dimmerz92 / htemplx

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A UI component library built using Go and Templ with HTMX extensibility


I started this repo so that I could have some reusable UI components for Go and Templ. I am a bit over the JavaScript framework hell, and if I can use as little JavaScript as possible, then I am happier for it.

To achieve this, I typically make use of Go, Templ, and HTMX (A JavaScript library, I know right, what a hypocrite!). Rather than sending a template down to the client to then be hydrated by some flavour of JavaScript framework, I make use of HTMX to perform AJAX requests.

This library is essentially my redpilling into HTMX and Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State HATEOAS. More or less, your HTML IS the state of your backend. No need for complex convoluted framework wizardry to try and keep them in sync.

Not everyone wants or needs to use JSON, so this one is for you.



More detail to be added here when components are added.


Want something added?

This is mostly just a library that I have created for myself, but if it becomes something people want to use, I would love the extra help and collaborative efforts!