digitalfabrik / entitlementcard

App for 'Digitale Berechtigungskarten', generally benefit card for volunteers or socially vulnerable groups in Germany. App for Android & iOS + Backend + Administration Web Portal – 100% Open Source.
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Touch animation displayed after back navigation #1198

Open steffenkleinle opened 7 months ago

steffenkleinle commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug In the about screen in the frontend the touch animation for clicking on a ContentTile happens only after navigating back to the about screen instead of instantly.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to About
  2. Click on License
  3. Go back
  4. See touch animation for License being shown

Expected behavior The touch animation is not done after a back navigation.


Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional context See #1197 for a short discussion on this topic. Apparently it only happens on Android.

seluianova commented 1 week ago

I’ve analyzed the issue a bit:

This happens because the content loads too fast after clicking. If you tap the item a little longer, you can see the animation before the content opens, not after.

The same behavior can be observed on the Search page, when you open the store details.

I can see 2 options to change that:

But to be honest the current behavior doesn’t look like an issue to me. Even if we see the splash after the return, it just Indicates that the item has been touched. Do we really want to fix that?

f1sh1918 commented 4 days ago

i've also investigated some time and its really minor. i wouldn't put effort in it

seluianova commented 4 days ago

@f1sh1918 shall we close it or move to the backlog?