digitalfabrik / coldaid-backend

A fork of the new Integreat cms for the use case of coldaid
Apache License 2.0
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Integreat Django CMS

This project aims to develop a content management system tailored to the needs of municipalities to provide multilingual local information. Its goal is to be easy to use and easy to maintain over a long time. This project uses Python3 and Django 2.2 and is supposed to run on Ubuntu 18.04.



Following packages are required for running the project (Install them with your package manager):


git clone
cd cms-django
./dev-tools/              # install venv and integreat-cms


./dev-tools/                  # start database and integreat-cms

Detailed instructions

First of all, clone the project:

git clone
cd cms-django

1. Virtual environment

Install a python virtual environment and setup integreat-cms in this venv:


If you want to use the Django command line instructions with integreat-cms (instead of our dev-tools), you have to activate it:

pipenv shell

Otherwise python dependency modules inside the venv can not be identified.

2. Internationalization (i18n)

This dev tool is a shortcut for all translation tasks:


If you run into merge/rebase conflicts inside the translation file, use:


Alternatively, you can manage the translations manually. After you changed translated texts in the code, rebuild the .mo file with the following command:

integreat-cms makemessages -l de

To make use of the translations in the backend, compile the django.po file as follows:

integreat-cms compilemessages

If you are using a virtual python environment, be sure to use the ´--exclude´ parameter or execute this command in the backend or cms directory, otherwise all the translation files in your venv will be compiled, too.

2. Postgres database

You can run Postgres either in a Docker container or on your local server.

2.1. Docker (recommended)

Run Postgres in our provided Docker container and start the integreat-cms local server subsequently:


On the first run, this will also migrate the database and populate it with initial test data.

2.2. Manually install postgres


3. Database migrations

While the database is running, migrate it:


4. Initial test data

To import initial test data into the database, execute:


5. Running

You may need to activate the virtual environment explicitly via pipenv shell.

6. Testing

Run tests: ./dev-tools/ Run tests with code coverage report generation: ./dev-tools/

7. Code quality

To make sure your code matches the repository's quality standards, run pylint as follows:


8. Developer Documentation

Required syntax of docstrings (more information here):


:param [ParamName]: [ParamDescription], defaults to [DefaultParamVal]
:type [ParamName]: [ParamType](, optional)
:raises [ErrorType]: [ErrorDescription]
:return: [ReturnDescription]
:rtype: [ReturnType]

8. Add/Update dependencies

If you added new dependencies to or want to upgrade the versions of installed pip & npm dependencies, execute


to make sure the dependency lock files are updated.

If you change models, functions or docstrings, make sure to update the corresponding developer documentation:


This scans the source code for changed definitions and docstrings, generates intermediate .rst files and compiles them to the html documentation in /docs.


Complete reset of the environment

As the project is still in an early stage with a lot of changes to the database structure from different contributors, it can come in handy to reset the project completely. To do so, follow the this steps:

  1. Stop Django by pressing STRG+C
  2. Run ./dev-tools/ (If some of the files/directories are not accessible, delete them manually with sudo rm -rf DIRECTORY/FILE

After this steps, the project should be reset completely. Follow the install instructions to keep it up running again.

Packaging and installing on Ubuntu 18.04

Packaging for Debian can be done with setuptools.

$ pip3 install stdeb
$ python3 --command-packages=stdeb.command bdist_deb

The project requires the package python3-django-widget-tweaks which has to be built manually:

$ git clone
$ cd django-widget-tweaks
$ pip3 install stdeb
$ python3 --command-packages=stdeb.command bdist_deb

Then install both packages with gdebi:

# apt install gdebi postgresql
# gdebi django-widget-tweaks/deb_dist/python3-django-widget-tweaks_1.4.3-1_all.deb
# gebi cms-django/deb_dist/python3-integreat-cms_0.0.13-1_all.deb

In the end, create a PostgreSQL user and database and adjust the /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/backend/