]
## Arguments:
##   -c <PATH>, --config <PATH>
##                         Path to the config files [required].
##   -h, --help            Print help message.

This script takes as input file a configuration file in YAML format. The configuration file for this tutorial is available in config_discovery_bulk.yml:

default :
  Input :
    Discovery dataset name : "MyDiscovery"
    Expression matrix : "example_data/bulk_lung_data.txt"
    #Possible values: "Carcinoma_Fractions", "Lymphoma_Fractions" or a path to a file containing the precomputed cell fractions
    Cell type fractions : "Carcinoma_Fractions"
    #Possible values: "RNA-seq", "Affymetrix", "Other"
    Expression type : "RNA-seq"
    #This field can also be set to "NULL"
    Annotation file : "example_data/bulk_lung_annotation.txt"
    #This field can also be set to "NULL"
    Annotation file column to scale by : "Histology"
    #This field can also be set to "NULL"
    Annotation file column(s) to plot : ["Histology", "Tissue"]
    CIBERSORTx username : "<Please use your username from the CIBERSORTx website>"
    CIBERSORTx token : "<Please obtain a token from the CIBERSORTx website>"

  Output :
    Output folder : "DiscoveryOutput"

  Pipeline settings :
    #Pipeline steps:
    #   step 1 (cell type fraction estimation)
    #   step 2 (cell type expression purification)
    #   step 3 (cell state discovery)
    #   step 4 (choosing the number of cell states)
    #   step 5 (extracting cell state information)
    #   step 6 (cell state QC filter)
    #   step 7 (advanced cell state QC filter)
    #   step 8 (ecotype discovery)
    Pipeline steps to skip : [7] # by default, step 7 is skipped
    Number of threads : 10
    Number of NMF restarts : 5
    Maximum number of states per cell type : 20
    Cophenetic coefficient cutoff : 0.95
    CIBERSORTx fractions Singularity path : NULL
    CIBERSORTx hires Singularity path : NULL
    Minimum number of states in ecotypes : 3

The configuration file has three sections, Input, Output and Pipeline settings. We next will describe the expected content in each of these three sections, and instruct the user how to set the appropriate settings in their applications.

Input section

The Input section contains settings regarding the input data.

Discovery dataset name

Discovery dataset name is the identifier used by EcoTyper to internally save and retrieve the information about the cell states/ecotypes defined on this discovery dataset. It is also the name to be provided to the -d/–discovery argument of scripts EcoTyper_recovery_scRNA.R and EcoTyper_recovery_bulk.R, when performing cell state/ecotypes recovery. Any value that contains alphanumeric characters and ’_’ is accepted for this field.

Discovery dataset name : "MyDiscovery"

Expression matrix

Expression matrix : "example_data/bulk_lung_data.txt"

Expression matrix field should contain the path to a tab-delimited file containing the expression data, with genes as rows and samples as columns. The expression matrix should be in the TPM or FPKM space for bulk RNA-seq and non-logarithmic (exponential) space for microarrays. It should have gene symbols on the first column and gene counts for each sample on the next columns. Column (sample) names should be unique. Also, we recommend that the column names do not contain special characters that are modified by the R function make.names, e.g. having digits at the beginning of the name or containing characters such as space, tab or -:

The expected format for the expression matrix is:

data = read.delim("example_data/bulk_lung_data.txt", nrow = 5)
## [1]   5 251
##      Gene TCGA.37.A5EN.01A.21R.A26W.07 TCGA.37.4133.01A.01R.1100.07
## 1    A1BG                   18.6400165                 18.196602709
## 2    A1CF                    0.0338368                  0.002095014
## 3     A2M                   54.1463351                 35.714991125
## 4   A2ML1                    4.9953315                  2.383752067
## 5 A3GALT2                    0.0438606                  0.000000000
##   TCGA.77.7465.01A.11R.2045.07 TCGA.34.5240.01A.01R.1443.07
## 1                  24.83635354                 23.579201761
## 2                   0.02301987                  0.004186634
## 3                  80.63633736                 86.804257397
## 4                   4.08688641                  3.015307103
## 5                   0.00000000                  0.000000000

Cell type fractions

Cell type fractions field instructs EcoTyper on how to compute cell type fractions on the discovery dataset:

#Possible values: "Carcinoma_Fractions", "Lymphoma_Fractions" or a path to a file containing the precomputed cell fractions
Cell type fractions : "Carcinoma_Fractions"

If the major cell populations expected in the user-provided discovery dataset are recapitulated by the cell populations analyzed in the EcoTyper carcinoma paper (B cells, CD4 T cells, CD8 T cells, dendritic cells, endothelial cells, epithelial cells, fibroblasts, mast cells, monocytes/macrophages, NK cells, plasma cells and neutrophils), then this field can be set to Carcinoma_Fractions (case sensitive), and EcoTyper will automatically estimate fractions for these populations, in step 1 of the workflow. Similarly, if the cell populations analyzed in the EcoTyper lymphoma paper (B cells , CD4 T cells, CD8 T cells, follicular helper T cells, Tregs, dendritic cells, endothelial cells, fibroblasts, mast cells, monocytes/macrophages, NK cells, plasma cells and neutrophils) are appropriate, then the user can set this field to Lymphoma_Fractions and cell fractions will be automatically calculated.

In each of these cases the fractions are being estimated by serially applying two signature matrices on the discovery dataset. The first signature matrix, denoted TR4, is available in utils/signature_matrices/TR4/TR4. TR4 was obtained from FACS-sorted profiles of epithelial cells (EPCAM+), fibroblasts (CD10+), endothelial cells (CD31+) and immune cells (CD45+), obtained from lung cancer specimens (Newman et al., Nature Biotechnology 2019). The second signature matrix, LM22, available in utils/signature_matrices/LM22/LM22, was published with Newman et al., Nature Methods 2015, and is able to deconvolve 22 immune subsets. In the EcoTyper carcinoma paper, we first collapse the fractions for 22 subsets to obtain the representation of the 9 major cell types (B cells, plasma cells, CD4 T cells, CD8 T cells, NK cells, monocytes/macrophages, dendritic cells, mast cells, and neutrophils). We then replace the TR4 immune cell fractions with the fractions of the 9 cell lineages. This way we obtain cell abundance estimations for 12 cell populations used in that paper. An analogous process is used to obtain the lymphoma fractions.

If neither of these cases apply, the user needs to provide a path to a tab-delimited file containing the cell type proportion estimations for the expected populations. The file should contain in the first column the same sample names used for column names in the input expression matrix, and in the next columns, the cell type fractions for each cell population. These fractions should sum up to 1 for each row. An example of such a file is provided in:

data = read.delim("example_data/bulk_fractions_example.txt", nrow = 5)
## [1]  5 13
##                        Mixture Fibroblasts Endothelial.cells Epithelial.cells
## 1 TCGA.05.4249.01A.01R.1107.07  0.04016289       0.014982782        0.7054344
## 2 TCGA.05.4397.01A.01R.1206.07  0.02267369       0.009185669        0.6347924
## 3 TCGA.05.4398.01A.01R.1206.07  0.07151019       0.012282375        0.4041580
## 4 TCGA.05.4410.01A.21R.1858.07  0.03624798       0.009184835        0.6380211
## 5 TCGA.05.5425.01A.02R.1628.07  0.02596008       0.016036916        0.5820677
##       B.cells CD4.T.cells CD8.T.cells Dendritic.cells  Mast.cells
## 1 0.007229603  0.03216195 0.009618405     0.040271214 0.037739587
## 2 0.008658565  0.03586357 0.018784902     0.017186200 0.010598134
## 3 0.008732240  0.11555398 0.031922166     0.017226963 0.009799286
## 4 0.010793538  0.04992778 0.042050615     0.001396051 0.006484677
## 5 0.010044434  0.06866075 0.055325719     0.009598804 0.007838445
##   Monocytes.and.Macrophages    NK.cells        PCs        PMNs
## 1                0.08498321 0.003858362 0.02000494 0.003552648
## 2                0.20940083 0.012661304 0.01555575 0.004638961
## 3                0.25249613 0.013547285 0.05768268 0.005088728
## 4                0.11240034 0.008568742 0.08322750 0.001696815
## 5                0.17408990 0.012115993 0.03057943 0.007681873

