dina-web-nrm / seqdb-docker

Dockerized seqdb
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
0 stars 1 forks source link


install latest docker and docker-compose from https://www.docker.com


Going from a vagrant-packaging ( dev - https://bitbucket.org/aafc-mbb/seqdb-vagrant ) to docker-packaging.

Every new release comes from aafc as a ZIP file containing:

  1. war-file (store in the 'tomcat'-directory)
  2. sql-dump (store in the 'mysql_autoload'-directory)
  3. context.xml (store in the 'tomcat'-directory)

the context.xml has information about the database

  1. JNDI-name = jdbc/SeqDBWeb
  2. username and password
  3. url="jdbc:mysql://db/seqdbweb?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8"

where 'db' is the container-name ( set in the docker-compose.yml)

run with the proxy-docker

store the nrm.se.crt- and nrm.se.key-files in the 'certs'-directory

image is stored at hub.docker.com

  1. Check that your version of the image is the same in the docker-compose.yml and in the Makefile
  2. latest image is stored in https://hub.docker.com/r/dina/seqdb/tags/
  3. the image is populated with seqdb version 3.8 (seqdb.web-3.8.war)

Run the target 'make'

login with Admin/Admin

Environment for tomcat


Oracle-Java , version 8

Apache Tomcat

version 7.0.69

Environment for database


MySQL, version 5.6

for the developer.

if pushing to hub.docker.com

  1. Makefile : set a tag via DOCKERHUB_VER='tag' ( i.e DOCKERHUB_VER=v0.8 )
  2. run 'make build'
  3. try the image 'make up'
  4. push the image : 'make release'

how to log in to the docker container

  1. docker exec -it seqdbdocker_tomcat_1 bash
  2. docker exec -it seqdbdocker_db_1 mysql -u brf -p

Wherer seqdbdocker_tomcat_1 and seqdbdocker_db_1 are the names of the container