digitalfabrik / entitlementcard

App for 'Digitale Berechtigungskarten', generally benefit card for volunteers or socially vulnerable groups in Germany. App for Android & iOS + Backend + Administration Web Portal – 100% Open Source.
MIT License
35 stars 3 forks source link
flutter graphql kotlin react

Digitale Berechtigungskarte

CircleCI build status frontend style: effective dart

App for 'Digitale Berechtigungskarten', generally benefit card for volunteers or socially vulnerable groups in Germany.

App for Android & iOS + Backend + Administration Web Portal – 100% Open Source.

Getting Started


What is a "entitlementcard"

Short answer, it is a whitelabel for benefit cards in Germany, mainly targeted at volunteers and socially vulnerable groups.

To name some examples, this project has a whitelabel for

What is a Ehrenamtskarte?

A Ehrenamtskarte is a benefit card for volunteers in Bavaria, Germany.

Translated from Wikipedia:

The Ehrenamtskarte (also Ehrenamtspass) is a personal document in Germany that serves as proof of special voluntary commitment. Such a document can be issued, for example, by the state, federal states, municipalities or volunteer agencies.

Depending on how it is implemented, it may be linked to documentation of the type and scope of the activity, the skills required for it and any qualification measures. An Ehrenamtskarte or Freiwilligenausweis can also bring certain benefits, such as discounts on tickets or access to museums or other public institutions, or benefits with cooperation partners, such as companies, institutions and other supporters.


This project consists of the following components:

About the project

This project was created by 6 students of the Software Engineering Master's programme of Universität Augsburg, TU München und LMU München.

We were supported by Tür an Tür – Digitalfabrik gGmbH in our cooperation with the Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Familie, Arbeit und Soziales (Bavarian State Ministry for Family, Labour and Social Affairs).


We use this emoji code for reviewing:

2023 the project became part of Tür an Tür Digital Factory.

Resources about the Ehrenamtskarte (legacy)

See Demo Video