This path can provided in the configuration file as follows:

#Possible values: "Carcinoma_Fractions", "Lymphoma_Fractions" or a path to a file containing the precomputed cell fractions
Cell type fractions : "example_data/bulk_fractions_example.txt"

Expression type

 #Possible values: "RNA-seq", "Affymetrix", "Other"
    Expression type : "RNA-seq"

Expression type field specifies the platform used to generate the data provided in the expression matrix. The accepted values are RNA-seq for bulk RNA-seq data, Affymetrix for data profiled using Affymetrix microarray platforms, and Other for data from non-Affymetrix microarray platform. This argument is relevant only if the cell type fractions are being estimated automatically by EcoTyper (i.e. values Carcinoma_Fractions or Lymphoma_Fractions are being provided in the field Cell type fractions of the configuration file, as described above). Based on this field, EcoTyper determines the appropriate parameters for the CIBERSORTx fractions module, when estimating cell type fractions using the TR4 and LM22 signatures (see above). If RNA-seq is provided, CIBERSORTx with no batch correction is applied on TR4 and with B-mode batch correction on LM22. If Affymetrix is provided CIBERSORTx fractions with B-mode batch correction is applied on TR4 and with no batch correction on LM22. If Other is provided, CIBERSORTx fractions with B-mode batch correction is applied on both signatures

Annotation file

Annotation file : "example_data/bulk_lung_annotation.txt"

A path to an annotation file can be provided in the field Annotation file. If provided, this file should contain a column called ID with the same names as the columns of the expression matrix, and any number of additional columns. The additional columns can be used for defining sample batches (see Section Annotation file column to scale by below) and for plotting color bars in the heatmaps output (see Section Annotation file column(s) to plot below). If not provided, this field needs to be set to “NULL”. For the current example, the annotation file has the following format:

annotation = read.delim("example_data/bulk_lung_annotation.txt", nrow = 5)
## [1] 5 6
##                             ID Tissue Histology                Type OS_Time
## 1 TCGA.37.A5EN.01A.21R.A26W.07  Tumor      LUSC Primary Solid Tumor     660
## 2 TCGA.37.4133.01A.01R.1100.07  Tumor      LUSC Primary Solid Tumor     238
## 3 TCGA.77.7465.01A.11R.2045.07  Tumor      LUSC Primary Solid Tumor     990
## 4 TCGA.34.5240.01A.01R.1443.07  Tumor      LUSC Primary Solid Tumor    1541
## 5 TCGA.05.4249.01A.01R.1107.07  Tumor      LUAD Primary Solid Tumor    1523
##   OS_Status
## 1         0
## 2         0
## 3         0
## 4         0
## 5         0

Annotation file column to scale by

Annotation file column to scale by : "Histology"

In order to discover pan-carcinoma cell states and ecotypes in the EcoType carcinoma paper, we standardize genes to mean 0 and unit 1 within each tumor type (histology). Field Annotation file column to scale by allows users to specify a column name in the annotation file, by which the samples will be grouped when performing standardization. The example discovery dataset used in this tutorial has samples from lung adenocarcinoma and lung squamous cell carcinoma. Therefore, for this tutorial we will use the Histology column to perform standardization.

However, this is an analytical choice, depending on the purpose of the analysis. If the users are interested in defining cell states and ecotypes regardless of tumor type-specificity, this argument can be set to “NULL”. In this case, the standardization will be applied across all samples in the discovery cohort. The same will happen if the annotation file is not provided.

Annotation file column(s) to plot

Annotation file column(s) to plot : ["Histology", "Tissue"]

Annotation file column(s) to plot field specifies which columns in the annotation file will be used as color bar in the output heatmaps, in addition to the cell state label or ecotype label column, plotted by default.

CIBERSORTx username and token

CIBERSORTx username : "<Please use your username from the CIBERSORTx website>"
CIBERSORTx token : "<Please obtain a token from the CIBERSORTx website>"

The fields CIBERSORTx username and CIBERSORTx token should contain the username on the CIBERSORTx website and the token necessary to run the CIBERSORTx source code. The token can be obtained from the CIBERSORTx website.

The output section

The Output section contains a single field, Output folder, which specifies the path where the final output will be saved. This folder will be created if it does not exist.

Output folder : "DiscoveryOutput"

Pipeline settings

The last section, Pipeline settings, contains settings controlling how EcoTyper is run.

Pipeline steps to skip

 #Pipeline steps:
    #   step 1 (cell type fraction estimation)
    #   step 2 (cell type expression purification)
    #   step 3 (cell state discovery)
    #   step 4 (choosing the number of cell states)
    #   step 5 (extracting cell state information)
    #   step 6 (cell state QC filter)
    #   step 7 (advanced cell state QC filter)
    #   step 8 (ecotype discovery)
    Pipeline steps to skip : [7] # by default, step 7 is skipped

The Pipeline steps to skip option allows user to skip some of the steps outlined in section Overview of the EcoTyper workflow for discovering cell states. Please note that this option is only intended for cases when the pipeline had already been run once, and small adjustments are made to the parameters. For example, if the Cophenetic coefficient cutoff used in step 3 needs adjusting, the user might want to skip steps 1-2 and re-run from step 3 onwards.

Number of threads

Number of threads : 10

The number of threads EcoTyper will be run on.

Number of NMF restarts

Number of NMF restarts : 5

The NMF approach used by EcoTyper (Brunet et al.), can give slightly different results, depending on the random initialization of the algorithm. To obtain a stable solution, NMF is generally run multiple times with different seeds, and the solution that best explains the discovery data is chosen. Additionally, the variation of NMF solutions across restarts with different seeds is quantified using Cophenetic coefficients and used in step 4 of EcoTyper for selecting the number of states. The parameter Number of NMF restarts specifies how many restarts with different seed should EcoTyper perform for each rank selection, in each cell type. Since this is a very time consuming process, in this example we only use 5. However, for publication-quality results, we recommend at least 50 restarts.

Maximum number of states per cell type

Maximum number of states per cell type : 20

Maximum number of states per cell type specifies the upper end of the range for the number of states possible for each cell type. The lower end is 2.

Cophenetic coefficient cutoff

Cophenetic coefficient cutoff : 0.95

This field indicates the Cophenetic coefficient cutoff, in the range [0, 1], used for automatically determining the number of states in step 4. Lower values generally lead to more clusters being identified.

CIBERSORTx fractions Singularity path

CIBERSORTx fractions Singularity path : NULL

The path to the Singularity container (a .SIF file) for the CIBERSORTx fractions module. If this path is provided, cell fraction estimation at step 1 will be performed using Sngularity. Otherwise it will be performed using Docker.

CIBERSORTx hires Singularity path

CIBERSORTx hires Singularity path : NULL

The path to the Singularity container (a .SIF file) for the CIBERSORTx HiRes module. If this path is provided, in silico cell purification at stepp 2 will be performed using Sngularity. Otherwise it will be performed using Docker.

Minimum number of states in ecotypes

Minimum number of states in ecotypes : 3

The ecotypes with less cell states than indicated in this field will be filtered out.

4.4. The command line

After editing the configuration file (config_discovery_bulk.yml), the de novo discovery cell states and ecotypes can be run as is illustrated below. Please note that this script might take up to two hours to run on 10 threads. Also, although EcoTyper can be run on the example data from this tutorial using a typical laptop (16GB memory), it might not be the case for larger datasets. We recommend that cell type and ecotype discovery is generally run on a server with >32GB of RAM.

