digitaliceland / Straumurinn

Rekstrarumhverfi Straumsins
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straumurinn x-road


Rekstrarumhverfi Straumsins


We recommend that you start by testing the Standalone Security Server so that you can get familiar with day-2 operations such as registering webservices enpoints.

Standalone Security Server

We have created getting started guide on how to use Standalone Security Server which runs in a container and can be executed with container runtimes such as Docker or Podman for local testing and development. This will help you understand how to register your services in a Security Server before you start installing on IS-DEV, IS-TEST or IS.

Getting started installing Security Server and intial configuration

Here are the steps needed to install and participate in Straumurinn (Icelandic X-Road environment).

  1. Check out install guides for
    • RedHat 7 or 8 (Recommended)
      No-cost RHEL for small production workloads
      1. In chapter 2.5 Installation step 1. You should use Icelandic mirror instead of Artifactory. Doing this speeds up your install.
        • Don not use:
          sudo RHEL_MAJOR_VERSION=$(source /etc/os-release;echo ${VERSION_ID%.*})
          sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo${RHEL_MAJOR_VERSION}/current
        • Use instead:
          sudo RHEL_MAJOR_VERSION=$(source /etc/os-release;echo ${VERSION_ID%.*})
          sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo${RHEL_MAJOR_VERSION}/current/
      2. X-Road Package name to install in chapter 2.5, step 4 is: xroad-securityserver-is
      3. AsciiMena Recording of the install procedure is here
    • Ubuntu 20.04/22.04 LTS
      1. In chapter 2.5 Installation step 2. You should use Icelandic mirror instead of Artifactory. Doing this speeds up your install.
        • Don not use:
          sudo apt-add-repository -y "deb $(lsb_release -sc)-current main"
        • Use instead:
          sudo apt-add-repository -y "deb $(lsb_release -sc)-current main"
      2. X-Road Package name to install in chapter 2.5, step 4 is: xroad-securityserver-is
      3. AsciiMena Recording of the install procedure is here
  2. Download Configuration Anchor for the instance you need
  3. Next steps invole in logging into the admin interface located at https://servername:4000 and initalize the server using the correct Configuration Anchor above.

Network Whitelist

When you are installing Security Server you probably have to do some firewall openings. Network Whitelist, Network Topology and what ports need to be open is located here.