dina-web-nrm / media-docker

Dockerized mediaserver
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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AGPLv3 License

A dockerized media server module
Tested with proxy-docker ( nginx reverse proxy : https://github.com/DINA-Web/proxy-docker -configured to handle 'large' files )
The media-docker is running on 'wildfly:8.2.1.Final'
configuration to handle 'large' files :
'/subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/http-listener=default/:write-attribute(name=max-post-size,value=1048576000)' , see the file wildfly-custom/customization/commands.cli

Before starting

the default URL for your mediaserver

  1. The mediaserver is set up with URL = 'api.nrm.se'
  2. that is configured in the 'docker-compose.yml'
  3. that is configured in the nginx-conf/mediaserver.conf
  4. that is configured in the 'mysql-autoload/update-admin_config.sql' (update this file before db-creation)
  5. that is set for the testing of the server, see /self-test/Makefile

be sure to update the /etc/hosts-file with 'api.nrm.se'

Start up the mediaserver

$ make

Test the mediaserver:

before testing : check nr of records in your database : ./self-test/db_count.sh

testing post an image to the mediaserver server

  1. cd self-test
  2. $ make ( posts an image with SIZE=1000 and displays the image in firefox )
  3. default-values are : HOST=api.nrm.se, SIZE = 1000
  4. increase the size of the image : $ make SIZE=5000

did firefox display the image of the dragon?

After testing : check nr of records in your database : ./self-test/db_count.sh

The response from above posting contains the key 'mediaURL' which contains the URL to the posted image, see below

Using the Makefile

make starts the services from scratch ( target 'init' fetches the artifacts)

make clean stops and removes services and data


  1. './srv/log/', contains wildfly's 'server.log(s)'
  2. './srv/media/', mediafiles are stored here

For other available actions, please see the Makefile

Using the API

Assuming that the hostname api.nrm.se :

GET against http://api.nrm.se/MediaServerResteasy/media/v1/`uuid`?format=image/jpeg will return an image

Documentation can be found at: https://github.com/DINA-Web/mediaserver-module

Full API docs (in-progress) can be found at: http://docs.media8.apiary.io