Rscript EcoTyper_discovery_bulk.R -c config_discovery_bulk.yml

4.5. The output format

EcoTyper generates for each cell type the following outputs:

data = read.delim("DiscoveryOutput/Endothelial.cells/state_abundances.txt")
## [1]   4 250
##     TCGA.37.A5EN.01A.21R.A26W.07 TCGA.37.4133.01A.01R.1100.07
## S01                 4.657038e-15                 3.396931e-15
## S02                 4.313475e-01                 3.396931e-15
## S03                 4.657038e-15                 3.396931e-15
## S04                 5.532795e-02                 3.396931e-15
##     TCGA.77.7465.01A.11R.2045.07 TCGA.34.5240.01A.01R.1443.07
## S01                 4.011227e-15                 3.955821e-15
## S02                 2.750005e-01                 8.143772e-02
## S03                 4.011227e-15                 3.955821e-15
## S04                 4.011227e-15                 1.748715e-03
##     TCGA.05.4249.01A.01R.1107.07
## S01                 4.256051e-15
## S02                 4.256051e-15
## S03                 1.137231e-01
## S04                 8.575277e-01
data = read.delim("DiscoveryOutput/Endothelial.cells/state_assignment.txt")
## [1] 131   3
##                              ID State InitialState
## 31 TCGA.55.6983.11A.01R.1949.07   S01         IS02
## 32 TCGA.44.6776.11A.01R.1858.07   S01         IS02
## 33 TCGA.77.7335.11A.01R.2045.07   S01         IS02
## 34 TCGA.38.A44F.01A.11R.A24H.07   S01         IS02
## 35 TCGA.77.7138.11A.01R.2045.07   S01         IS02
## 36 TCGA.44.6778.11A.01R.1858.07   S01         IS02

The ecotype output files include:

ecotypes = read.delim("DiscoveryOutput/Ecotypes/ecotypes.txt")
head(ecotypes[,c("CellType", "State", "Ecotype")])
##            CellType State Ecotype
## 1           B.cells   S01      E1
## 2 Endothelial.cells   S02      E1
## 3  Epithelial.cells   S01      E1
## 4       Fibroblasts   S07      E1
## 5           B.cells   S03      E2
## 6       CD4.T.cells   S02      E2
abundances = read.delim("DiscoveryOutput/Ecotypes/ecotype_abundance.txt")
## [1]   7 250
##    TCGA.37.A5EN.01A.21R.A26W.07 TCGA.37.4133.01A.01R.1100.07
## E1                  0.794531073                 5.587512e-02
## E2                  0.013996811                 7.309504e-02
## E3                  0.069214903                 6.880715e-03
## E4                  0.003306485                 6.049462e-03
## E5                  0.025837936                 1.759492e-14
## E6                  0.093112792                 8.580997e-01
##    TCGA.77.7465.01A.11R.2045.07 TCGA.34.5240.01A.01R.1443.07
## E1                 4.508978e-01                 9.485239e-01
## E2                 3.120952e-01                 2.957054e-03
## E3                 7.323729e-15                 1.835542e-03
## E4                 8.909708e-15                 1.377273e-02
## E5                 1.645593e-01                 7.296796e-15
## E6                 7.244779e-02                 3.291079e-02
##    TCGA.05.4249.01A.01R.1107.07
## E1                 4.493338e-09
## E2                 1.180982e-01
## E3                 5.358678e-01
## E4                 1.804165e-01
## E5                 8.538532e-02
## E6                 1.303634e-15
assignments = read.delim("DiscoveryOutput/Ecotypes/ecotype_assignment.txt")
## [1] 190   6
##                              ID MaxEcotype AssignmentP AssignmentQ
## 1  TCGA.37.A5EN.01A.21R.A26W.07         E1 0.004009105  0.01632571
## 4  TCGA.34.5240.01A.01R.1443.07         E1 0.073719200  0.12710207
## 27 TCGA.63.A5ML.01A.31R.A27Q.07         E1 0.001972521  0.01027355
## 28 TCGA.94.8490.01A.11R.2326.07         E1 0.037336292  0.08348404
## 31 TCGA.63.7023.01A.11R.1949.07         E1 0.011139835  0.03403160
## 43 TCGA.66.2800.01A.01R.1201.07         E1 0.152024184  0.19898453
##    AssignedToEcotypeStates
## 1                     TRUE
## 4                     TRUE
## 27                    TRUE
## 28                    TRUE
## 31                    TRUE
## 43                    TRUE

Tutorial 5. De novo Discovery of Cell States and Ecotypes in scRNA-seq Data

In this tutorial we illustrate how one can perform de novo identification of cell states and ecotypes, starting from a scRNA-seq expression matrix. For illustration purposes, we use as discovery dataset a downsampled version of the scRNA-seq from colorectal cancer, available in example_data/scRNA_CRC_data.txt, together with the sample annotation file example_data/scRNA_CRC_annotation.txt.

5.1. Overview of the EcoTyper workflow for discovering cell states in scRNA-seq data

EcoTyper derives cell states and ecotypes from scRNA-seq data in a sequence of steps:

  1. Extract cell type specific or top variable genes: The removal of genes that are not specifically expressed in a given cell type is an important consideration for reducing the likelihood of identifying spurious cell states. Ecotyper applies by default a filter for non-cell type specific genes, before performing cell state discovery in scRNA-seq data. Specifically, it performs a differential expression between cells from a given cell type and all other cell types combined. For computational efficency and balanced representation of cell types, only up to 500 randomly selected cells per cell type are used for this step. Genes with a Q-value > 0.05 (two-sided Wilcox test, with Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple hypothesis correction) are filtered out from each cell type. Of note, this filter is not necessary when discovering cell states in cell type specific profiles purified using CIBERSORTx high resolution (Tutorial 4). CIBERSORTx incorporates its own filter for genes without evidence of expression in a given cell type.
    Alternatively, users can include into analysis only top x genes with the highest variance in a given cell type.

  2. Cell state discovery on correlation matrices: EcoTyper leverages nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) to identify transcriptionally-defined cell states from single cell expression profiles. However, NMF applied directly on scRNA-seq expression matrices may perform sub-optimally, since scRNA-seq data is generally sparse. Therefore, EcoTyper first applies NMF on the correlation matrix between each pair of cells from a given cell type. For computational efficency, EcoTyper only uses up to 2,500 randomly selected cells for this step.
    To satisfy the non-negativity requirement of NMF, correlation matrices are individually processed using posneg transformation. This function converts a correlation matrix V_i into two matrices, one containing only positive values and the other containing only negative values with the sign inverted. These two matrices are subsequently concatenated to produce V_i^\*.
    For each cell type, EcoTyper applies NMF across a range of ranks (number of cell states), by default 2-20 states. For each rank, the NMF algorithm is applied multiple times (we recommend at least 50) with different starting seeds, for robustness.

  3. Choosing the number of cell states: Cluster (state) number selection is an important consideration in NMF applications. We found that previous approaches that rely on minimizing error measures (e.g., RMSE, KL divergence) or optimizing information-theoretic metrics either failed to converge or were dependent on the number of genes imputed. In contrast, the cophenetic coefficient quantifies the classification stability for a given rank (i.e., the number of clusters) and ranges from 0 to 1, with 1 being maximally stable. While the rank at which the cophenetic coefficient starts decreasing is typically selected, this approach is challenging to apply in situations where the cophenetic coefficient exhibits a multi-modal shape across ranks, as we found for some cell types. Therefore, we developed a heuristic approach more suitable for such settings. In each case, the rank was automatically chosen based on the cophenetic coefficient evaluated in the range 2–20 clusters (by default). Specifically, we determined the first occurrence in the interval 2–20 for which the cophenetic coefficient dropped below 0.95 (by default), having been above this level for at least two consecutive ranks. We then selected the rank immediately adjacent to this crossing point which was closest to 0.95 (by default).

  4. Extracting cell state information: The NMF output resulting from step 2 is parsed and cell state information is extracted for the downstream analyses.

  5. Cell state re-discovery on expression matrices: Following the identification of cell states on correlation matrices, EcoTyper performs differential expression to identify genes most highly associated with each cell state. The resulting markers are ranked by the fold-change in each state, and the top 1000 genes with the highest rank across cell states are selected for a new round of NMF. If less than 1000 genes are available, all genes are selected. Prior to NMF, each gene is scaled to mean 0 and unit variance. To satisfy the non-negativity requirement of NMF, cell type-specific expression matrices are individually processed using posneg transformation. This function converts an input expression matrix V_i into two matrices, one containing only positive values and the other containing only negative values with the sign inverted. These two matrices are subsequently concatenated to produce V_i^\*.
    For each cell type, EcoTyper only applies NMF for the rank selected in step 3. As before, the NMF algorithm is applied multiple times (we recommend at least 50) with different starting seeds, for robustness.

