dina-web-nrm / collections-data-model-docker

Integration project for Complex Collection Objects data model proof of concept. (using liquibase and provides support for several database backends)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Dockerized Complex Collections Object data model

You must have docker version 1.8 or higher ( check your version by running 'docker-compose -version' )

This project provides a docker-compose application which builds and installs the DINA-Web Collections data model from https://github.com/chicoreus/cco_poc/tree/master/src/main/resources/edu/harvard/huh/specify/datamodel/cco_full/db

It uses the mysql or mariadb database engine containers and a cco container to create the database schema.


# to build and start services:

# to connect to the database:
make connect

# to list tables
make show-tables

# to stop, remove and clean up services/resources:
make clean

# to make a backup of the datadir (shuts down the db engine, 
# makes the backup, then starts it):
make backup-datadir

# to make a backup into sql format (with running system, 
# using a single transaction):
make backup-sqldump

Loading data and backups

To populate the schema with data, the Makefile provides two targets:

make backup-sqldump  # backs up with timestamp using mysqldump
make restore-sqldump  # restores using latest sql dump

This means you can populate the database using your preferred method of loading data.

You can run or schedule the make backup-sqldump command at any time to dump the schema with data in it.

You can restore that data from any dump into a fresh instance of the database using make restore-sqldump, it will use the latest dump, see the Makefile for details.

NB: switching database engine

To switch from mariadb to mysql, edit the docker-compose.yml file and uncomment the commented line that references the other image. After running the 'make connect' you can validate the database by running commands i.e; 'show tables', 'desc taxon'


You can run make show-tables to list the tables, or use make connect and issue any valid command there:

| Tables_in_cco                 |
| accession                     |
| accessionagent                |
| address                       |
| addressofrecord               |
| agent                         |
| agentgeography                |
| agentlink                     |
| agentname                     |
| agentnumberpattern            |
| agentreference                |
| agentrelation                 |
| agentspeciality               |
| agentteam                     |
| attachment                    |
| attachmentencumberance        |
| attachmentrelation            |
| auditlog                      |
| biologicalattribute           |
| borrow                        |
| catalogeditem                 |
| catalognumberseries           |
| catitemencumberance           |
| codetableint                  |
| collectingevent               |
| collection                    |
| collector                     |
| coordinate                    |
| ctageclass                    |
| ctbiologicalattributetype     |
| ctcoordinatetype              |
| ctelectronicaddresstype       |
| ctencumberancetype            |
| ctlengthunit                  |
| ctmassunit                    |
| ctnumericattributetype        |
| ctpicklistitem                |
| ctransaction                  |
| ctrelationshiptype            |
| cttextattributetype           |
| deaccession                   |
| electronicaddress             |
| encumberance                  |
| eventdate                     |
| geography                     |
| geographytreedef              |
| geographytreedefitem          |
| geologictimeperiod            |
| geologictimeperiodtreedef     |
| geologictimeperiodtreedefitem |
| georeference                  |
| gift                          |
| identifiableitem              |
| identification                |
| inference                     |
| loan                          |
| locality                      |
| localityencumberance          |
| materialsample                |
| numericattribute              |
| othernumber                   |
| paleocontext                  |
| picklist                      |
| picklistitemint               |
| preparation                   |
| principal                     |
| repositoryagreement           |
| scope                         |
| storage                       |
| storagetreedef                |
| storagetreedefitem            |
| systemuser                    |
| systemuserprincipal           |
| taxon                         |
| taxonencumberance             |
| taxontreedef                  |
| taxontreedefitem              |
| textattribute                 |
| transactionagent              |
| transactionitem               |
| unit                          |

Table descriptions

Tables are described in https://github.com/chicoreus/cco_poc in https://github.com/chicoreus/cco_poc/blob/master/src/main/resources/edu/harvard/huh/specify/datamodel/cco_full/db/tables.sql