Fold&Dock - a rapid modeling tool for antibody-antigen and nanobody-antigen complexes.
for citations, please cite our paper: End to end accurate and high throughput modeling of antibody antigen complexes
1. Open the Colab notebook (Fold_Dock.ipynb, link above).
2. Input antibody sequence
- Select antibody input type (a fasta file or an antibody sequence).
Separate the light and heavy chains with ':' in your input sequence.
To model multiple antibody sequences for a given antigen in a single run upload a fasta file with multiple antibody sequences.
- Run this cell to upload your fasta file (if chosen this option).
3. Input antigen structure
- If you want to preform docking to a given antigen structure in addition to antibody folding, select the option 'do_docking'.
- If you want to preform docking only for specific chains of the PDB file, specify them in the format 'ABC' for chains A,B,C.
- Run this cell to upload your antigen pdb file (if chosen the option 'do_docking')
4. Advanced settings
- Select the number of best scoring complexes to create PDB files for (with an antigen this value can be between 0-len(antigen),
without an antigen this value can be either 0 or 1)
- You have the option to relax the structures and reconstruct the side chains using MODELLER.
To do so you need a licese key which can be obtained from here:
- You have the option to visualize the best scoring model and select the verbose of the program.
5. Saving options
- You can select the output directory and whether or not you want to save the results to your drive.
6. Run the other cells without changes.
1. Clone the git repository : git clone ""
2. Make sure you have the following libraries installed in your environment:
- timeit
- logging
- argparse
- pandas
- subprocess
- scipy
- numpy
- abnumber
- tensorflow (2.4.0 or higher)
- Bio (1.8.0 or higher)
- modeller (optional, only if you want to reconstruct the side chains using modeller, requires license -
3. Run the following command (with python 3):
python <antibody fasta file path>
-a <antigen_pdb>: pdb file with the antigen structure for docking.
-c <antigen_chains>: which antigen chains to consider for docking, for example ABC, (default: All chains in the given antigen_pdb file)
-o <output directory> : path to a directory to put the generated models in, default is './Results'
-m : run side chains reconstruction using modeller on the structures, default is False.
-t <top_n>: number of models to generate for each antibody sequence (0-len(antigen)), default is 5.
-v <verbose>: whether or not to print the program progress, default is 1 (print). for a quiet run use -v 0.
without modeller | with modeller | |
CPU | 3-5 | 8-10 |
GPU | 1-2 | 3-7 |
without modeller | with modeller | |
CPU | 3 | 12 |
GPU | 0.33-0.5 | 7 |