  6. Extracting cell state information: The NMF output resulting from step 5 is parsed and cell state information is extracted for the downstream analyses.

  7. Cell state QC filter: Although posneg transformation is required to satisfy the non-negativity constraint of NMF following standardization, it can lead to the identification of spurious cell states driven by features with more negative values than positive ones. To combat this, we devised an adaptive false positive index (AFI), a novel index defined as the ratio between the sum of weights from the W matrix corresponding to the negative and positive features. EcoTyper automatically filters the states with AFI >= 1.

  8. Ecotype (cellular community) discovery: Ecotypes or cellular communities are derived by identifying patterns of co-occurrence of cell states across samples. First, EcoTyper leverages the Jaccard index to quantify the degree of overlap between each pair of cell states across samples in the discovery cohort. Toward this end, it discretizes each cell state q into a binary vector a of length l, where l = the number of samples in the discovery cohort. Collectively, these vectors comprise binary matrix A, with same number of rows as cell states across cell types and l columns (samples). Given sample s, if state q is the most abundant state among all states in cell type i, EcoTyper sets A\_(q,s) to 1; otherwise A\_(q,s) ← 0. It then computes all pairwise Jaccard indices on the rows (states) in matrix A, yielding matrix J. Using the hypergeometric test, it evaluates the null hypothesis that any given pair of cell states q and k have no overlap. In cases where the hypergeometric p-value is >0.01, the Jaccard index for J\_(q,k) is set to 0 (i.e., no overlap). To identify communities while accommodating outliers, the updated Jaccard matrix J^' is hierarchically clustered using average linkage with Euclidean distance (hclust in the R stats package). The optimal number of clusters is then determined via silhouette width maximization. Clusters with less than 3 cell states are eliminated from further analysis.

5.2. Checklist before performing cell states and ecotypes discovery in scRNA-seq data

In order for EcoTyper to perform cell states and ecotypes discovery, the following resources need to be available:

5.3. Cell states and ecotypes discovery in scRNA-seq data

The script that does cell type and ecotype discovery is:

Rscript EcoTyper_discovery_scRNA.R -h
## usage: EcoTyper_discovery_scRNA.R [-c <PATH>] [-h]
## Arguments:
##   -c <PATH>, --config <PATH>
##                         Path to the config files [required].
##   -h, --help            Print help message.

This script takes as input file a configuration file in YAML format. The configuration file for this tutorial is available in config_discovery_scRNA.yml:

default :
  Input :    
    Discovery dataset name : "discovery_scRNA_CRC"
    Expression matrix : "example_data/scRNA_CRC_data.txt"    
    Annotation file : "example_data/scRNA_CRC_annotation.txt" 
    Annotation file column to scale by : NULL
    Annotation file column(s) to plot : []

  Output :
    Output folder : "DiscoveryOutput_scRNA"

  Pipeline settings :
    #Pipeline steps:
    #   step 1 (extract cell type specific genes)
    #   step 2 (cell state discovery on correrlation matrices)
    #   step 3 (choosing the number of cell states)
    #   step 4 (extracting cell state information)
    #   step 5 (cell state re-discovery in expression matrices)
    #   step 6 (extracting information for re-discovered cell states)
    #   step 7 (cell state QC filter)
    #   step 8 (ecotype discovery)
    Pipeline steps to skip : [] 
    # Accepted values: 
    # "cell type specific" - select genes overexpressed in a cell type
    # <integer> - e.g. 1000, select top <integer> genes with highest variance in a cell type
    # "no filter" - use all genes
    Filter genes : "cell type specific"
    Number of threads : 10
    Number of NMF restarts : 5
    Maximum number of states per cell type : 20
    Cophenetic coefficient cutoff : 0.975
    #The p-value cutoff used for filtering non-significant overlaps in the jaccard matrix used for discovering ecotypes in step 8. Default: 1 (no filtering).
    Jaccard matrix p-value cutoff : 1
    Minimum number of states in ecotypes : 3

The configuration file has three sections, Input, Output and Pipeline settings. We next will describe the expected content in each of these three sections, and instruct the user how to set the appropriate settings in their applications.

Input section

The Input section contains settings regarding the input data.

Discovery dataset name

Discovery dataset name is the identifier used by EcoTyper to internally save and retrieve the information about the cell states/ecotypes defined on this discovery dataset. It is also the name to be provided to the -d/–discovery argument of scripts EcoTyper_recovery_scRNA.R and EcoTyper_recovery_bulk.R, when performing cell state/ecotypes recovery. Any value that contains alphanumeric characters and ’_’ is accepted for this field.

Discovery dataset name : "discovery_scRNA_CRC"

Expression matrix

Expression matrix : "example_data/scRNA_CRC_data.txt"

Expression matrix field should contain the path to a tab-delimited file containing the expression data, with genes as rows and cells as columns. The expression matrix should be in the TPM, CPM or other suitable normalized space. The users should perform their own quality control of the expression matrix before applying EcoTyper (e.g. to filter low-quality cells, doublets, etc.). However we do not recommend to pre-filter the matrix for variable genes, as EcoTyper performs an internal selection for genes that show cell-type specificity. The matrix should have gene symbols on the first column and gene counts for each cell on the next columns. Column (cells) names should be unique. Also, we recommend that the column names do not contain special characters that are modified by the R function make.names, e.g. having digits at the beginning of the name or containing characters such as space, tab or -:

The expected format for the expression matrix is:

data = read.delim("example_data/scRNA_CRC_data.txt", nrow = 5)
## [1]     5 13781
## 1    A1BG                        0                        0
## 2    A1CF                        0                        0
## 3     A2M                        0                        0
## 4   A2ML1                        0                        0
## 5 A3GALT2                        0                        0
## 1                        0                        0
## 2                        0                        0
## 3                        0                        0
## 4                        0                        0
## 5                        0                        0

Annotation file

Annotation file : "example_data/scRNA_CRC_annotation.txt"

A path to an annotation file should be provided in the field Annotation file. This file should contain a column called ID with the same names (e.g. cell barcodes) as the columns of the expression matrix, a column called CellType indicating cell type for each cell, and a column called Sample indicating the sample identifier for each cell. The latter is used for ecotype discovery. This file can contain any number of additional columns. The additional columns can be used for defining sample batches (see Section Annotation file column to scale by below) and for plotting color bars in the heatmaps output (see Section Annotation file column(s) to plot below). For the current example, the annotation file has the following format:

annotation = read.delim("example_data/scRNA_CRC_annotation.txt", nrow = 5)
## [1] 5 9
##                      Index Patient Class  Sample        Cell_type Cell_subtype
## 1 SMC01-T_AAAGATGCATGGATGG   SMC01 Tumor SMC01-T Epithelial cells         CMS2
## 2 SMC01-T_AAAGTAGCAAGGACAC   SMC01 Tumor SMC01-T Epithelial cells         CMS2
## 3 SMC01-T_AAATGCCAGGATCGCA   SMC01 Tumor SMC01-T Epithelial cells         CMS2
## 4 SMC01-T_AACTCTTCACAACGCC   SMC01 Tumor SMC01-T Epithelial cells         CMS2
## 5 SMC01-T_AACTTTCGTTCGGGCT   SMC01 Tumor SMC01-T Epithelial cells         CMS2
##           CellType                       ID Tissue
## 1 Epithelial.cells SMC01.T_AAAGATGCATGGATGG  Tumor
## 2 Epithelial.cells SMC01.T_AAAGTAGCAAGGACAC  Tumor
## 3 Epithelial.cells SMC01.T_AAATGCCAGGATCGCA  Tumor
## 4 Epithelial.cells SMC01.T_AACTCTTCACAACGCC  Tumor
## 5 Epithelial.cells SMC01.T_AACTTTCGTTCGGGCT  Tumor

Annotation file column to scale by

Annotation file column to scale by : NULL

In order to discover pan-carcinoma cell states and ecotypes in the EcoType carcinoma paper, we standardize genes to mean 0 and unit variance within each tumor type (histology). Field Annotation file column to scale by allows users to specify a column name in the annotation file, by which the cells will be grouped when performing standardization. However, this is an analytical choice, depending on the purpose of the analysis. If the users are interested in defining cell states and ecotypes regardless of tumor type-specificity, this argument can be set to NULL. In this case, the standardization will be applied across all samples in the discovery cohort. The same will happen if the annotation file is not provided.

