digitalinteraction / ongoingness-api

API for the Ongoingness Project
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Ongoingess API

API for the Ongoingness project.

BSD-3 license


The API requires the following envrionment variables, store these in a .env file at the route of the directory, or pass them in through Docker. Boolean env variables are either true or false. Uppercase will not be detected.

Name Type Description
DEBUG Boolean Returns full error messages if true
APP_SECRET String Application secret for generating JWT tokens
LOCAL Boolean Uses local files rather than AWS S3 for file management if true, better for testing
TEST Boolean Restricts API calls if true for testing. Automatically set by unit tests if tests are ran
APP_PRODUCTION Boolean Limits print outs if true
APP_PORT Integer Port to start application on
MONGODB_USER String Username for MongoDB
MONGODB_PASS String Password for MongoDB
MONGODB_DATABASE String Database for MongoDB
MONGO_URI String URI for MongoDB
MONGO_URI_LOCAL String URI for local MongoDB, necessary for unit testing.
DB_TYPE String Selects database to use, for mongo enter MONGO.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID String Access key for AWS
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY String Secret key for AWS
AWS_BUCKET String AWS S3 bucket name
ORIENTDB_ROOT_PASSWORD String Root password for OrientDB
ORIENTDB_DATABASE String Database name for OrientDB
ORIENTDB_USER String Username to use for database access for OrientDB
ORIENTDB_PASSWORD String Password to use for database access for OrientDB
ORIENTDB_PORT Integer Port to use for OrientDB access

Use docker compose to build and run, this will create a mongo instance if you use the local docker-compose.yml file. Or the image can be built using docker build ., or can be pulled from openlab/ongoingness-api.

Route Structure


Full docs for routes are found here.


Route Method Description
/api/auth/authenticate POST Returns a JWT token
/api/auth/register POST Register a user
/api/auth/mac POST Authenticate with a MAC address


Route Method Description
/api/media/links POST Store a link
/api/media/links/:id GET Get all links for an item of media
/api/media/:id GET Get an image from the server. To get an image you must pass your access token as a url query token=<YOUR_TOKEN>. You can also pass a size query to specify the image size, between 1024 and 100 pixels.

Generic Resources

If x is the generic resource, then the following routes apply. Routes are in the plural form of the word. For example a resource such as device would be /api/devices/. Media also has these, and the above routes are added on.

Route Method Description
/api/x/ GET Get all instances of x, if x is owned resource then it will return all the instances belonging to the user
/api/x/ POST Will store a record of x
/api/x/:id POST Will update a record of x
/api/x/:id DELETE Will delete x
/api/x/:id GET Will return an instance of x
/api/x/search/:field/:term GET Will return all instances where a field of x contains the term
/api/x?y=z GET Will return all instances of x where the field y exactly matches z. Multiple terms can be applied
/api/get/:page/:limit GET Will return a subset of x for pagination
/api/media/links/:id GET Get all links for an item of media


Make sure the necessary env parameters for testing are supplied. These are outlined above. Testing is done within the docker container, to give access to a dockerised MongoDB. First enter the container, then run:

npm test

Project Structure


These service files are used to deploy the project without Docker, setting the API and database up as a system service.


Destination for autogenerated API docs.


Houses unit tests


Core logic for the API.


Controllers to handle logic associated with resources, do not query or manipulate stored resources.


Middleware for the API. Handles checking JWT tokens, user roles, error handling etc.


Repositories for manipulating and querying stored resources. Custom implementations can be written for different datastores, see MongoResourceRepository as an example. Repositories must implement IResourceRepository.


Routers for API. For resources the route should be outlined in RouterSchema, which will auto generate endpoints for CRUD for that resource. Custom routers can be added but must implement IResourceRouter if they are a resource, see MediaRouter as an example, and all should extend BaseRouter.


Used to model resources for Mongo. Should all implement IBaseMongoResource. For different data structures a new data source dependant data structure should be written, and repositories/RepositoryFactory.ts should be extended to use the new interface.