digitalutsc / ajax_solr_search

Drupal 8/9 module provide Federated Search with a shared Solr core. It also integrates Ajax Solr library to Drupal.
Apache License 2.0
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Ajax Solr for Drupal


Drupal 8/9 module provides a user interface for the Federated Search for multiple Drupal sites which index their content into a single shared Solr Core.

Based project:

Federated Search

At Digital Scholarship Unit - UTSC Library, we have developed this module to support search and retrieval using a core that is shared by multiple individual Drupal sites. This allows us to have a federated search across Drupal sites where an end user can conduct a search and see relevant results from multiple sites. Federated Search


Field Machine Name Type In Solr
Thumbnail thumbnail String ss_thumbnail
Title title Fulltext tm_title
Description description Fulltext tm_description
URI (search_api_url) url String sm_url
Other optional fields to add... ... ... ...

Installation and configuration

Config Screenshot!

Year Range and Sort Criteria Configuration

Additional Config Screenshot!


Please note:

This module won't work if its Drupal site and Solr Endpoint don't have the same Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). It means that both of Drupal site and Solr endpoint must be either in https:// or http://.