In the current example, this field is not used and therefore set to NULL.

Annotation file column(s) to plot

Annotation file column(s) to plot : ["Histology", "Tissue"]

Annotation file column(s) to plot field specifies which columns in the annotation file will be used as color bar in the output heatmaps, in addition to the cell state label column, plotted by default.

The output section

The Output section contains a single field, Output folder, which specifies the path where the final output will be saved. This folder will be created if it does not exist.

Output folder : "DiscoveryOutput_scRNA"

Pipeline settings

The last section, Pipeline settings, contains settings controlling how EcoTyper is run.

Pipeline steps to skip

 #Pipeline steps:
    #   step 1 (extract cell type specific genes)
    #   step 2 (cell state discovery on correlation matrices)
    #   step 3 (choosing the number of cell states)
    #   step 4 (extracting cell state information)
    #   step 5 (cell state re-discovery in expression matrices)
    #   step 6 (extracting information for re-discovered cell states)
    #   step 7 (cell state QC filter)
    #   step 8 (ecotype discovery)
    Pipeline steps to skip : [] 

The Pipeline steps to skip option allows user to skip some of the steps outlined in section Overview of the EcoTyper workflow for discovering cell states. Please note that this option is only intended for cases when the pipeline had already been run once, and small adjustments are made to the parameters. For example, if the Cophenetic coefficient cutoff used in step 3 needs adjusting, the user might want to skip steps 1-2 and re-run from step 3 onwards.

Filter non cell type specific genes

# Accepted values: 
    # "cell type specific" - select genes overexpressed in a cell type
    # <integer> - e.g. 1000, select top <integer> genes with highest variance in a cell type
    # "no filter" - use all genes
    Filter genes : "cell type specific"

This options allows user to filter the genes from each cell type. Accepted values are: “cell type specific”, which will only include cell type specific genes, as outlined in section Overview of the EcoTyper workflow for discovering cell states, an integer value, , which will select the top genes with the highest variance in a cell type, and “no filter”, which will not apply any filter, and use all genes for the downstream analysis. For best results, we do recommend applying one of the first two filters.

Number of threads

Number of threads : 10

The number of threads EcoTyper will be run on.

Number of NMF restarts

Number of NMF restarts : 5

The NMF approach used by EcoTyper (Brunet et al.), can give slightly different results, depending on the random initialization of the algorithm. To obtain a stable solution, NMF is generally run multiple times with different seeds, and the solution that best explains the discovery data is chosen. Additionally, the variation of NMF solutions across restarts with different seeds is quantified using Cophenetic coefficients and used in step 4 of EcoTyper for selecting the number of states. The parameter Number of NMF restarts specifies how many restarts with different seed should EcoTyper perform for each rank selection, in each cell type. Since this is a very time consuming process, in this example we only use 5. However, for publication-quality results, we recommend at least 50 restarts.

Maximum number of states per cell type

Maximum number of states per cell type : 20

Maximum number of states per cell type specifies the upper end of the range for the number of states possible for each cell type. The lower end is 2.

Cophenetic coefficient cutoff

Cophenetic coefficient cutoff : 0.975

This field indicates the Cophenetic coefficient cutoff, in the range [0, 1], used for automatically determining the number of states in step 4. Lower values generally lead to more clusters being identified. In this particular example, we set it to 0.975.

Jaccard matrix p-value cutoff

Jaccard matrix p-value cutoff : 1

Ecotype identification on step 8 is performed by clustering a jaccard matrix that quantifies the sample overlap between each pair of states. Prior to performing ecotype identification, the jaccard matrix values corresponding to pairs of states for which the sample overlap is not significant are set to 0, in order to mitigate the noise introduced by spurious overlaps. The value provided in this field specifies the p-value cutoff above which the overlaps are considered non-significant. When the number of samples in the scRNA-seq dataset is small, such as in the current example, we recommend this filter is disabled (p-value cutoff = 1), to avoid over-filtering the jaccard matrix. However, we encourage users to set this cutoff to lower values (e.g. 0.05), if the discovery scRNA-seq dataset contains a number of samples large enough to reliably evaluate the significance of overlaps.

Minimum number of states in ecotypes

Minimum number of states in ecotypes : 3

The ecotypes with less cell states than indicated in this field will be filtered out.

5.4. The command line

After editing the configuration file (config_discovery_scRNA.yml), the de novo discovery cell states and ecotypes can be run as is illustrated below. Please note that this script might take 24-48 hours to run on 10 threads. Also, EcoTyper cannot be run on the example data from this tutorial using a typical laptop (16GB memory). We recommend that it is run on a server with >50-100GB of RAM or a high performance cluster.

Rscript EcoTyper_discovery_scRNA.R -c config_discovery_scRNA.yml

5.5. The output format

EcoTyper generates for each cell type the following outputs:

data = read.delim("DiscoveryOutput_scRNA/Fibroblasts/state_assignment.txt")
## [1] 899   3
##                           ID State InitialState
## 723 SMC15.T_CATCGAAGTGACCAAG   S01         IS05
## 724 SMC18.T_CTTGGCTCAGTGACAG   S01         IS05
## 725 SMC24.T_TACTTACAGCGCCTTG   S01         IS05
## 726 SMC01.N_CACCAGGCAATAAGCA   S01         IS05
## 727 SMC02.N_AGAGCTTTCTAACCGA   S01         IS05
## 728 SMC02.N_ATAACGCCAATACGCT   S01         IS05

The ecotype output files include:

ecotypes = read.delim("DiscoveryOutput_scRNA/Ecotypes/ecotypes.txt")
head(ecotypes[,c("CellType", "State", "Ecotype")])
##                    CellType State Ecotype
## 1                   B.cells   S02      E1
## 2               CD4.T.cells   S02      E1
## 3               CD8.T.cells   S01      E1
## 4           Dendritic.cells   S03      E1
## 5               Fibroblasts   S05      E1
## 6 Monocytes.and.Macrophages   S03      E1
abundances = read.delim("DiscoveryOutput_scRNA/Ecotypes/ecotype_abundance.txt")
## [1]  9 33
##       SMC01.N    SMC01.T    SMC02.N    SMC02.T    SMC03.N
## E1 0.34064095 0.07302366 0.20329837 0.02049678 0.27718758
## E2 0.06078240 0.17093342 0.02937202 0.10322721 0.05241208
## E3 0.02315383 0.34562878 0.01355632 0.36202739 0.01278497
## E4 0.13787420 0.12543986 0.14604672 0.16681631 0.06725426
## E5 0.16081886 0.10434607 0.28980392 0.11903111 0.14459666
## E6 0.00000000 0.07347385 0.03524642 0.14282270 0.00000000
assignments = read.delim("DiscoveryOutput_scRNA/Ecotypes/ecotype_assignment.txt")
## [1] 32  6
##              ID MaxEcotype  AssignmentP  AssignmentQ AssignedToEcotypeStates
## SMC01-N SMC01-N         E1 1.938649e-04 0.0012795085                    TRUE
## SMC05-N SMC05-N         E1 5.000404e-03 0.0183348142                    TRUE
## SMC05-T SMC05-T         E1 7.568441e-02 0.1541417608                    TRUE
## SMC07-N SMC07-N         E1 2.928585e-03 0.0138061877                    TRUE
## SMC08-N SMC08-N         E1 9.015769e-05 0.0007438009                    TRUE
## SMC19-T SMC19-T         E1 5.936002e-03 0.0195888071                    TRUE

Tutorial 6. De novo Discovery of Cell States and Ecotypes in Pre-Sorted Data

In this tutorial we illustrate how one can perform de novo identification of cell states and ecotypes, starting from cell-type specific expression matrices, obtained either through FACS-sorting cell populations of interest and then peforming bulk tissue expression profiling of each cell population, or by performing in silico purification, using CIBERSORTx or any other tool. For illustration purposes, we use the cell type specific profiles inferred by CIBERSORTx in Tutorial 4, based on a downsampled version of the TCGA samples from lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) and lung squamous cell carcinoma (LUSC).

6.1. Overview of the EcoTyper workflow for discovering cell states in pre-sorted data

EcoTyper derives cell states and ecotypes in a sequence of steps:

  1. Extract cell type specific genes: The removal of genes that are not specifically expressed in a given cell type, is an important consideration for reducing the likelihood of identifying spurious cell states. Ecotyper applies by default a filter for non-cell type specific genes, before performing cell state discovery in pre-sorted data. Specifically, it performs a differential expression between cells from a given cell type and all other cell types combined. For computational efficency and balanced representation of cell types, only up to 500 randomly selected samples per cell type are used for this step. Genes with a Q-value > 0.05 (two-sided Wilcox test, with Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple hypothesis correction) are filtered out from each cell type. Of note, this filter is not necessary when discovering cell states in cell type specific profiles purified using CIBERSORTx high resolution (e.g. Tutorial 4), as CIBERSORTx incorporates its own filter for genes without evidence of expression in a given cell type. We do recommend applying it if cell type specific profiles were obtained through FACS-sorting or other deconvolution tool that does not filter for cell type specific genes.
    Alternatively, users can include into analysis only top x genes with the highest variance in a given cell type.

  2. Cell state discovery: EcoTyper leverages nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) to identify transcriptionally-defined cell states from cell type specific expression profiles (step 1). Given c cell types, let V_i be a g×n cell type-specific expression matrix for cell type i consisting of g rows (the number of genes) and n columns (the number of samples). The primary objective of NMF is to factorize V_i into two non-negative matrices: a g×k matrix, W, and a k×n matrix, H, where k is a user-specified rank (i.e., number of clusters). The basis matrix, W, encodes a representative expression level for each gene in each cell state. The mixture coefficients matrix H, scaled to sum to 1 across cell states, encodes the representation (relative abundance) of each cell state in each sample.
    EcoTyper applies NMF on the top 1000 genes with highest relative dispersion across samples. If less than 1000 genes are available, all genes are selected. If less than 50 genes are imputed for a given cell type, that cell type is not used for cell state identification. Prior to NMF, each gene is scaled to mean 0 and unit variance. To satisfy the non-negativity requirement of NMF, cell type-specific expression matrices are individually processed using posneg transformation. This function converts an input expression matrix V_i into two matrices, one containing only positive values and the other containing only negative values with the sign inverted. These two matrices are subsequently concatenated to produce V_i^\*.
    For each cell type, EcoTyper applies NMF across a range of ranks (number of cell states), by default 2-20 states. For each rank, the NMF algorithm is applied multiple times (we recommend at least 50) with different starting seeds, for robustness.

  3. Choosing the number of cell states: Cluster (state) number selection is an important consideration in NMF applications. We found that previous approaches that rely on minimizing error measures (e.g., RMSE, KL divergence) or optimizing information-theoretic metrics either failed to converge or were dependent on the number of genes imputed. In contrast, the cophenetic coefficient quantifies the classification stability for a given rank (i.e., the number of clusters) and ranges from 0 to 1, with 1 being maximally stable. While the rank at which the cophenetic coefficient starts decreasing is typically selected, this approach is challenging to apply in situations where the cophenetic coefficient exhibits a multi-modal shape across ranks, as we found for some cell types. Therefore, we developed a heuristic approach more suitable for such settings. In each case, the rank was automatically chosen based on the cophenetic coefficient evaluated in the range 2–20 clusters (by default). Specifically, we determined the first occurrence in the interval 2–20 for which the cophenetic coefficient dropped below 0.95 (by default), having been above this level for at least two consecutive ranks. We then selected the rank immediately adjacent to this crossing point which was closest to 0.95 (by default).

  4. Extracting cell state information: The NMF output resulting from step 2 is parsed and cell state information is extracted for the downstream analyses.

  5. Cell state QC filter: Although posneg transformation is required to satisfy the non-negativity constraint of NMF following standardization, it can lead to the identification of spurious cell states driven by features with more negative values than positive ones. To combat this, we devised an adaptive false positive index (AFI), a novel index defined as the ratio between the sum of weights from the W matrix corresponding to the negative and positive features. EcoTyper automatically filters the states with AFI >= 1.

  6. Advanced cell state QC filter: When the discovery dataset is comprised of multiple tumor types, we recommend using this advanced filter. This filter identifies poor-quality cell states using a dropout score, which flags states whose marker genes exhibit anomalously low variance and high expression across the discovery cohort, generally an artefact of CIBEROSRTx HiRes. To calculate the dropout score for each marker gene (i.e., genes with maximal log2 fold change in each state relative to other states within a given cell type), EcoTyper determines the maximum fraction of samples for which the gene has the same value. It also calculates the average log2 expression of the gene across samples. It averages each quantity, scaled to unit variance across states, within each state, converts them to z-scores, and removes states with a mean Z >1.96 (P \< 0.05).

  7. Ecotype (cellular community) discovery: Ecotypes or cellular communities are derived by identifying patterns of co-occurrence of cell states across samples. First, EcoTyper leverages the Jaccard index to quantify the degree of overlap between each pair of cell states across samples in the discovery cohort. Toward this end, it discretizes each cell state q into a binary vector a of length l, where l = the number of samples in the discovery cohort. Collectively, these vectors comprise binary matrix A, with same number of rows as cell states across cell types and l columns (samples). Given sample s, if state q is the most abundant state among all states in cell type i, EcoTyper sets A\_(q,s) to 1; otherwise A\_(q,s) ← 0. It then computes all pairwise Jaccard indices on the rows (states) in matrix A, yielding matrix J. Using the hypergeometric test, it evaluates the null hypothesis that any given pair of cell states q and k have no overlap. In cases where the hypergeometric p-value is >0.01, the Jaccard index for J\_(q,k) is set to 0 (i.e., no overlap). To identify communities while accommodating outliers, the updated Jaccard matrix J^' is hierarchically clustered using average linkage with Euclidean distance (hclust in the R stats package). The optimal number of clusters is then determined via silhouette width maximization. Clusters with less than 3 cell states are eliminated from further analysis.

6.2. Checklist before performing cell states and ecotypes discovery

In order for EcoTyper to perform cell states and ecotypes discovery, the following resources need to be available:

6.3. Cell states and ecotypes discovery

The script that does cell type and ecotype discovery is:

Rscript EcoTyper_discovery_presorted.R -h
## usage: EcoTyper_discovery_presorted.R [-c <PATH>] [-h]
## Arguments:
##   -c <PATH>, --config <PATH>
##                         Path to the config files [required].
##   -h, --help            Print help message.

This script takes as input file a configuration file in YAML format. The configuration file for this tutorial is available in config_discovery_presorted.yml:

  default :
  Input :    
    Discovery dataset name : "PresortedDiscovery"
    Expression matrices : "example_data/Tutorial_6/PresortedDiscovery"            
    Annotation file : "example_data/Tutorial_6/PresortedDiscovery_annotation.txt"
    Annotation file column to scale by : "Histology"
    Annotation file column(s) to plot : ["Histology", "Tissue"]

  Output :
    Output folder : "PresortedDiscoveryOutput"

  Pipeline settings :
    #Pipeline steps:
    #   step 1 (extract cell type specific genes)    
    #   step 2 (cell state discovery)
    #   step 3 (choosing the number of cell states)
    #   step 4 (extracting cell state information)
    #   step 5 (cell state QC filter)
    #   step 6 (advanced cell state QC filter)
    #   step 7 (ecotype discovery)
    Pipeline steps to skip : [6,] 
    # Accepted values: 
    # "cell type specific" - select genes overexpressed in a cell type    
    # <integer> - e.g. 1000, select top <integer> genes with highest variance in a cell type
    # "no filter" - use all genes
    Filter genes : "no filter"
    Number of threads : 10    
    Number of NMF restarts : 5
    Maximum number of states per cell type : 20
    Cophenetic coefficient cutoff : 0.95
    Minimum number of states in ecotypes : 3

The configuration file has three sections, Input, Output and Pipeline settings. We next will describe the expected content in each of these three sections, and instruct the user how to set the appropriate settings in their applications.

Input section

The Input section contains settings regarding the input data.

Discovery dataset name

Discovery dataset name is the identifier used by EcoTyper to internally save and retrieve the information about the cell states/ecotypes defined on this discovery dataset. It is also the name to be provided to the -d/–discovery argument of scripts EcoTyper_recovery_scRNA.R and EcoTyper_recovery_bulk.R, when performing cell state/ecotypes recovery. Any value that contains alphanumeric characters and ’_’ is accepted for this field.

Discovery dataset name : "PresortedDiscovery"

Expression matrix

Expression matrices : "example_data/Tutorial_6/PresortedDiscovery"

Expression matrices field should contain the path to directory with a tab-delimited file containing cell type specific expression data for each cell type. Each file should have genes as rows and samples as columns, should be in the TPM or FPKM space for bulk RNA-seq and non-logarithmic (exponential) space for microarrays. They should have gene symbols on the first column and gene counts for each sample on the next columns. Column (sample) names should be unique within each file. The same sample ids (column names) should be present in each cell type specific matrix. Also, we recommend that the column names do not contain special characters that are modified by the R function make.names, e.g. having digits at the beginning of the name or containing characters such as space, tab or -:

The expected format for each expression matrix is:

data = read.delim("example_data/Tutorial_6/PresortedDiscovery/Fibroblasts.txt", nrow = 5)
## [1]   5 251
##   GeneSymbol TCGA.37.A5EN.01A.21R.A26W.07 TCGA.37.4133.01A.01R.1100.07
## 1       A1BG                    29.356911                    29.220771
## 2       AAR2                    47.746044                    47.746617
## 3      ABCA6                     5.803932                     5.413472
## 4      ABCB7                    23.299299                    25.486127
## 5       ABI2                    37.677476                    32.007233
##   TCGA.77.7465.01A.11R.2045.07 TCGA.34.5240.01A.01R.1443.07
## 1                    29.228389                    28.835613
## 2                    47.828573                    47.679150
## 3                     6.259786                     6.092511
## 4                    43.447296                    41.077193
## 5                    31.775814                    31.421975

Annotation file

Annotation file : "example_data/Tutorial_6/PresortedDiscovery_annotation.txt"

A path to an annotation file can be provided in the field Annotation file. If provided, this file should contain a column called ID with the same names as the columns of the expression matrices, and any number of additional columns. The additional columns can be used for defining sample batches (see Section Annotation file column to scale by below) and for plotting color bars in the heatmaps output (see Section Annotation file column(s) to plot below). If not provided, this field needs to be set to “NULL”. For the current example, the annotation file has the following format:

annotation = read.delim("example_data/Tutorial_6/PresortedDiscovery_annotation.txt", nrow = 5)
## [1] 5 6
##                             ID Tissue Histology                Type OS_Time
## 1 TCGA.37.A5EN.01A.21R.A26W.07  Tumor      LUSC Primary Solid Tumor     660
## 2 TCGA.37.4133.01A.01R.1100.07  Tumor      LUSC Primary Solid Tumor     238
## 3 TCGA.77.7465.01A.11R.2045.07  Tumor      LUSC Primary Solid Tumor     990
## 4 TCGA.34.5240.01A.01R.1443.07  Tumor      LUSC Primary Solid Tumor    1541
## 5 TCGA.05.4249.01A.01R.1107.07  Tumor      LUAD Primary Solid Tumor    1523
##   OS_Status
## 1         0
## 2         0
## 3         0
## 4         0
## 5         0

Annotation file column to scale by

Annotation file column to scale by : "Histology"

In order to discover pan-carcinoma cell states and ecotypes in the EcoType carcinoma paper, we standardize genes to mean 0 and unit 1 within each tumor type (histology). Field Annotation file column to scale by allows users to specify a column name in the annotation file, by which the samples will be grouped when performing standardization. The example discovery dataset used in this tutorial has samples from lung adenocarcinoma and lung squamous cell carcinoma. Therefore, for this tutorial we will use the Histology column to perform standardization.

However, this is an analytical choice, depending on the purpose of the analysis. If the users are interested in defining cell states and ecotypes regardless of tumor type-specificity, this argument can be set to “NULL”. In this case, the standardization will be applied across all samples in the discovery cohort. The same will happen if the annotation file is not provided.

Annotation file column(s) to plot

Annotation file column(s) to plot : ["Histology", "Tissue"]

Annotation file column(s) to plot field specifies which columns in the annotation file will be used as color bar in the output heatmaps, in addition to the cell state label or ecotype label column, plotted by default.

The output section

The Output section contains a single field, Output folder, which specifies the path where the final output will be saved. This folder will be created if it does not exist.

Output folder : "PresortedDiscoveryOutput"

Pipeline settings

The last section, Pipeline settings, contains settings controlling how EcoTyper is run.

Pipeline steps to skip

    Pipeline steps:
    #   step 1 (extract cell type specific genes)    
    #   step 2 (cell state discovery)
    #   step 3 (choosing the number of cell states)
    #   step 4 (extracting cell state information)
    #   step 5 (cell state QC filter)
    #   step 6 (advanced cell state QC filter)
    #   step 7 (ecotype discovery)
    Pipeline steps to skip : [6,] #by default, step 6 is skipped

The Pipeline steps to skip option allows user to skip some of the steps outlined in section Overview of the EcoTyper workflow for discovering cell states. Please note that this option is only intended for cases when the pipeline had already been run once, and small adjustments are made to the parameters. For example, if the Cophenetic coefficient cutoff used in step 3 needs adjusting, the user might want to skip steps 1-2 and re-run from step 3 onwards.

Filter non cell type specific genes

# Accepted values: 
    # "cell type specific" - select genes overexpressed in a cell type    
    # <integer> - e.g. 1000, select top <integer> genes with highest variance in a cell type
    # "no filter" - use all genes
    Filter genes : "no filter"

This options allows user to filter the genes from each cell type. Accepted values are: “cell type specific”, which will only include cell type specific genes, as outlined in section Overview of the EcoTyper workflow for discovering cell states, an integer value, , which will select the top genes with the highest variance in a cell type, and “no filter”, which will not apply any filter, and use all genes for the downstream analysis. This filter is not necessary when discovering cell states in cell type specific profiles purified using CIBERSORTx high resolution (e.g. Tutorial 4), as CIBERSORTx incorporates its own filter for genes without evidence of expression in a given cell type. We do recommend applying it if cell type specific profiles were obtained through FACS-sorting or other deconvolution tool that does not filter for cell type specific genes.

We set it to “no filter” in this tutorial, as the input matrices were obtained using CIBERSORTx.

Number of threads

Number of threads : 10

The number of threads EcoTyper will be run on.

Number of NMF restarts

Number of NMF restarts : 5

The NMF approach used by EcoTyper (Brunet et al.), can give slightly different results, depending on the random initialization of the algorithm. To obtain a stable solution, NMF is generally run multiple times with different seeds, and the solution that best explains the discovery data is chosen. Additionally, the variation of NMF solutions across restarts with different seeds is quantified using Cophenetic coefficients and used in step 4 of EcoTyper for selecting the number of states. The parameter Number of NMF restarts specifies how many restarts with different seed should EcoTyper perform for each rank selection, in each cell type. Since this is a very time consuming process, in this example we only use 5. However, for publication-quality results, we recommend at least 50 restarts.

Maximum number of states per cell type

Maximum number of states per cell type : 20

Maximum number of states per cell type specifies the upper end of the range for the number of states possible for each cell type. The lower end is 2.

Cophenetic coefficient cutoff

Cophenetic coefficient cutoff : 0.95

This field indicates the Cophenetic coefficient cutoff, in the range [0, 1], used for automatically determining the number of states in step 4. Lower values generally lead to more clusters being identified.

Minimum number of states in ecotypes

Minimum number of states in ecotypes : 3

The ecotypes with less cell states than indicated in this field will be filtered out.

6.4. The command line

After editing the configuration file (config_discovery_presorted.yml), the de novo discovery cell states and ecotypes from presorted expression profiles can be run as is illustrated below. Please note that this script might take up to two hours to run on 10 threads. Also, although EcoTyper can be run on the example data from this tutorial using a typical laptop (16GB memory), it might not be the case for larger datasets. We recommend that cell type and ecotype discovery is generally run on a server with >32GB of RAM.

Rscript EcoTyper_discovery_presorted.R -c config_discovery_presorted.yml

6.5. The output format

EcoTyper generates for each cell type the following outputs:

data = read.delim("PresortedDiscoveryOutput/Endothelial.cells/state_abundances.txt")
## [1]   4 250
##     TCGA.37.A5EN.01A.21R.A26W.07 TCGA.37.4133.01A.01R.1100.07
## S01                 4.657038e-15                 3.396931e-15
## S02                 4.313475e-01                 3.396931e-15
## S03                 4.657038e-15                 3.396931e-15
## S04                 5.532795e-02                 3.396931e-15
##     TCGA.77.7465.01A.11R.2045.07 TCGA.34.5240.01A.01R.1443.07
## S01                 4.011227e-15                 3.955821e-15
## S02                 2.750005e-01                 8.143772e-02
## S03                 4.011227e-15                 3.955821e-15
## S04                 4.011227e-15                 1.748715e-03
##     TCGA.05.4249.01A.01R.1107.07
## S01                 4.256051e-15
## S02                 4.256051e-15
## S03                 1.137231e-01
## S04                 8.575277e-01
data = read.delim("PresortedDiscoveryOutput/Endothelial.cells/state_assignment.txt")
## [1] 131   3
##                              ID State InitialState
## 31 TCGA.55.6983.11A.01R.1949.07   S01         IS02
## 32 TCGA.44.6776.11A.01R.1858.07   S01         IS02
## 33 TCGA.77.7335.11A.01R.2045.07   S01         IS02
## 34 TCGA.38.A44F.01A.11R.A24H.07   S01         IS02
## 35 TCGA.77.7138.11A.01R.2045.07   S01         IS02
## 36 TCGA.44.6778.11A.01R.1858.07   S01         IS02

The ecotype output files include:

ecotypes = read.delim("PresortedDiscoveryOutput/Ecotypes/ecotypes.txt")
head(ecotypes[,c("CellType", "State", "Ecotype")])
##            CellType State Ecotype
## 1           B.cells   S01      E1
## 2 Endothelial.cells   S02      E1
## 3  Epithelial.cells   S01      E1
## 4       Fibroblasts   S07      E1
## 5           B.cells   S03      E2
## 6       CD4.T.cells   S02      E2
abundances = read.delim("PresortedDiscoveryOutput/Ecotypes/ecotype_abundance.txt")
## [1]   7 250
##    TCGA.37.A5EN.01A.21R.A26W.07 TCGA.37.4133.01A.01R.1100.07
## E1                  0.794531073                 5.587512e-02
## E2                  0.013996811                 7.309504e-02
## E3                  0.069214903                 6.880715e-03
## E4                  0.003306485                 6.049462e-03
## E5                  0.025837936                 1.759492e-14
## E6                  0.093112792                 8.580997e-01
##    TCGA.77.7465.01A.11R.2045.07 TCGA.34.5240.01A.01R.1443.07
## E1                 4.508978e-01                 9.485239e-01
## E2                 3.120952e-01                 2.957054e-03
## E3                 7.323729e-15                 1.835542e-03
## E4                 8.909708e-15                 1.377273e-02
## E5                 1.645593e-01                 7.296796e-15
## E6                 7.244779e-02                 3.291079e-02
##    TCGA.05.4249.01A.01R.1107.07
## E1                 4.493338e-09
## E2                 1.180982e-01
## E3                 5.358678e-01
## E4                 1.804165e-01
## E5                 8.538532e-02
## E6                 1.303634e-15
assignments = read.delim("PresortedDiscoveryOutput/Ecotypes/ecotype_assignment.txt")
## [1] 190   6
##                              ID MaxEcotype AssignmentP AssignmentQ
## 1  TCGA.37.A5EN.01A.21R.A26W.07         E1 0.004009105  0.01632571
## 4  TCGA.34.5240.01A.01R.1443.07         E1 0.073719200  0.12710207
## 27 TCGA.63.A5ML.01A.31R.A27Q.07         E1 0.001972521  0.01027355
## 28 TCGA.94.8490.01A.11R.2326.07         E1 0.037336292  0.08348404
## 31 TCGA.63.7023.01A.11R.1949.07         E1 0.011139835  0.03403160
## 43 TCGA.66.2800.01A.01R.1201.07         E1 0.152024184  0.19898453
##    AssignedToEcotypeStates
## 1                     TRUE
## 4                     TRUE
## 27                    TRUE
## 28                    TRUE
## 31                    TRUE
## 43                    TRUE

Frequently asked questions

Question: How do I run EcoTyper on a high-performance cluster, rather than a single server?
Answer: EcoTyper can be modified to run on a high-performance cluster, by overriding the pipeline\lib\multithreading.R library. Currently the library provides two functions, PushToJobQueue which adds a command line call to the job queue, and RunJobQueue which waits for all the jobs in the queue to finish. The default implementation of these functions uses R function mclapply to perform computations on multiple threads:

job_queue = c()
PushToJobQueue <- function(cmd){
    job_queue <<- c(job_queue, cmd)

RunJobQueue <- function()
    if(length(job_queue) == 0)
    res = mclapply(job_queue, FUN = system, mc.cores = n_threads)
    job_queue <<- c()
    errors = sum(unlist(res))
    if(errors > 0)
        stop("EcoTyper failed. Please check the error message above!")

Users can re-write these two functions according to the requirements of their cluster infrastructure. A primitive example of how this can be achieved on a high performance cluster built on the SLURM infrastructure is:

PushToJobQueue <- function(cmd){
    system(paste0("Rscript run_job.R ", cmd))

RunJobQueue <- function()
    name_substr = discovery
    print("Sleeping 60s...") 
        print("Sleeping 60s...") 

job_is_running <- function(name_substr)
        possibleError <- tryCatch({
            out = system("squeue -o '%.18i\t%.9P\t%j\t%.8u\t%.8T\t%.10M\t%.9l\t%.6D\t%R'", intern = T)
            con <- textConnection(out)
            data <- read.delim(con) 
            if(ncol(data) < 9)
            response = sum(grepl(name_substr, data[,3])) > 0
        }, error = function(e){})

        if(inherits(possibleError, "error"))

Where run_job.R is a script that takes as input a command line and submits the job to cluster:

template = '#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --job-name=<TMP>
#SBATCH --begin=now
#SBATCH --time=3:00:00
#SBATCH --mem=30G 
#SBATCH -p normal  
#SBATCH -c 1
#SBATCH --error=../jobs/<R_SCRIPT_NAME>/<TMP>.err
#SBATCH --output=../jobs/<R_SCRIPT_NAME>/<TMP>.out

args <- commandArgs(T)
script_name = args[1]
arguments = args[-1]

output = file.path("../jobs", basename(script_name))
dir.create(output, recursive = T, showWarning = F)

arguments_s = ifelse(grepl("/", arguments, fixed = T), basename(arguments), arguments)
tmp = paste(arguments_s, collapse = "_") 

job = gsub("<R_SCRIPT>", script_name, template, fixed = T)
job = gsub("<R_SCRIPT_NAME>", basename(script_name), job, fixed = T)
job = gsub("<ARGUMENTS>", paste0(arguments, collapse = " "), job, fixed = T)
job = gsub("<TMP>", tmp, job, fixed = T)

output_path <- file.path(output, paste0(tmp, ".sh"))

write(job, output_path)

system(paste0("sbatch ", output_path))
## Warning in system(paste0("sbatch ", output_path)): error in running command